Zhang Baoqiang was silent for a while before speaking in a low voice.

"Then let's find a job for our eldest son."

"Sister, you won't say these things for no reason."

The next morning, Lin Manyu got up early to make breakfast.

Since the second daughter-in-law was pregnant, she no longer had to do housework at home.

Now the outside world is in chaos, and everyone is in a panic.

After breakfast, Lin Manyu rode her broken bicycle to the unit as usual.

Most people on the street hurried by with their heads down.

Their faces no longer had the ease and joy of previous years.

Each one was cautious, fearing that they would be the next to be criticized.

Because Lin Manyu was wearing a police uniform, everyone always wanted to look at her when they passed by her as before.

But in these people's eyes, there was no longer only envy but also panic.

When she rode her bicycle to the unit, her mood was getting heavier and heavier.

The office was quiet, no one started chatting like in the past.

Lin Yu sighed softly and didn't say anything, sitting at her desk.

She raised her lips in self-mockery, everyone is not used to it yet.

We will get used to it in the future.

The whole day passed quickly and peacefully.

Except for the communication at work, no one in the department said a word.

They were afraid that if they said something wrong, someone would catch it and post a big-character poster.

The atmosphere in the bureau was dead for a while.

As soon as it was time to get off work, Lin Yu got up and walked home like everyone else.

At this time, most of the people on the street were people getting off work from government agencies.

No matter what she thought in her heart, her face was calm.

Lin Yu tried to ignore the occasional shouting and scolding when she passed by some places.

She walked home with one mind.

During this period, the evil in people's hearts was released infinitely.

When Lin Hanyu arrived home, there were still few people in the courtyard.

Every household had their doors closed.

In the past, the aunties liked to sit at their doorsteps and chat.

Now they all stay at home.

Bai Ye, today was rare for not rushing to finish drawings at work.

He and Lin Hanyu arrived home at the same time.

At the dinner table, Bai Ye glanced at his wife who was eating with her head down.

Then he turned his gaze to the children and spoke softly.

"Erbao, Sanbao and Leilei, you should be careful about what you say outside in the future."

"Especially Erbao, there are all kinds of people in the hospital."

"You should talk less at work and don't do things you shouldn't do."

"It will ruin your future."

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, I know what's going on."

"In our hospital, most of the patients are injured soldiers."

"In the hospital, the doctors with overseas backgrounds are not as good as before."

"But their medical skills are really good."

"The soldiers can't be delayed, and those people outside don't dare to come to the hospital to make trouble yet."

"I will also be careful."

"Protect yourself."

Erbao smiled when he heard his father's words.

He didn't stop picking up food for his wife.

Although Erbao looked relaxed, Bai Ye still caught the worry in his second son's eyes when he turned his head.

His heart sank.

Bai Ye lowered his head and lowered his eyes, hiding the emotions in his pupils.

Fortunately, there are people in the courtyard who are about the same age as the three treasures.

Their academic performance is not very good, and they all go to work, get married and have children early.

Their children have not grown up yet.

If there are other children in the courtyard, they are in junior high school or high school.

They bring the energy of criticism into the courtyard.

Then he should have lost his life by now.

He doesn't care about how the details of this change will develop in the future.

This is not something he can control.

He only knows that if someone dares to bring these troubles to his family.

He doesn't mind letting the whole family of those people reunite down there.

His own Hanman is so beautiful, and that seaweed-like hair always makes him love it.

He can never shave his yin-yang head with pieces on the left and right.

Recently, he has seen the occasional worry in Hanman's eyes.

I really want to tell her, "Don't be afraid."

"No one can do anything to their little home, even if someone is really blind enough to provoke them."

"He will also slaughter everyone to prevent the situation from developing further."

"Kill one if there is one, and kill a pair if there is a pair."

"There is no simpler way than this, and I am too lazy to deal with those people."

"If all the participants die without anyone noticing."

"Then what can they do to their own home?"

SelfAlthough he can’t have countless servants around him like he did when he was a child in the old house.

But he has space as a cover, which is more useful than having many people around him.

But he can’t say these words, he doesn’t want to say these to Han Han.

He hopes that in Han Han’s heart, he will always be the boy who can only shine.

Han Han always said that when her grandfather taught her eldest brother-in-law when she was a child, she played by herself.

The Lin family, those things with bloody blades and bloody rain.

The elders in the family never hide things from the children.

Then how can they hide the things of the Bai family from me?

I am not like Han Han, playing alone by the side.

He is truly being taught as an heir.

Lin Hanyu saw Bai Ye eating by himself and stopped talking.

She didn’t say anything to the children anymore, her children were very smart.

They would not provoke trouble even though they knew there would be trouble.

The eldest son is doing research in the institute, so she doesn't have to worry about him.

At this moment, the Jiang family has already had dinner.

Lin Ai is washing dishes in the kitchen.

As she washes, she can't help but think of the changes that have happened during this period.

This change originated from the school.

Some teachers in the school were the main people criticized along with famous landlords and big capitalists.

Fortunately, she is just an elementary school teacher.

The elementary school students are too young, and no one develops them to form a combat team.

But even so, she has stopped going to school and rarely goes out because of the suspension of classes.

I'm afraid that one day, the students I taught before will remember her.

Then they will come to my house and shave her head.

Time passed in hardship.

Slowly, everyone began to get used to the atmosphere around them.

They began to live step by step as before.

In the evening of this day, Sanbao rode his bicycle home after get off work as usual.

As soon as she entered the back yard of the main courtyard, she saw Jiang Mingbo sitting at the door of his house.

He looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

Sanbao's calm eyes, the moment she saw Jiang Mingbo.

She could no longer hide her longing.

She looked at the man who was walking towards her step by step.

Her eyes were shining.

Jiang Mingbo walked in front of Sanbao and stood still.

He lowered his head slightly, looked at her delicate eyebrows and smiled and said.

"Qingshu, I will come back to marry you."

After saying this, he finally couldn't help but raise his hand to touch the girl's soft hair.

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