The suit penguin is dead.

It died a desperate death.

Until he died, he was still in the boundless fantasy realm, how could he not understand, how could he fall flat on the ground?

Unfortunately, this answer, in the end, no one will give it the answer.

At this moment, the entire auction fell into a different kind of carnival.

Both the guests and the auction staff are constantly attacking the players around them in a morbid way.

And a ghost-like figure quietly passed by these alien players, picking up their "left" equipment props from time to time.

As for why the things originally stored in the space bag were randomly thrown to the ground by these alien players, only they know.

Anyway, Yang Ming picked up money very coolly!

Even, because he picked up too many things, Yang Ming had to "borrow" their entire wealth from the good brothers of the foreign race, in order to constantly open up the space wrapped lattice.

As the saying goes, the friendship of a gentleman is as light as water.

Presumably, these good brothers of foreign races are gentlemen, and they will not make a big fuss about this little money "lent".

Just as Yang Ming was pocketing the last piece of the auction's collection, the turtle old man who had had a relationship with him before walked out from the backstage of the auction, with a large number of staff behind him.

Seeing that the entire auction fell into an unprecedented turmoil, the ground was full of corpses, blood stained a large area of the floor, and many guests permanently left the VIP experience in this place that they will never forget, the turtle old man's temple suddenly burst, only to feel that his blood pressure soared instantly, and he said angrily:

"You guys, all stop me!"


The employees who fell into the boundless illusion realm, instead of stopping because of this, under Yang Ming's five senses, mistakenly thought that the turtle old man was an enemy, and killed him one after another.

"Find death!"

The turtle old man was so angry that his beard was forked, and he knocked the iron cane heavily on the floor in his hand.

"Ground thorn!"

The floor suddenly cracked, and long thorns grew out like mushrooms, each spike was as thick as an adult's waistline, and the spikes on the head shimmered with a metallic color, and at a glance, it was extremely sharp, plus hundreds of ground thorns grew out at the same time, covering a diameter of twenty meters.

In just a breath of time, these ground thorns tilted at an angle of 60° and brutally penetrated the chests of the invaders, through their backs, and suspended their entire bodies in mid-air.

The turtle old man's move seems to be intended to kill the chickens and monkeys, hoping that the alien players who have fallen into chaos will stop.

Unfortunately, things were completely unexpected to him!

The players who fell into the illusion, whether it was the auction staff or the guests present, stopped their movements one by one at this time, their heads were tilted, and even some heads turned 180 °, and those eyes revealed a strange gaze that made the turtle old man feel inexplicably daring.

Immediately after, an unprecedented offensive!

In the fantasy world manipulated by Yang Ming, these poor insects who fell into the illusion all regarded the turtle old man and the employees brought behind him as the masterminds behind all this, and with an extremely resentful expression on their faces, they attacked them hysterically.

Under the rules of the auction house, the guests cannot cause harm to it, so the original plan of the turtle old man was to first shoot the troublesome employees, then tie up these guests, and then find a superior person to help solve the problem.

Unfortunately, without waiting for him to give orders, the employees behind him actually took the lead in making a move on the guests!


A large fireball with a large basin burst out, carrying a billowing heat wave, and crashed into the area with the highest number of guests.

"What are you doing?"

The turtle old man Huo Di looked back, but was shocked to find that the employee who had just sent out a large fireball actually gave him a big fireball without saying a word.

Not only this employee, but also the well-behaved employees just now, it is the general practice.

"Crazy! They're all crazy! At

this moment, the turtle old man felt that his whole person was going numb.

The turtle old man always felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that these employees have been serving auction 007 that he presided over for decades, and they are guaranteed both loyalty and ability, and they cannot suddenly engage in such irrational behavior.

Besides, aren't they afraid of the boss's blame and retaliation?

The turtle old man made a sharp counterattack while dodging the oncoming attack.

The turtle old man is also an alien player, and his strength is also extremely powerful, a demon art released casually, the ordinary wind blade, in his hands, has evolved into hundreds of fierce wind blades, the sharp blade tears the air, easily able to tear the enemy to pieces.

What makes the turtle old man feel strange is that these players who have fallen into madness are unusually weak.

No, it can't be said to be completely weak.

It just gives the turtle old man a feeling that these alien players are not wearing equipment or using props, and they are basically dressed as amateurs.

Although killing enemies is like cutting grass, the powerful perception ability, as the enemy gradually falls, still makes the turtle old man feel some kind of unreasonable place.

Yang Ming sat in the audience under the stage, holding Erlang's legs and holding a bag of peanuts in his hand.

Looking at the sometimes struggling and confused look on the turtle old man's face, Yang Ming sighed in his heart:

"Sure enough, when the number of people caught in the illusion realm decreases, the confusing power of the mirror flower water moon is also greatly reduced."

"Moreover, this turtle old man is exceptionally strong, and he has also begun to keenly sense that something is wrong."

"Fortunately, I still have a solution!"

Yang Ming raised the slashing knife upwards and whispered:

"Mirror flowers and water moon, feng shui is bound!"

For a moment, the entire auction came to a second-long pause.

And then, something amazing happened!

Just now, there was a terrible scene, as if pressing the rewind button, everything was gradually restored.

The blood stains on the ground all disappeared, and the alien players who had died were actually alive, talking and laughing with their cronies, and seemed to be talking about how amazing the goods sold at the auction just now were.

The dead suit penguin reappeared on the stage, mallet in hand, and introduced the next auction merchandise.

Only the turtle old man sat on the edge of the stage, looking at all this with a blank face.


"Why am I sitting here?"

"Shouldn't I be busy reporting to my boss?"

"Alas, it seems that I am really getting older and more confused, and I am suffering from Alzheimer's disease!"

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