Her two nephews, whom she loved like her own sons, had not visited her for a long time.

I don’t know when these frightening days will end.

Sanbao came to his senses and saw that his mother-in-law was sitting there without saying anything.

He did not disturb her.

He quietly stepped forward and began to check the package she was going to take on the train.

The clothes took up the most space in the package, although she usually wore the company uniform to work.

However, her mother still insisted on making outer clothes and trousers for her.

It’s just that she made one set of clothes a year instead of two sets of clothes a year.

Her clothes are beautiful in both fabric and style.

The clothes made by her mother look no different from the clothes everyone wears outside.

But they look good when worn on the body.

Obviously, it’s just a matter of sewing a few more or fewer stitches at the waist.

Or a matter of adding a few more or fewer stitches on the trouser legs.

The effect is different when worn on the body.

She wants to take all these clothes to the army, where she can wear them boldly.

There are also some bottles and jars that she uses to take care of her skin and hair.

These things are usually made by her mother herself.

In the future, her mother will have to make them and mail them to Yang City for her to use.

After a busy day like this, it was four o'clock before she knew it.

The train they were going to take was leaving at seven in the evening.

It was just four forty when Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye returned to the courtyard.

Sanbao had already prepared dinner.

After dinner, Erbao rode the family tricycle to take them to the train station.

He turned around and left the platform until he could no longer see the backs of his parents and sister.

On the train, Sanbao was lying on his bed eating an apple.

Not long after they got on the train, the train started slowly.

Lin Yuyu looked up and glanced at his little girl lying on the middle bunk.

Reaching into her handbag, she took out an apple and handed it to Ye who was sitting next to her.

Seeing him shaking his head, she took the apple and ate it herself.

She and Aye lived in the lower bunk, and the little girl lived in the middle bunk above Aye.

At this moment, the three of them were comfortable in the compartment.

They took the express train this time, which was 60 kilometers per hour.

It takes twelve hours to get from Jingshi to Yangshi by train.

If the train is not delayed, they will arrive in Yangshi around seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

The train had just started for about an hour when a woman with a little boy of about six years old came into their compartment.

"Mom, please hurry up."

"I'm dying of exhaustion, why are you still so slow."

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye, lying on their respective beds, couldn't help but look sideways slightly.

"Sanbao, are you asleep?"

"Mom, I'm not asleep."

She knew that Sanbao was still asleep, so she didn't care about her anymore.

Lin Yuyu watched the woman wandering in front of her bed.

She was reluctant to take the child to bed.

Just when she was waiting for the woman to ask to change the lower bunk with her.

She helped her son climb up to the middle bunk first, and then she climbed up herself.

Seeing her like this, Lin Manyu's heart was not completely relieved.

The next morning, Lin Manyu was awakened by the sound of talking outside the compartment.

She opened her eyes and saw her little girl sitting alone on Aye's bed eating white flour buns.

"Where is your dad?"

"Dad is in the toilet."

"Mom, it's already six o'clock. Do you want to get up and wash up?"

"We still need an hour and a half to get there."

"Yeah," Lin Manyu stretched lazily and nodded with a smile.

"Then wait a moment, I can still lie down for another ten minutes."

"Sister, my husband's last name is Wei, you can just call me Sister Wei."

"Your daughter eats this white flour bun."

"Give one to me and my eldest son."

"This girl is not your biological daughter, it's not easy to be a stepmother."

"Your man is so good-looking."

"You still have to give him a son, so you can stand firm at home."

"Let this girl give me two white flour buns."

"I'll tell you how to give birth to a son."

Lin Yu just turned over and lay down, ready to sleep for a while.

Then she heard a woman's voice coming from the middle bunk above.

She didn't say anything.

After a while, a woman's face appeared in front of her.

The woman looked pretty, but her skin was a little rough and dark yellow.

There were wrinkles between her eyebrows, and her age could not be seen.

But she had such a young child, so she shouldn't be forty years old.

At this moment, she was leaning on the middle bunk and looking down.

Sanbao was sitting there, trying so hard to hold back his laughter that he forgot to eat the steamed buns.

Bai Ye opened the door and came in, and saw his wife lying on the bed with a serious face.

The little girl was sitting there, laughing.Like a little squirrel.

The woman saw Bai Ye coming back and didn't dare to continue.

Instead, she sat on the middle bunk and kept muttering about the difficulties at home and the white flour buns sold on the train.

Seeing the woman like this, Lin Yuyu's heart slowly let go.

Last night, if she hadn't thought of changing beds with herself.

Why, wandering on the ground for so long.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but be curious about what this Wei sister-in-law really thought last night.

As soon as the three of them got off the train, they saw a young man in military uniform holding a letter with Sanbao's name on it.

Now was a crowded time, Bai Ye carried the luggage brought by his little daughter.

Let his wife and little daughter hold the cloth bag on his back tightly.

To prevent the crowd from rushing them away.

Zhao Aiguo saw three people coming towards him from a distance.

When he got closer and looked, he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

These three people are as good-looking as if they walked out of a painting.

Before this, he always thought that Political Commissar Jiang was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

Bai Ye looked at the clarity in his eyes and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Isn't Mingbo here?"

"The Political Commissar is in the toilet."

Bai Ye heard his son-in-law coming to pick up his little girl.

A smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Uncle, aunt, sister-in-law."

"Let's go to the car outside and wait for the Political Commissar."

Zhao Aiguo reacted and hurriedly led the three of them out of the train station.

As he spoke, he reached out to help Bai Ye carry the luggage.

Let Bai Ye slightly sidestep to avoid it.

"I can take it myself."

As soon as they put all the luggage in the car, they saw Jiang Mingbo walking quickly from the train station.

Sanbao couldn't help but step forward a few steps, "Brother Mingbo."

"Qingshu." Jiang Mingbo smiled and looked at her, controlling his urge to touch her hair.

He took a few steps forward and stood in front of Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye.




As the capital of Liao Province, Yang City's economic development is not much worse than that of Beijing City at this time.

Many large factories are here.

When they arrived at the military compound, it was already 8:30.

Jiang Mingbo took them to register at the sentry.

Then they walked together to the new home he had applied for.

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