Ten minutes later, Dabao saw that his wife was still sitting there wiping and wiping.

He couldn't help but look up and smile at her.

When Meng Xiaoou secretly looked at him again, she happened to see it in his eyes.

Dabao looked at her, sitting there with a blushing face.

He gently raised the corners of his lips, got up from the bed, picked her up and put her on the bed.

He leaned down and pressed gently.

The next morning, Meng Xiaoou slowly opened her eyes in Dabao's arms.

She reached out and turned off the alarm clock that was ringing on the bedside table.

With just a little effort, Meng Xiaoou instantly felt more sore and weak all over.

She turned her head in anger and bit Dabao's chin.


Dabao chuckled softly.

He lowered his head and gently kissed her hair.

"You sleep a little longer, I'll go downstairs to make breakfast."

When Lin Manyu and Bai Ye went downstairs to wash up, they saw that their eldest son and daughter-in-law had already prepared breakfast.

Lin Manyu swallowed the beans in his mouth and smiled at his eldest son.

The braised noodles with beans and the scrambled eggs with peppers on the table were all his crafts.

Meng Xiaoou noticed the smile on her mother-in-law's face and didn't understand why.

She tilted her head to look at Dabao, and then reached out to take the chicken heart bowl from Lin Manyu's hand.

"Mom, I'll help you serve the noodles."

Life is still the same as before, passing slowly.

Tomorrow is Friday, and it is also the day when Jiang Mingbo returns to the army.

Tonight, he pestered Sanbao and made a big fuss.

At this moment, looking at the little person lying on the bed, he couldn't help but lean over and press on him again.

Not long after Jiang Mingbo returned to the team, Dabao also received a notice from the institute.

Ask him to go back to the company to participate in the new work.

Because the second daughter-in-law was pregnant, the eldest daughter-in-law usually did the housework at home after marrying into the family.

Usually Lin Yuyu and her did it together.

It happened to be Sunday that day, and Erbao rushed home from the night shift.

While catching up on his sleep in the room, he heard a loud noise in the main courtyard of the quadrangle.

His eyes suddenly became clear.

When he got up and walked into the courtyard, he saw his father and mother standing under the corridor of the main house with a heavy face.

Lin Yuyu tilted his head and looked at the second daughter-in-law who came out behind the second son.

Then he turned his head and looked at the eldest daughter-in-law who had just come downstairs.

"Leilei and Xiaoou are resting at home. I will go with your father and Erbao to see what is going on in the main courtyard."

When the three of them arrived at the main courtyard, they realized that the noise was not in the main courtyard but in the fourth courtyard of the west wing.

Fu Guoqing, who lived in the main house, was labeled a capitalist-roader by Ding Rujia and his combat team.

Fu Guoqing was a secretary in a high school before his classes were suspended.

I didn't find anything in his house just now.

I found a few books, mostly math and physics books.

Bai Ye took a look and saw that Fu Guoqing was forced to kneel on the ground.

He lowered his head slightly to hide the cold light in his eyes.

Ding Rujia reached out and slapped Fu Guoqing's face hard, looking at him with a smile.

"You, a capitalist-roader, like to blow the wind of the bourgeoisie when you were in school."

"We, the proletariat, are not tolerant at all."

At this time, the man who was nearly fifty years old and had been teaching for a lifetime was full of fear.

Ding Rujia became more and more excited.

Lin Yu listened and heard that it was nothing more than Ding Rujia was not admitted to high school when he graduated from junior high school.

He has always been resentful about this matter in his heart.

He felt that if he could get some preferential treatment when he took the entrance exam for Fu Guoqing's school, he would definitely be able to go to high school.

But at that time, the policy was not as caring for the proletariat as it is now.

He was unwilling to accept this, and took the opportunity to retaliate against others to relieve his unhappiness.

Lin Hanyu's steps towards home were a little heavy, and she gently held the hand of her second son beside her.

She looked at him seriously.

"Erbao, you must always remember to be careful in the hospital."

"Okay, Mom, don't worry, I will be careful."

Bai Ye looked at his wife's nervous look, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He thought about how Fu Guoqing was kidnapped and investigated just now.

His heart was getting heavier and heavier.

The tranquility in this courtyard was broken just like this.

In the future, will he have to live his life by looking at Ding Rujia's face?

Thinking of this, his already cold eyes became even colder.

Erbao noticed his father's mood, and was slightly stunned and looked at his father thoughtfully.

Then he met the light he was looking at.

Bai Ye listened to the crying and shouting behind them.

After entering the main courtyard and the back room, he took his wife's hand and continued to walk home.

He ignored his second son who was walking behind him.

Those were Fu Guoqing's family members crying.

Lin Yuyu entered his own courtyard, turned around and raised his hand to lock the moon door at home.

Then he put his hand inBai Ye's palm.

The two of them walked into the house hand in hand.

Erbao saw his parents like this and went back to the east wing to catch up on sleep.

Lin Yuyu pushed open the bedroom door and went straight to the coat rack to change clothes.

The things about wearing high hats during this period before were always history for her.

Now, she saw such fierce criticism with her own eyes.

For a moment, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Bai Ye saw his wife change into pajamas quickly, and he also started to change.

He wanted to sleep with his wife.

Lin Yuyu slept deeply, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon when she and Bai Ye went downstairs together.

Lin Yuyu looked at her little girl who was sitting on the sofa and talking to her two daughters-in-law.

He walked over to sit beside her and hugged her gently.

"Sanbao, write to Mingbo and ask him if he has completed the procedures for joining the army."

"Tell him to come back as soon as possible and take you to live in the army."

Because of Lin Yu's words, Meng Xiaoou and Li Fanglei's hearts also sank.


Bai Ye felt the oppressive atmosphere and coughed lightly, breaking the silence in the living room.

He tilted his head slightly and glanced at his two daughters-in-law.

"You two should also be less talkative and low-key at work."

"Lest you meet jealous villains and affect your life."

Meng Xiaoou and Li Fanglei heard what their father-in-law said.

They turned their heads and looked at each other in confusion. Now those people outside are so crazy.

Is it just that life is affected?

Shouldn't it be irreparable?

Bai Ye didn't care about the thoughts of the two daughters-in-law. He got up and walked into the yard.

Occasionally, ripe fruits can be seen on the pomegranate tree at home.

Every day when he has nothing to do, he will come to look for it.

Han, like him, likes to eat pomegranates.

Lin Hanyu saw Bai Ye go out, then she looked away.

Turning around, she saw her little girl looking at her helplessly.

She couldn't help but understand.

"Your mother-in-law has started hiding at home again, afraid that the students she taught would remember her."

"Come to the house to flatter her and criticize her?"

She saw her little girl nod, and after a moment of hesitation, she looked up at her little girl.

"Actually, this is good."

"Teachers like them usually spend a lot of time with students."

"It's inevitable that there will be some friction."

"The main force of the combat team now are all junior high school and high school students."

"Your mother-in-law is lucky to teach in elementary school."

"It's better to be careful."

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