Li Huiying, who was sitting behind Lin Manyu, saw this scene and looked at Wan Ling with her peripheral vision.

Seeing her frustrated face, she couldn't help but lower her head to hide the smile in her eyes.

Wan Ling knew clearly that Lin Manyu never bought into her leadership style.

But she was always eager to try.

At noon, in the cafeteria.

Lin Manyu, Li Huiying and Zhang Liyan were sitting together for lunch as usual.

Then she saw Wan Ling holding an aluminum lunch box and sitting down at their table.

She smiled at Wan Ling and didn't say much, lowering her head to continue eating her meal.

Today, the roasted eggplant made by the cafeteria chef tasted very good.

The other three people at the table were chatting enthusiastically.

Occasionally, when she asked Lin Manyu, she would say a few words seriously.

"Manyu, where are your children assigned to work?"

In our bureau, only your and Li Ze's children are working this year.

Hearing this, Lin Yuyu's heart turned. Wan Ling's daughter won't work this year?

When she looked up again, there was no wave in her eyes.

Lin Yuyu smiled and looked at Wan Ling.

"Our children obey the assignment."

"The organization let the eldest son join the army."

"The second son was assigned to Xiehe Hospital and stayed in their hospital to work."

"I don't know where the third son will be assigned."

"In a few days, it will be the day for their graduates to get the assignment certificate."

This is the first time that Lin Yuyu talked about the whereabouts of Dabao and Erbao after graduation in the unit.

The three people present were silent for a while.

Every afternoon is the most leisurely time for their finance department.

Lin Yuyu woke up from a nap, stretched and looked at the watch on her wrist. There were still 30 minutes before the end of get off work.

She picked up the enamel pot on the desk and got up to pour herself a cup of hot water.

These days are indeed a bit too leisurely.

The temperature is suitable in the summer evening.

After get off work, Lin Yu rode her bicycle and walked home slowly.

Her little daughter was at home, so she was not in a hurry to go back to cook dinner.

At this time, the streets of the old Beijing city were classically elegant and simple.

She rode her bicycle while looking at the scenery on the roadside.

It was time to get off work. Every time she passed by the door of a unit.

You can see people coming out of the unit in groups of three or two.

During this period, when someone in a working family is sick.

If the family does not have enough money to pay for treatment.

You can take the expense certificate issued by the hospital.

Go directly to the unit's financial department to collect the treatment fee to treat your family.

At that time, the unit will deduct the expenses spent in the hospital from the salary of the recipient little by little.

Moreover, each unit will not deduct too much money from the salary at once.

Instead, it will leave enough for the basic living expenses of the recipient.

Then the undeducted medical expenses will be deducted from his remaining salary.

Some people have low wages, and it may take a year or two to deduct them, and the company is not in a hurry.

This is one of the reasons why country people are scrambling to go to the city.

Lin Yuyu just pushed open the moon door of her house.

She saw her little girl who was sitting under the pergola drinking sour plum soup.

She stood up and ran towards her with a smile.

She quickly parked her bicycle and caught her little girl who had run to her.

Her third child has not rushed into her arms like he did when he was a child for many years.

Lin Yuyu raised her hand and touched the furry top of her little girl's head in her arms.

"Why are you so happy today?"

"Mom, there is no reason. I am just happy to see you."

Lin Yuyu smiled and nodded, took her little girl's hand, and the mother and daughter walked into the living room together.


In the alley, Bai Ye was riding his bicycle towards home when he heard his second son calling him from behind.

He propped his long legs on the ground, letting the bicycle stop steadily, waiting for his second son to ride beside him.

Lin Yuyu looked at the father and son who entered the house together, and greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Today is the right time for you to get home together?"

"Yes, I met Dad at the entrance of the alley."

Lin Yuyu met his second son's smiling eyes, and there was warmth in his eyes.

After dinner, Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye sat on the sofa in the living room with their two children as usual, listening to the radio.

Bai Ye looked at his second son, who had already picked up the third cup of Biluochun tonight.

He reached out and poured the jasmine tea in the magic lamp pot to him.

Erbao looked at the jasmine tea that his father had poured for him.

The slightly cold look on his face warmed up in an instant.


Knock, knock, knock...

Erbao hadn't finished talking when he heard the sound of knocking on his moon door.

He smiled and stood up and walked out the door.

At this moment, Erbao looked at theOutside the house.

The neighbor he had not seen many times had a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Wang Xianggui did not hear Erbao talking, and suppressed her dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Is your mother at home?"

As she spoke, she wanted to squeeze past Erbao into the Bai family's yard.

Erbao quickly closed a moon door and stood at another door.

Dad and Mom never bring friends and classmates home.

The three siblings are the same as their parents.

Except for the eldest uncle's family, there will be visitors.

Only Leilei and Uncle Qiang's families occasionally come in and out.

Wang Xianggui saw that she could not squeeze into the yard, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps to stabilize her body.

She looked up at Erbao's pursed mouth and was slightly stunned.

The second son of the Bai family, usually when you look at him from a distance, he will not be cold from time to time like his father.

Now looking at his expression when he purses his mouth, he is exactly the same as his father.

In the living room, Bai Ye waited for his second son to come back, and turned to meet his wife's eyes.

When Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye brought Sanbao to the moon gate, they saw their second son standing there without saying a word.

The people standing outside the door were talking excitedly.

Erbao saw his parents coming out, and hurriedly stepped back to let his mother see Wang Xianggui.

Wang Xianggui was talking so hard that her mouth was dry.

"Bai family boy, let me go into the yard to drink some water."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lin Yuyu standing at the door.

Wang Xianggui's eyes lit up, "Bai family wife, I'm here to propose marriage to your eldest son."

As she spoke, she was about to squeeze into the yard again.


Wang Xianggui looked at the moon gate that was closed in front of her in disbelief.

Then, the sound of the door being locked came from inside the door.

"Sister-in-law Li, thank you for your trouble."

"Our Dabao is not looking for a marriage right now."

"You don't need to tell me again that you want to find a marriage for the child."

"You should go home and rest now."

Inside the moon gate, Sanbao was covering her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud. She looked at her mother with a bright light in her eyes.

No one cared when Wang Xianggui would go home.

Bai Ye tilted his head to look at his second son, "Why did you drink so much tea tonight?"

Erbao met his father's eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

"I didn't notice it just now. I forgot that it's not good to drink too much tea at night."

After Wang Xianggui's tossing, it was almost half past eight.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye saw that the two children had finished washing and went back to their rooms to sleep.

The two of them went into the bathroom to wash.

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