Sanbao smiled and nodded without saying anything, then turned back to the house.

Last Friday, Zhang Cuiyan had just sent some tomatoes to her family.

She was just exchanging gifts.

As for Liu Dahua, she was just thinking too much to take advantage of her.

Liu Dahua saw Sanbao go straight home and closed the door.

She sat on the chair and looked at the letter her husband had just brought back on the table, her eyes flickering.

She was illiterate, so it was her husband who read the letter to her.

They said that her father-in-law and mother-in-law wanted to send her little daughter to live here.

Now the three of them were on the train to the military region.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but frown.

This year, her little daughter was only four years old.

She couldn't do any housework, and she had to take care of her herself.

In her opinion, a little girl.

How could she live in a place like the military region? It was a waste of money.

She had always been in the countryside, and it was good to live with her parents-in-law.

But the mother-in-law always wanted to bring the child to live with them.

They had just settled down in the new military region, and the mother-in-law wanted to send the child here.

She also said that the child should live with his parents.

In her opinion, it was the mother-in-law who didn't want to help take care of the child.

Sanbao didn't know about Liu Dahua's bad mood. She was cooking in the kitchen at this moment.

Jiang Mingbo looked at his wife who was humming a song while cooking in the kitchen.

He couldn't help but smile.

He walked into the kitchen and took out the vegetables and meat that needed to be washed, washed them and cut them.

In the past, he didn't have much chance to cook.

It wasn't until his wife came to the army that he started to learn to cook.

Although the food he cooks now tastes average.

But he is making progress every day.

Dong Dong Dong...

Jiang Mingbo heard a knock on the door and put down the half-washed pork belly in his hand.

Turned to open the door.

He saw that the person coming was Zhao Aiguo, and his heart sank.

"Political Commissar, there is an urgent secret order..."


Before he could finish, Jiang Mingbo motioned him to go in.

He turned around to put on his coat, and he looked at the kitchen while putting on his clothes.

"Qingshu, I'm going back to the army."

"Eat your meal and don't wait for me to go to bed at night."

"If you are busy too late today, I will sleep in the regiment headquarters."

"Be good at home."


Sanbao looked at Jiang Mingbo's back as he left. He sniffed habitually.

Then he turned back to the kitchen and continued cooking.

When Jiang Mingbo came to the regiment headquarters, the regiment commander Wang Shiling and the deputy regiment commander Zhang Jianhua had not come yet.

He was alone, so it was not suitable for him to read the secret order directly.

Now, he was free.

At home, Sanbao served the stir-fried pork.

He turned off the kerosene stove.

Tonight, I had to eat dinner at home by myself.

If I cook too much, I will have to eat leftovers tomorrow.

Ever since she could remember, her mother had not allowed the family to eat leftovers.

She said that it was bad for the body.

In the evening, it was already past eight o'clock when Jiang Mingbo came back.

Sanbao got up and opened the door for him, then went back to bed to continue sleeping.

After he finished washing, he lay down on the bed.

She saw her sleeping daughter-in-law, who found a comfortable sleeping position in his arms as usual.

The next morning, Sanbao slowly opened her eyes in Jiang Mingbo's arms as usual.

She met his deep eyes.

She couldn't help but look up slightly and kissed his chin.

"I have to get up and go to work."


It was already seven forty when Sanbao arrived at the door of the unit.

People in the office were chatting.

She didn't join them, but greeted everyone and sat down at her desk to start working.

Today she had to finish her work earlier and spend the rest of her time knitting sweaters.

Both she and Brother Mingbo need to knit thicker sweaters and trousers.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Beijing Public Security Bureau is solemn and quiet, and you can hear a pin drop.

When Lin Yuyu stepped into the office, she felt this unusually serious atmosphere.

Everyone lowered their heads and focused on their work.

Even Zhang Liyan, who was always leisurely, was no exception. She did not chat with others leisurely as usual.

Lin Yuyu walked to her desk and sat down, her eyes fell on a letter on the table.

She reached out and gently picked up the envelope.

This is a letter from her elder sister.

Then, she carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the letter.

This letter was mailed from Shen City, and it was her elder sister chatting with her.

Logically, this letter should be placed in the communication room, but for some reason it appeared on her desk.

Lin Yu felt a little strange, and couldn't help but glance at Zhang Liyan, but quickly looked away.

"Who helped me get the letter back? I have to thank them."She looked at the envelope in her hand and said to herself.

"I just went to the message room and happened to see your letter, so I brought it back for you."

Wang Baosheng on the side suddenly said.

This surprised Lin Yuyu a little, after all, Wang Baosheng never meddles in other people's business.

He has a low presence in the office.

Moreover, everyone in the unit defaults to not touching other people's things casually.

So Wang Baosheng's behavior this time was really surprising.

Lin Yuyu suppressed the strangeness in her heart and tried to focus on the work in front of her.

She stopped thinking about what happened just now and told herself that it was just an accident.

She couldn't be distracted by it.

So she took a deep breath, refocused, and continued to deal with the work at hand.

Unconsciously, time passed quietly, and it was already lunch time.

The whole office was filled with a quiet atmosphere. No one spoke anymore, and everyone seemed to be enjoying this moment of peace.

At noon, the cafeteria was bustling.

Lin Yuyu and Li Huiying walked side by side, holding their own aluminum lunch boxes, and went to the window to line up for lunch.

As if to put the weirdness in the office in the morning behind them.

At this moment, in the cafeteria of Yang City Post and Telecommunications Bureau.

Sanbao was also sitting with Wang Hongli to eat lunch.

There was a meat and a vegetable lunch in front of her, but her mind was not on the food.

From time to time, she raised her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

She tilted her head slightly, trying to use her movements to hide the impatience in her eyes.

Sanbao knew very well that no one in the whole bureau didn't know that she was married and a glorious military family.

This man who came out of nowhere came for Wang Hongli.

But his eyes were not honest.

Sanbao frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied.

She didn't like this kind of unwarranted interruption, not to mention that this person's character was not good.

She was silent for a moment and did not look at the other person again.

She just sat there quietly, eating the pepper fried meat and stewed cabbage in the aluminum lunch box.

Sanbao thought to herself: "After eating, leave as soon as possible."

She chewed every bite of food silently, feeling the warmth and fullness brought by the food.

Although the surrounding environment made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But she still focused on the food in front of her.

Sanbao knew that she needed to hold on now.

Wang Hongli was a little thoughtful, but this girl had good character.

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