Niu Xiaoyun secretly glanced at Erbao's profile, her eyes flashing with joy.

She just graduated from high school this year, she is only 19 years old.

Her mother said that men are fickle and prefer younger women.

A man as good and capable as Dr. Lin should be matched with a young woman.

I heard that his wife grew up with him and they are childhood sweethearts.

They have been together for so many years, and what is left must be conscience.

This time his wife is pregnant, which may not be an opportunity for her.

Just like her mother, she drove away her original wife and became a cadre's wife in the government compound.

She is younger than her mother at that time and has never been married.

There is no reason why she, who is younger and more beautiful, can't do what her mother can do.

She has never had a man, and she couldn't help blushing when she thought of this.

Wang Juan, who was sitting on the other side, squinted her eyes slightly.

In the evening, Lin Yuyu went to the kindergarten as soon as it was time to get off work.

To pick up her two little granddaughters from school.



As soon as she reached the door, Ah Yun and Yi Yi came out and threw themselves into her arms.

"Let's go home."



Lin Manyu held the hands of her granddaughters, just like when she came.

The three of them walked to the carport together, where the family's tricycle was parked.

Parents came one after another.

She didn't stop along the way.

She walked while responding to everyone's greetings.

When Lin Manyu rode the tricycle and took her two little granddaughters back to the design institute's family compound.

In the compound, most families were about to start eating dinner.

There were also some family members who had just returned from get off work like her.

"Come on, we're home, let's get off the car."

Lin Manyu saw that the two little guys were standing firmly on the ground.

Turned around and locked the tricycle.

Led the two of them upstairs.

As soon as I went up to the second floor, I saw a slightly plump woman coming towards me.

This was the person I met on the day of moving.

She led the children to stand aside and let her walk over.

"You are from Deputy Chief Engineer Bai's family, right?"

"Yes, you are?"

Lin Yuyu saw that she did not leave, but wanted to stand there and chat with her, so she smiled and nodded.

"My name is Zhao Huandi, and my husband is Sun Jianguo."

"He works in the security department of the design institute. The safety of your Deputy Chief Engineer Bai depends on my old Sun and others.

"Thank you very much."

"I'll go back first. My family is waiting for the children to have dinner."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yuyu held the hands of her two granddaughters.

Continue to walk home.

I ignored Zhao Huandi, who stood behind them, did not move, and looked unhappy.

"Grandpa, we are back."

"Grandpa, we are back. "

Bai Ye heard the voices of his two little granddaughters and came out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Grandpa's good granddaughters are back."

Lin Yu saw the two children, talking to their grandfather, and went into the bathroom to wash her hands with a smile.

"Are you hungry?"

"Grandpa just prepared the food, and you can have dinner after washing your hands."



She came out of the bathroom and heard the two little granddaughters say okay.

"Come in and wash your hands. "

Bai Ye saw his wife and two children go into the bathroom.

He turned around, opened the door, went into the kitchen, and brought out dinner.

It takes about ten minutes to walk from his office to his home.

In the future, when he and Hanhan live in the family building, he will cook dinner.

Today's dinner is quite rich, with small cabbage and rape brought from the courtyard in the morning.

He saved the rape for tomorrow morning.

Ayun and Yiyi came out of the bathroom and saw small cabbage stewed with tofu, fried pork ribs with green onions, and corn porridge on the dining table.

There are also two bowls of their favorite egg custard.

"Grandpa, is the egg custard for me and my sister?"

Bai Ye looked at his granddaughter's eyes full of admiration, and his heart softened.

Sat next to them, raised his hand and touched their little heads.

"Grandpa, the egg custard is specially made for us, Ayun and Yiyi. ”

“How does it taste?”

“It’s delicious.”

Bai Ye’s eyes were full of smiles when he heard this.

He raised his hand and put a piece of pork ribs into his wife’s sunflower-shaped plate.

He started to eat.

At this moment, in the Bai family’s courtyard over the quadrangle.

Dabao saw his brother going to make dinner, and he also got up and walked to the kitchen.

Meng Xiaoou, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, couldn’t help but look at Li Fanglei.

“Why did Qingxiang suddenly go into the kitchen so frequently these two days?”

Li Fanglei’s eyes flashed with light, and she looked at her sister-in-law with a smile.

“Xiaoou, I have a baby in my belly.”

“When did it happen,Congratulations to both of you. "

Meng Xiaoou was briefly surprised, and then overflowed with joy.

Over the years, Lei Lei has been unhappy because of her inability to get pregnant.

There are also a lot of gossips from the neighbors in the courtyard.

Although the parents-in-law at home don't care whether the grandchildren are boys or girls.

However, in the current environment, if a family does not give birth to a boy, in the eyes of outsiders, it means that there is no one to carry on the family line.

The gossip that continues year after year will more or less affect the mood.

This time Lei Lei is pregnant, I hope she can get rid of the rumors outside.

Maybe it's because her family lives too well, and there are some things that make outsiders feel uncomfortable Good things.

Everyone tends to magnify it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of her sister-in-law.

Qingshu hasn't gotten pregnant yet, and she never says bad things every time she writes back.

I don't know if any of the military families in the Yangshi Military District compound gossip about her.

I am also a girl who came out of the military district compound.

Usually, the ability of those military families to spread gossip behind her back is no weaker than those old ladies outside.

After dinner, Li Fanglei and Meng Xiaoou had already returned to the bedroom to rest.

The two brothers Dabao and his children were left in the living room.

Erbao reached out and took the eldest nephew from his brother's arms.

"What will our Ah Heng eat at noon today in the nursery?"


"Eat meat. ”

He saw that his nephew was not in a good mood, so he gently coaxed him to sleep.

This kid gets sleepy when he is full.

Dabao saw that his younger brother was only paying attention to his eldest son and not talking to him.

He raised his hand and picked up the teapot on the coffee table and poured Longjing tea into the Magnolia Cup for him.

This Longjing before the rain was when they went to visit their uncle's house during the Chinese New Year.

Before leaving, the uncle stuffed it into his mother.

Erbao smiled and looked at his brother who was pouring tea for him.

He raised his hand and picked up the Magnolia Cup and drank it.

Although the tea was not new, it was a rare thing to have tea to drink at this time.

"Why do you feel absent-minded today?"

"Did something happen in the hospital? "

He had just put down the Magnolia Cup when he heard his brother's words.

He couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. He, his brother and sister were born in the same womb.

Growing up together, he could never hide his emotional changes from them.

Dabao looked at his brother who was sitting there without saying a word, and didn't speak first.

Erbao lowered his head and pondered for a while, then turned to look at his brother seriously.

"Brother, I feel that there is a female nurse in the hospital who likes me. "

Dabao was slightly stunned.


Erbao saw that his brother was still laughing, and looked at him with confusion in his eyes.

After a while, the annoyance in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Such an excellent brother must be the object of admiration and love by many people.

When Dabao put away his smile and looked up at his younger brother.

He saw that he was looking at him childishly.

There was a trace of grievance in his eyes.

Dabao met his younger brother's gaze and quickly put away his smile.

Since the three brothers and sisters graduated from college and started working.

The younger brother has never had such an expression again.

"This person likes you more than just admiration?"

"Well, I feel a little bit. "

When Dabao heard his brother say this, his face darkened.

Nowadays, having affairs with men and women is not a mistake that can be easily ignored.

If you are really involved in these things, you may not be able to explain it clearly.

At that time, I am afraid the best solution is to divorce and remarry.

"Wait until my parents come back tomorrow night, and we will see how to solve this problem together."

"Okay. "

Erbao nodded slightly.

Looking at his nephew in his arms, he was about to open his eyes.

He was so cute that he couldn't help but lower his head and kiss his little face.

He was still thinking about observing the two female nurses in the clinic.

Since his brother already knew, it would be better to solve it quickly so that he could feel at ease earlier.

In fact, until now he still didn't believe that there was really a woman who would marry him just because she liked him.

This married man.

In such a tense environment, she would marry him regardless of her reputation.

But it's better to be cautious in everything.

He can't let anyone or anything destroy his family's plain and warm life.

"Come on, our Ah Heng, go to sleep in Daddy's arms."

Only when he saw his brother holding his nephew firmly, Erbao pulled his hand away.

"Brother, I'm going back to sleep."

"I'm on night shift tomorrow, so go to bed early tonight. "

Dabao saw his younger brother enter the east wing before he turned around and sent his eldest son upstairs.

Meng Xiaoou saw Dabao enter the bedroom and smiled as he stepped forward to look at his eldest son in his arms.

The little guy was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, but he just refused to fall asleep.She reached out and hugged her eldest son to coax him up.

"Mom and Dad need to sleep, and so do my uncle and aunt."

"Our Ah Heng needs to sleep too..."

The little guy listened and slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Dabao finished washing and returned to the bedroom, he saw that his eldest son was already sleeping soundly on the small bed.

His wife was lying on the bed, looking at him with a smile on her face.

He walked over with a smile and hugged her in his arms.

The two of them lay on the bed together.



Dabao played with the black hair of the person in his arms and looked down at her.

"I want another child too!"

Dabao paused and looked at her solemn look and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Not this year, Ah Heng is just over a year old."

"It's not good for your body to have children so frequently."

"Let's try to get pregnant at the end of next year and have the baby born the year after."

"That's fine."

Dabao listened to the disappointment and regret in his wife's tone.

He couldn't help but speak slowly.

"Just have this last child."

They had some ideas to communicate with each other, so it's better to say them out earlier.

Hearing this, Meng Xiaoou looked up at her husband and was caught off guard by the seriousness in his eyes.

She nodded slightly.

She was not a woman in her twenties. Having another child in a few years would be dangerous for both the child and herself.

She thought about these things, and then she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In the east wing on the other side, Erbao gently hugged his wife's waist, which was not very pregnant yet.

He stroked her hair again and again.

"Brother Qingxiang, you said that when my parents come back tomorrow and find out that we are going to have another child."

"They will be very happy, right?"

"Yes, they will."

"My parents like children."

Li Fanglei nodded seriously after hearing this.

Although my father-in-law and mother-in-law don't care whether the grandchildren at home are boys or girls.

But it is true that they hope to have more grandchildren at home.

The older generation likes to have many children and more blessings.

I am so lucky to marry into a family that does not favor boys over girls.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of the interesting things when she went to school with Brother Qingxiang when she was a child.

At that time, the food in school was plain and watery, and she would tear up every time she ate.

The food that she couldn't finish was secretly given to Brother Qingxiang.

Just like her mother said, she is a blessed woman.

From childhood to adulthood, the biggest hardship she has suffered was the years of natural disasters.

The family changed from eating meat all the time to eating grain porridge every meal.

It would take many days before they could eat rice and flour once.

Erbao saw that the person in his arms was silent.

He raised his hand to turn off the kerosene lamp, helped her cover the quilt, and then held her and the quilt in his arms again.

At this moment, Lin Yuyu had just coaxed the two little granddaughters to sleep.

The two little ones had not yet separated their beds from Erbao and Leilei.

Tonight, they would sleep in the master bedroom with him and Aye.

Fortunately, the two of them were afraid that there would be no place to sleep when the children came to live together.

The custom-made double beds were all two meters by two meters.

Bai Ye looked at the two granddaughters lying between him and his wife.

He looked up again and looked at his wife who was looking at them by herself.

For the first time, he felt that his two little granddaughters were not cute.

In these years, only the two daughters-in-law were in confinement.

He and Hanhan had slept separately, and he lived alone in the bedroom on the second floor.

Hanhan slept in the bedroom on the first floor, so it was convenient to take care of his grandchildren and daughter-in-law.

Usually, he had to hold Hanhan in his arms to sleep before he could fall asleep.

Lin Hanyu felt that the atmosphere in the room had become a little serious.

She couldn't help but find it a little funny.

She met his gaze through the two little granddaughters.

"Aye, we will go back to the courtyard to live tomorrow night."

"Ayun and Yiyi, go back to the east wing."

"Well, you can't regret it."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he lay down and closed his eyes.

He looked like he didn't want to talk to me anymore.

Lin Hanyu realized it later, and looked at him for a long time before he realized what he meant by "can't regret it".

He couldn't help but spit at him in his mind, and his heart beat faster.

What she didn't know was that their little girl hadn't fallen asleep yet, even at this late hour.

At this time, in the family building of the Yang City Military Region.

Sanbao and Jiang Mingbo were lying on the bed in their master bedroom.

She raised her hand and gently stroked her belly.

Now, there was already a child of her and Mingbo.

Eight months later, she would also become a mother.

She would work hard to be a good mother like her own mother.

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