This morning, he not only bought meat buns and sugar cakes.

He also bought two bowls of rice porridge.

Thinking of this, he put all the food on the table.

He walked to the kitchen, he had to boil two eggs.

It doesn't take a long time to boil eggs, if you buy them with money tickets in the army canteen.

It's a bit uneconomical.

Although, he and Qingshu have a good income.

Because of the officer subsidy, the types and numbers of tickets he gets every month are more than those of local cadres of the same level.

With the salary of him and Qingshu added together, the family saves a lot of money tickets every month.

The military tickets he got are used all over the country, and there is no need to worry about the tickets expiring and not being able to be used.

However, you can't spend money recklessly.

My wife is a little money-grubber, a little girl who likes to count money.

Every time I see her holding a money box and counting money, I feel particularly happy.

Their family should save some money tickets while ensuring the quality of life.

Every month, he could save most of the salary and notes he gave.

The family could not spend Qingshu's salary alone.

Sanbao didn't know at this moment that he thought she was a person who liked to count money.

She was lying in bed and didn't want to get up.

But today, she had to go to work.

After all, she had to get up, wash, eat, and go to the army gate to take the military vehicle.

Jiang Mingbo put breakfast on the table before turning and going into the bedroom.

He picked up his wife and went into the bathroom. He was more than 1.8 meters tall.

He looked down at his 1.65 meter tall wife and could only see her hairy top.

He looked at his sleepy wife and reached out to rub her little face.

"Hurry up and wash, or you won't have enough time to eat breakfast properly later."

At this moment, in the east wing of the Bai family courtyard in Beijing.

Li Fanglei was lying next to the bathroom sink, vomiting.

Thinking of a possibility, she couldn't help but raise her hand and touch her belly.

Now, there should be another child here.

Ah Yun and Yi Yi are already five years old, and this child of her and Brother Qingxiang came at the right time.

Since the birth of her two little girls, people in this courtyard have been gossiping from time to time.

In addition, she has not been pregnant in these years.

Some people who are jealous of their family's good life always say behind their backs that Brother Qingxiang is afraid that his family will be extinct.

This time she is pregnant, it should be a boy.

She doesn't care whether she gave birth to a boy or a girl.

However, she can't bear to see everyone talking about Brother Qingxiang.

Her parents-in-law don't favor the eldest nephew of her eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Instead, they dote on their two little girls.

However, her parents-in-law want her to have another baby.

She can feel it.

She is also willing to have more children with Brother Qingxiang.

Erbao went downstairs and saw his wife standing in the bathroom in a daze.

"Leilei, what are you thinking about?"

"It's okay, I'm still a little sleepy."

Li Fanglei met his concerned eyes and smiled warmly.

"Then you sleep a little longer, my brother is at home and I will make breakfast with him."

After saying that, Erbao stretched out his hand to rub his wife's eyebrows.

Then he turned and walked out of the house to the main room.

Li Fanglei didn't go upstairs until she couldn't see his back.

The two little girls were sleeping soundly, and she didn't wake them up.

Instead, she also lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

They couldn't sleep for long, and they had to get up and wash and take the children to work later.

Before going to the hospital for examination, she didn't want to tell her family that she might be pregnant again.

Although she was very sure, if she was not pregnant.

Wouldn't it be a waste of joy.

Meng Xiaoou saw that it was her brother-in-law who came to cook.

She smiled and greeted him, then put down the washed cabbage in her hand, wiped her hands and walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

Walked upstairs.

Meng Xiaoou entered the bedroom and saw Dabao lying next to her son's crib watching him sleep.

Qingyi likes to watch his son sleep, he must watch him before going to bed at night and when he gets up in the morning.

Dabao saw his wife lying on the bed again, turned around and hugged her.

"Didn't you say you want to make breakfast?"

"I want to sleep in like Leilei."

Dabao heard this, and his eyes flashed with understanding.

Today, my younger brother is cooking in the kitchen.

He leaned over and kissed her hair.

"Then I will cook too, you sleep a little longer."

Meng Xiaoou closed her eyes and dozed off when she saw Dabao close the door and leave.

After all, the elder sister-in-law and the younger brother-in-law have to avoid suspicion.

When Qingyi is not at home, the younger brother never cooks for Leilei and himself.

When either myself or Leilei is not feeling well, my mother-in-law helps with the housework.

In the kitchen, Erbao sees his brother opening the door and coming in.

HeSitting on a small square stool, he looked at his brother while making a fire.

Dabao saw him like this and still had something to not understand.

"You are responsible for making a fire, and I will do the rest."


Erbao heard his brother say this and put a piece of wood in the stove with confidence.

This small piece of wood can support the millet porridge to be cooked.

Before that, Meng Xiaoou had already put the millet in the pot.

Dabao stood in front of the operating table, looking at the cabbage and eggplant washed by his wife.

Turned to the second floor of the kitchen and took down five more potatoes.

He moved a small square stool and sat next to his brother to start peeling potatoes.

He had only eaten peeled potatoes at home and at his uncle's house since he grew up.

The potatoes he usually ate in the cafeteria were all with skins, and even at his father-in-law's house, they were all with skins.

Now that supplies are scarce, everyone thinks that peeling potatoes is to reduce the weight of potatoes.

Millet porridge, salted duck eggs, Chinese cabbage soup and potato stewed eggplant for breakfast are pretty good.



"Have you ever had breakfast without dry food in our house?"

Erbao saw that his brother wanted to be lazy and looked at him with a smile.

Only the canteen of his unit had average food at home. He was not allowed to eat enough in the morning and was not allowed to eat meat.

How could that be possible?

Dabao tilted his head slightly, looked at his younger brother and nodded with a smile.

Forgot about him, himself and his parents, as well as his wife and younger brother and sister-in-law.

At noon, he could eat enough meat and vegetables in the canteen of his unit.

His younger brother might not be able to eat at noon. What he ate in the hospital canteen.

It depends on what food is left in the canteen.

Thinking of this, Dabao showed a trace of barely perceptible heartache on his face.

He walked to the big vat in the yard, took out some wrapped pure meat wontons from it and brought them back to the kitchen.

Erbao's eyes were filled with joy when he saw the pure meat wontons being put into the pot.

My parents were staying at the staff building tonight, so the only meat dish for dinner at home would probably be scrambled eggs.

If he wanted to eat meat, he would have to rely on breakfast.

Dad didn't know where he got so many meat tickets.

They were all made into dumplings, wontons, and buns and placed in a large vat outside.

They were kept for breakfast, or eaten when there was no time to make dinner.

When Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye went downstairs to wash up, the children had already gathered in the living room.

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