Seeing his wife nod, he gently closed his eyes.

Neither Lin Yuyu nor Bai Ye mentioned Sanbao and Jiang Mingbo again.

They didn't even mention the two children in the family.

Time passed in the years.

In December, Liu Meijia had just given birth to her and Ding Qiang's youngest son Ding Ruchen.

Lin Yuyu brought home a bicycle and a watch for Sanbao.

The watch was a paper ball drawn by Sanbao herself, and the bicycle was a paper ball given to her by her younger brother.

This time, she was the first one among their siblings to have both a bicycle and a watch.

The children's watches and bicycles were left at home and not taken to school.

Nowadays, when people with good conditions get married, the betrothal gifts are usually thirty-six legs and 177 yuan.

It can be seen how rare the four big items are at this time.

The winter vacation is about to start, and now is the time to prepare for the final exams.

The children in the family were required by their parents to take the top few exams in the last year.

Although they didn't know why there was such a requirement, fortunately they all started to study very hard.

Sanbao didn't have classes this afternoon, and she was sitting alone at the table in the dormitory reviewing her homework.

At this time, the benefits of her and her mother studying the same major became apparent.

She could use the notes her mother had taken before, plus her own notes taken when she listened carefully to the teacher's lectures.

Her grades have always been among the top in the school.

As soon as Li Wenjie pushed the door in, she saw Sanbao sitting at the table studying.

She sat on her bed silently and looked at her out of the corner of her eye.

Bai Qingshu is beautiful and has temperament.

Gentle and spiritual, with fair skin, she is still young at only 18 years old.

Sanbao felt that Li Wenjie was secretly staring at her since she came in.

She frowned her beautiful little eyebrows impatiently and turned her head to meet Li Wenjie's gaze.

Li Wenjie was stunned by her gaze and smiled awkwardly.

She didn't say anything, so Sanbao just looked at her without saying anything.

Until Li Wenjie lay down on the bed and stopped looking at Sanbao.

Sanbao pouted his lips in boredom when he saw Li Wenjie like this.

Ever since he told her last time that Brother Mingbo was already engaged to someone else.

She always had problems from time to time.

At this time, Huaqing University

Dabao, Zhang Weian and Liu Yang were also sitting in the dormitory studying together.

At this moment, Zhang Weian turned his head and looked at Dabao who was studying hard beside him.

"Qingyi, it's written on the cafeteria blackboard that there are chicken legs tonight. Let's go to dinner early later."

"Okay, let's go earlier today."

Dabao didn't look up, and he didn't stop checking the calculations on the rough paper.

This semester, Dad suddenly asked them to keep their test scores among the top few.

If he doesn't work harder, he may not get the grades he wants.

In the evening, in the living room of the Bai family.

Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye were sitting on the sofa.

Looking at the 1964 recruitment quota for Beijing government agencies that Jiang Jiadong had just sent over on the coffee table.

Bai Ye raised his hand and gently rubbed his brows, letting himself lie back on the sofa.

In fact, it would be most convenient to ask Jiang Jiadong for the children's job assignments after graduation next year.

He is in charge of this matter in the Beijing Personnel Bureau, and he is also a section chief.

The work certificates that colleges and universities finally get, which are used by various units to report, are uniformly produced by their section.

The Personnel Bureau will have backups of the files of these university graduates in Beijing.

In principle, when they graduate and are assigned, it is Jiang Jiadong's section that assigns these college students to units.

For example, for medical students, as long as there is no outrageous thing like assigning medical students to the railway bureau as accountants.

It is up to their personnel bureau to decide which hospital to assign this medical student to.

After their section assigns, if there are no special circumstances, the leaders of the personnel bureau will not change the list.

He and Li Ze don't have to find so many connections.

Let the receiving unit go to the Personnel Bureau to ask for people.

The children can just follow the Personnel Bureau's work flow to assign units as long as it's not outrageous.

Lin Yuyu reached out and picked up the quota list on the coffee table, sighing softly.

"It's true that the county magistrate is not as good as the county manager."

Bai Ye looked up at his wife.

"Let's still follow the original plan."

"These favors."

"I'll make it up to everyone when I have the chance."

At this time, in the living room of the Jiang family.

Jiang Jiadong looked at his mother sitting on the sofa.

"Can the Bai couple really agree to Mingbo marrying their little girl?"

Aunt Jiang reached out to turn off the radio and looked at her son.

"What did Bai Ye say when he saw you send the recruitment quota over?"

"He didn't say anything, he was quite polite."

Aunt Jiang sighed slightly, "We both know that Bai Ye is unlikely to want to owe you a favor. "

"But you send the details of the number of positions to be recruited by various government agencies."

"At least let the couple know that we are willing to help."

Jiang Jiadong sat on the sofa for a long time before speaking, "Mingbo's marriage is really not easy."

"You said Mingbo, if he didn't have to marry the little girl from the Bai family."

"It wouldn't be so difficult to marry any girl."

Aunt Jiang frowned when she heard this.

"The little girl from the Bai family is likable, so it's normal for Mingbo to like her."

"When Mingbo got married, no matter what the in-laws asked for, they wanted my grandson to live a happy life."

"I agreed to the Bai family."

"Haha... OK."

"I'll listen to you and agree to everything."

Jiang Jiadong smiled and nodded.

"Bai Ye wouldn't ask for too much either, he thinks it's embarrassing. ”

Life goes on leisurely like this.

Yesterday was the last day of Dabao and Sanbao’s final exams.

All three children can go home today.

It happens to be Sunday.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye don’t have to go to work, so they go to Dongdan Vegetable Market early to line up to buy meat.

When they have enough time, they have to work hard.

You can’t always go to buy meat in the afternoon and buy good pork belly every time.

It’s not good to do this for a long time.

In the morning, Xiehe Medical College.

After Erbao finished his last exam, he went back to the dormitory to pack up and go home.

As soon as he walked to the school gate, he saw Teacher Zhang, who taught him professional courses, walking towards him.

At first, he didn’t take it seriously.

He thought the teacher was passing by, so he walked over to say hello and was about to say goodbye and leave.

“Qingxiang, wait a while before you leave.”

“I have something to tell you. "

When Erbao heard this, he turned around and followed the teacher to his office.

He was just wondering what he wanted to talk to him about.

Then he saw the teacher take out a file bag from the drawer.

"This is the certificate for your job assignment after graduation next year."

"You also know that although I teach you, I also go to the hospital to see patients and perform surgeries."

"I thought you would stay in our hospital after graduation."

"Be my assistant first, and when you can perform surgery independently, I can also enjoy a good life."

"Director Li of the Department of Cardiology, the students he has brought up can already be independent."

"Director Li is living a good life now."

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