Jiang Mingbo washed up and went into the bedroom. He saw his young wife sitting at the desk writing a letter.

He simply took out some paper and sat at the dressing table to write a letter to his father.

I don’t know if my grandmother is in good health, and it’s time to see my brother’s marriage.

I don’t know if my mother has been more at ease during this period.

Sanbao also received a letter from home. He got up and sat next to Jiang Mingbo to watch him write the letter.

After he finished writing the letter, the two of them went to bed and lay down to sleep.

Sanbao found a comfortable sleeping position in Jiang Mingbo’s arms.

Dong Dong Dong…

The next morning, the knock on the door outside made Sanbao slowly open his eyes in Jiang Mingbo’s arms.

Jiang Mingbo looked at the person in his arms and frowned slightly.

Reached out and touched her cheek.

“Sleep a little longer, I’ll go see who’s knocking on the door.”

He opened the door and saw Pan Zhaodi standing at the door.

Pan Zhaodi saw that it was Jiang Mingbo who opened the door.

She took a step back secretly. She didn't know how to speak since it wasn't Bai Qingshu who opened the door.

She wanted to say something to her last time, but she still hadn't said it.

Jiang Mingbo looked at Pan Zhaodi who had been silent, but he was not in a hurry.

Pan Zhaodi's husband Wei Guoqiang was not a soldier under his command.

He was in the 37th Regiment, and Liu An was the deputy commander of the 37th Regiment.

Qingshu liked to play with Liu An's wife.

She was willing to give some patience to the military families of Liu An's regiment.

"Commissar Jiang, has Comrade Xiaobai gotten up?"

Pan Zhaodi looked into the room while talking.

Unfortunately, Jiang Mingbo was standing at the door.

His tall and strong body blocked the door tightly.

Pan Zhaodi couldn't see anything.

Jiang Mingbo saw her like this, and his face turned cold without being noticed.

"She's in the bathroom. Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Pan Zhaodi hesitated when she heard this.

She quietly clenched the corner of her clothes and looked up at Jiang Mingbo.

"Commissar Jiang, I want Comrade Xiaobai to bring me some wool."

"I won't take the bus to the city."

"Well, I'll tell her."

After speaking, Jiang Mingbo reached out to close the door.

He turned around and saw his wife sitting in the small hall, looking at him with a smile.

"Officers and their families have to pay 2 cents to the army every time they take a military bus to the city."

"Pan Zhaodi is reluctant to spend money."

Sanbao smiled and nodded, until Jiang Mingbo went out to the cafeteria to buy breakfast staples.

She got up and went to the kitchen to make egg custard.

I can't bring things to anyone I don't know.

Once there is a second time.

In the end, everyone came to her to bring things.

Wouldn't her life be a mess then?

Every month, she spent 1 yuan and 40 cents on transportation to work in the city.

She didn't go to work as a purchaser for military families.

Time passed in a flash.

Today is Sunday, and Sanbao didn't sleep a little longer like before.

Instead, she did the same as when she was at work.

At 6:20, she arrived at the entrance of the army and took a military vehicle to the city.

This military vehicle only works when the weather conditions don't allow it.

Otherwise, it keeps traveling between the army and Yangshi City all year round.

It's just so that it's more convenient for military families to go to the city to purchase daily necessities.

Brother Mingbo has to go to the army for a meeting in the morning.

I told him that I was going to go shopping with Wang Hongli in the city.

He didn't doubt it.

Sanbao thought about what she was going to do later.

She couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

I hope she and Brother Mingbo are in good health and can successfully conceive a baby.

It was only 7:30 when Sanbao arrived in the city.

The doctor started seeing patients at eight o'clock.

She was not in a hurry after getting off the car.

She walked to the First Hospital of Medical University by herself.

When she arrived at the hospital, it was exactly 8:10.

There were not many people in the hospital, and it took her less than 20 minutes to queue up for registration.

At the entrance of the gynecology clinic.

Sanbao sat there obediently, waiting for the doctor to give the results.

The female gynecologist just now looked to be in her forties.

Her face was a little serious, but fortunately her professional ethics were good.

The B-ultrasound imaging process was slow.

She was a little bored waiting.

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