"Mingbo, the property your grandfather got when the family was divided and my dowry were all sold when we fled during the war."

"Most of the money we sold was donated to the country by the two of us to fight the war."

"Now there are only these twenty boxes of gold bricks left."

"These twenty red sandalwood boxes are 1 meter long, wide and high."

"Come and take a look. These gold bricks are filled in the boxes one by one."

"There is no gap."

Aunt Jiang, holding her eldest grandson and grandson's wife by the hand.

Looking up at her eldest grandson's eyes, she spoke softly with a light flashing in her eyes.

"You and Mingyu will each get ten boxes of these twenty boxes of gold bricks."

"Your brother is still young, and the situation outside is like this now."

"Grandma doesn't know if she can live to hand these things over to your brother in person."

"Mingbo, you help him keep his ten boxes of gold bricks first."

Aunt Jiang saw her eldest grandson nod.

She then let go of her grandson's hand and took out a letter from her pocket.

She put it in his palm.

"Mingbo, when you can give the gold bricks to Mingyu."

"Give him this letter as well."

"Your father, like you, has always known that our family has left a sum of money for our descendants."

"He never asked how much money was left."

"Logically, the family property left by the ancestors should be handed over to your father."

"But I really don't trust your mother."

"Mingbo, it was your father's tacit consent to hand over these properties directly to you."

"From now on, your father will not mention this matter again, and you don't have to ask him."

At this point, Aunt Jiang turned her head and looked at Sanbao.

There was hope in her eyes.

"Qingshu, go home and help grandma ask your parents."

"Can you help the Jiang family hide this wealth first?"

"The Jiang family is willing to take out a box of gold bricks as a thank you gift."

Sanbao looked at her in a daze when she heard her grandmother's words.

In her mind, she was thinking quickly about how to help her parents push this hot potato.

"Grandma, where is the place to put so many boxes in our house?"

"My brother Mingbo and I will come here often in the future."

"If this place can no longer hide these boxes."

"The two of us will find another place."

"Good boy, go back and ask your mother what she says."

After saying this, Aunt Jiang ignored her grandson and granddaughter-in-law and walked back first.

Sanbao looked up at Jiang Mingbo, who was holding her hand and following her grandmother out.

She met his smiling eyes again, and this time she couldn't help but kick him hard.

Jiang Mingbo chuckled silently.

They returned to the hotel through the window as they did when they came out.

It was not until Sanbao lay on the bed again that she realized that she was excited.

Jiang Mingbo turned over and pressed down with a doting look on his face. He had pinched his arm for the third time.

Then he asked his wife with expectation whether it hurt.

He leaned down and kissed her chattering mouth deeply.

When Jiang Mingbo got off the train, he bought the earliest ticket back according to his grandmother's idea.

Their train was leaving at 5:30 in the morning.

Sanbao, because he almost didn't sleep all night last night.

At this moment, she was still a little sleepy standing next to the breakfast shop.

She turned around and found her grandmother who was as sleepy as her.

Sanbao moved a few steps to her side and let her lean on him.

When Jiang Mingbo came out after buying breakfast, he saw Qingshu and her grandmother snuggling together.

They all looked like they were still asleep.

He hurried forward and took them both onto the train.

Sanbao and her grandmother had a tacit understanding. They went to the bathroom to wash up after getting on the train.

Then, they both lay down on their beds and fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, it was pitch black around her.

She could vaguely hear the clanging sound of the train.

"Brother Mingbo..."

The darkness made her a little nervous, and her voice trembled.


Only after hearing the familiar low voice did Sanbao relax.

She raised her body and looked in the direction of the light from the lower bunk.

Sure enough, she saw Brother Mingbo sitting on the bed drinking water.

Sanbao stretched her little head towards the lower bunk and said softly.

"Grandma, are you still sleeping?"


"Grandma had eaten the buns when she woke up just now."

"Come down and have something to eat."

Jiang Mingbo pointed at the buns on the small table and motioned her to come down and eat.

Sanbao touched her hungry stomach, got up from the bed and sat next to Jiang Mingbo.

She took the bun he handed over and took a bite.

Her eyes lit up, and she leaned slightly to Jiang Mingbo's ear.While speaking in a low voice.

"Why is it hot?"

"These are the buns I just bought on the bus."

Jiang Mingbo listened to his wife's soft voice because she just woke up.

He couldn't help but raise his hand and gently rub her hair.

"It's already seven o'clock in the evening."

Sanbao blinked when she heard Jiang Mingbo's words.

She looked up and saw her grandmother sleeping on the lower bunk opposite.

The light of the flashlight was faintly reflected on her peaceful face.

What happened last night flashed through her mind.

She turned her head and looked at Jiang Mingbo with sparkling eyes.

Jiang Mingbo couldn't help but come forward.

He gently kissed her forehead.

"Qingshu... wake up..."

"Wait a minute, we have to get off the bus."

Sanbao heard Mingbo's voice calling her to get up in a daze.

She opened her eyes slightly and saw that her grandmother was sitting on the bed and looking at her lovingly.



Most trains at this time will be late, but fortunately their train was not too late.

They arrived in Beijing at 5:30.

As soon as Sanbao got out of the train station, she saw her father-in-law standing there waiting for them.

There were two bicycles beside him.

She couldn't help but think of what her grandmother said last night.

The image of her father-in-law suddenly became taller in her heart.

Sanbao and Jiang Mingbo watched the backs of grandma and father.

Jiang Mingbo didn't ride the bicycle left by his father until they were far away.

He took his wife to the state-owned restaurant for breakfast.

This train was not late for a long time, and they came back early.

His wife wanted to go to work.

After breakfast, he had to take his wife to work.

Jiang Mingbo took Sanbao to the door of their unit.

There were still twenty minutes before eight o'clock.

He watched his wife walk into the office before riding his bike home.

In the evening, Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye had just finished dinner.

They were sitting under the awning in the yard to enjoy the cool air.

Then they saw their little girl opening the moon door at home.

She walked towards them with a smile.

Sanbao sat next to her mother and reached out to pick up the handle pot on the bamboo round table.

She also poured herself a cup of jasmine tea and drank it.

She looked in the yard and saw that there were only her father and mother at the moment.

She put down the magnolia cup in her hand and went forward to hug her mother's arm.

"Mom, Lei Lei is not at home?"

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