"Wash up first?"


He looked at Lin Manyu who came out of the bathroom and was in good spirits.

He stood up with a smile, holding a little granddaughter in one hand.

The two walked to the kitchen together.

In the kitchen, Meng Xiaoou and Li Fanglei had just finished breakfast.

Lin Manyu looked at her two daughters-in-law and felt at ease.

Time passed quickly.

After the holiday, Dabao did not go on business trips, and he could go home to live at night when he did not work overtime.

Today is the first birthday of the eldest grandson. According to the old rules, it should be his week-old birthday.

His two sisters did not hold the week-old ceremony that year, and Lin Manyu and Bai Ye did not hold it for him.

Like all the children in the family, the two of them made a birthday cake for him by hand.

Ah Heng, this little guy, just has ten teeth, and he is happy to eat slowly.

After dinner, Dabao strolled in the yard with his eldest son.

In his job, he rarely has the opportunity to stay at home for such a long time.

The last time they came back from Xiaoou's house, his father-in-law visited his second brother-in-law alone.

Since then, he has never mentioned his nephew's military service again.

He is also happy to be free.

Dabao saw his parents sitting in the living room on the first floor of the main house and turned on the radio.

He also hurriedly carried his son into the house.

Over the years, the habit of the family sitting together to listen to the radio after dinner has not changed.

Lin Yuyu took the grandson from the eldest son and gently touched his little head.


She listened to the eldest grandson's milky voice and couldn't help but reach out and gently pinch his little nose.

Until he pinched her with peach blossom eyes and tears.

Then she stopped with a guilty conscience.

Bai Ye saw her bullying her eldest grandson and felt helpless.

Turned his head slightly and looked at the two sons sitting next to each other.

"My unit got a new house some time ago."

"Your mother has packed all the things we need to take with us."

"Tomorrow is Sunday, you two can help us move there at home."



Erbao turned his head and looked at his brother who said the same thing.

A smile appeared on his face.

Dad's unit built a family building by itself and allocated a house to each of their engineers.

The engineers in various design institutes are mostly the same as the medical staff in their hospital, with only two or three hundred people.

Compared with government agencies, it is not a large number of people.

It is even more impossible to compare the number of employees with factories.

Now, housing is tight in various units.

Only Dad's unit built its own house.

There are still few people in the unit, and there is no qualification for the allocation of houses.

Everyone has a house, and the house type is the same.

There is no seniority.

I don't know when their hospital will be able to allocate houses.

With his qualifications, he should also be on the list of housing allocation.

Children get sleepy quickly. Lin Yu looked at the three little guys who fell asleep while playing on the sofa.

She signaled her son and daughter-in-law to take them back to their bedrooms to sleep.

She also went to the bathroom with Aye to wash up.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Bai Ye changed his clothes.

Then he walked to the sofa and sat with his wife to drink hawthorn water.

In winter, the earth heater in their house was hot.

Since then, Ding Qiang started to give hawthorn to his family and Li Ze's family.

Every winter, the family boiled hawthorn water several times and put it in the ear room to cool.

This hawthorn water is sour, sweet and cold, which can stimulate appetite, relieve greasiness and reduce body temperature.

Drinking some appropriately can also add some red to the gray life.

After drinking the hawthorn water, the two of them went downstairs to brush their teeth again.

Lin Yu lay drowsy on the bed, and his thoughts could not help but drift to the time when the house was just divided a few days ago.

At that time, Aye also went to see the new house with colleagues from the unit.

Their unit's family building and the design institute's office area are also divided into two courtyards.

The family building is built next to the design institute, and the two gates face the same direction.

Just thinking about it, you know it is convenient for commuting.

She hasn't seen it yet, and she is looking forward to tomorrow.

The house layout of three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom is second to none in the family buildings of units in Beijing.

Aye's unit is considered to have the right time, place and people this time, and it would be a bit unlucky.

It is said that in order to get the land next to the unit.

Their dean ran all over Beijing to find connections to handle the procedures.

Wait until the house can be bought and sold in the future.

If Aye's unit allows public housing to be transferred to private housing, then.

Aye and I will pay for this house.

The house in Xicheng District within the Second Ring Road will have less pressure on the children's education in the future than in Haidian District.

Such a house, one can be settled first.

All the children in the family must be able to get a place, and it would be best if they could get one in each school district.

In the future, if there are children in the family who do not want to go to international schools and study abroad.

There is no need to rush to prepare for school district housing.

You can study in any district you want.

When Bai Ye opened the door and came in, he saw his wife lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

He smiled and went forward to put her in a comfortable sleeping position.

Lying on the bed like she did just now was a relief.

At this moment, Dabao and his wife had not fallen asleep yet.

He held his wife in his arms and gently stroked her beautiful back.

His wife's skin was getting better and better, and the skin care products made by her mother were much better than vanishing cream.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of what he heard from his mother and father a long time ago.

In the future, he would open a skin care product production factory.

Apply for patents for all the recipes left by his ancestors.

Let the family pass it down from generation to generation.

The memory was a bit long, and he sometimes thought of the current political situation.

He couldn't help but wonder if his mother's idea of ​​carrying forward the ancestral business was just a thought.

In fact, he couldn't bear to disappoint his mother.

Meng Xiaoou felt Dabao's fluctuating emotions.

She looked up at him slightly.

"Qingyi, are you worried about your parents moving out?"

"No, you don't know my mom yet."

"She likes houses, the more the better."

Dabao said, lowering his head and gently kissing her eyebrows.

"Wife, my parents have to stay in the family building tomorrow night."

"My brother and I have discussed that we will have dinner there before coming back."

"Yeah, okay."

"Tomorrow, I'll go to Dong'an Vegetable Market to buy some food and bring it over to cook."

In the East Wing, Erbao was also lying on the bed and talking to his wife about having dinner in the family building.

Li Fanglei smiled and nodded, and nestled herself in Erbao's arms.

"Brother Qingxiang, Xiaojuan said there are defective cloths in the department store."

"Tomorrow, I'll ask mom and sister-in-law if they want to buy some cloths."

Just before going to bed, when my eldest brother's wife came to tell me the news, I was a little tempted.

The defective cloths in the department store are mostly minor defects that can't be seen without careful observation.

If it is really damaged, it will not be shipped to various sales stores.


"Tomorrow, ask mom and sister-in-law."

Erbao's voice became lower and lower, and when Li Fanglei looked up.

He had fallen asleep.

She raised her hand and gently traced his eyebrows.

Brother Qingxiang, never talk about the hospital at home.

But her mother is a nurse at Xiehe Hospital.

How could I not know that the hospital is physically and mentally exhausted now.

Mom said that since the doctors who returned from studying abroad in their hospital were suspended.

The newly assigned doctors are not college graduates from regular medical schools.

Some have just graduated from high school, and some have even graduated from junior high school.

They are assigned to work in hospitals because of their "good background".

This is hard for doctors like Qingxiang who graduated from medical schools.

Every day they worry that the newly assigned medical staff will cause medical problems.

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