Zhang Huaijun sat there, looking at them anxiously from the corner of his eye.

This was a little different from what he expected. Bai Qingshu and Wang Hongli did not look at him.

The woman sitting opposite him saw that he was absent-minded and her face became darker and darker.

Zhang Huaijun was about to turn 30 years old, and most of the female comrades with similar conditions to him were already mothers.

The reason why she could have a successful blind date with Zhang Huaijun, a man who worked in a state agency, was nothing more than relying on her youth.

Among the blind date candidates, there was a place that made him feel superior.

Now seeing Zhang Huaijun like this, she felt more and more uneasy.

She had to find a way to hold him firmly.

On the other side, Sanbao picked up the last piece of sweet and sour pork in the aluminum lunch box and ate it.

She felt comfortable today and was happy to do anything.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but raise her hand and gently touch her belly.

When she got home in the evening, she would write a letter to her parents. She would soon become a mother.

She and Brother Mingbo would have a child.

In the evening, Sanbao walked slowly towards the Zhongjie Department Store after get off work.

From a distance, she saw the military vehicle parked in front of the department store.

Next to the military vehicle, there was a group of people talking.

At this time, Pan Zhaodi also noticed Sanbao walking in the distance.

She looked at the green postal uniform on her.

She felt mixed emotions. Why did she doubt that Bai Qingshu was bragging that she worked in the post and telecommunications bureau?

Her green uniform did not convince herself.

She had to come to the city for this trip and wasted the car fare.

Standing not far away, Fang Chunjuan also saw Sanbao walking towards this side.

She looked at her gradually becoming clearer, her face was delicate and charming, and her figure was beautiful.

She couldn't help but be amazed.

This is the military family member who was followed in the morning.

The light in the car was too dim when she came, and she really didn't see the appearance of these military wives in the car clearly.

When she got off the car, she only saw the back of this woman.

Sanbao didn't care about the eyes around her, she was a military family and had good conduct.

In the military compound, no one dared to flatter others as much as outsiders.

Between military families, there were only some family matters.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but laugh and cry.

Now, the only thing that made her feel helpless was the vegetables always lost in the fields.

Since she married Brother Mingbo and moved into the military compound.

There was only peace in her life, and she was no longer cautious because of the fear of being criticized.

When they came, the military families took the car, and everyone consciously found a seat and sat down.

In the military car, Sanbao felt Fang Chunjuan's eyes from time to time.

For a moment, she felt a little guilty.

She remembered that her knees felt sore and numb for a moment in the morning.

Suspecting herself?

In theory, everyone was sitting in a moving car, and the road was uneven.

Some physical contact was inevitable.

However, Fang Chunjuan was pregnant, and it seemed that she was not someone who knew the depth of things.

She was really impatient to talk too much.

When the military vehicle stopped at the entrance of the army, Sanbao just leaned out and saw Jiang Mingbo standing by the car waiting for her.

Sanbao smiled and raised her hand, holding his hand to help him get out of the car.

"Political Commissar Jiang is here to pick up Comrade Bai again."

I don't know who shouted this in the crowd.

The military dependents who were originally in groups of three or two, preparing to return to the military compound, all looked at Sanbao and Jiang Mingbo.


Jiang Mingbo nodded and turned his head to look at Sanbao.

He met Sanbao's gaze, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

He took the lead in walking into the military compound.

When Sanbao saw him raise his foot, he followed him, and the two walked side by side.

The military dependents behind him felt sad.

Involuntarily, they all looked up at the sky.

In recent years, regardless of wind or rain, the men in the family have never picked them up.

Some female comrades only had their men take them to the hospital when they gave birth.

Some gave birth at home.

Political Commissar Jiang's habit of picking up his wife is really enviable.

Sanbao and Jiang Mingbo ignored the people behind them, and they walked home while talking.

"Is the new military political commissar surnamed Zhuang?"

"Well, your news is quite timely."

"The political commissar just took office today."

Jiang Mingbo tilted his head and smiled at his wife.

"Well." Sanbao met his gaze, with a light in her eyes.

"This morning, I met the political commissar's sister on the military vehicle..."

After she finished talking about what happened on the military vehicle, she did not forget to take a look at the expression on Jiang Mingbo's face.

The comradeship between them is the most cherished between soldiers.

Even if two people do not know each other, they can always find common comrades in arms when they have a deep chat.

If the family members of the political commissar do not know how to behave, it will be difficult for the soldiers under his command.Jiang Mingbo was silent for a while, turned his head to look at her, and spoke slowly in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"If the sister-in-law of the political commissar's family cannot handle the problems between the military families fairly."

"You don't have to wrong yourself."

Sanbao was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and then he looked at the man in front of him.

"I am very good and never cause trouble."

"In the family compound, I never have conflicts with other military families."

"Why does he think that he will be in trouble in the future?"

"I will tell you first, you don't have to worry about me."

Jiang Mingbo caught the doubt that flashed in his wife's eyes.

While there was no one around, he smiled and reached out to touch her hair quickly.

As soon as Sanbao entered the house, she saw two packages on the dining table.

She walked forward and saw that they were all addresses in Beijing.

One of the packages was mailed by her mother, and the sender of the other package was her grandmother.

Every month, she and Brother Mingbo could receive such packages twice.

There were mostly food inside, as well as skin care and hair cream made by her mother.

Sanbao didn't rush to open the package, but went into the kitchen.

She saw a steamer on the stove. The prepared dinner was warmed inside.

Put on cotton gloves and bring out the food.

Ever since she knew she was having a baby, she always felt hungry.

At this moment, eating was more important.

When she came out with the steamer, the dining table in the small hall had been cleaned up.

The two packages on top were neatly placed on the chair.

This steamer at home was specially mailed from Beijing by her mother for them to use.

Sanbao opened the lid of the pot and saw the stir-fried pork on the top, with a light in her eyes.

She has always liked to eat meat.

Jiang Mingbo saw his wife's greedy look.

He went up and kissed her forehead.

I also made stir-fried rapeseed, on the bottom layer.


Sanbao raised her hand and brought out the stir-fried pork, looking at the rapeseed below.

She couldn't help but curl her lips.

When she and Mingbo first moved in, there was no earth heating in the family building.

Now, the army has installed heating in the military compound.

The two of them also learned from their mother to grow vegetables at home.

Only then did they have fresh green vegetables to eat all year round.

After dinner, Sanbao handed the kitchen work to Jiang Mingbo.

She sat in the small hall to open the package.

She habitually looked at the things her mother mailed first. The package also contained some beauty creams and hair creams made by her mother as before.

Sanbao took out these bottles and jars and put them on the dressing table in the bedroom.

Then she went back to the small hall to look at the remaining two small bags, one of which contained rice and the other contained white flour.

There was also a small wallet with the letter, and there was 60 yuan in the wallet.

In her memory, her family only ate coarse grains every few days since she was a child.

Now, although she has no problem with food in the army.

However, the supply of grain distributed from various places is still mainly coarse grains.

This is not unavoidable in the army.

Sometimes the fine grains issued are not enough, so they are replaced with coarse grains.

The army will subsidize the military dependents in terms of weight.

Since she came to Yang City to follow the army, her parents have to mail 20 kilograms of rice and 20 kilograms of white flour here every month.

Otherwise, if their family wants to eat fine grains for a long time, they can only buy them in the army canteen with money tickets.

Moreover, the army canteen also mixes fine grains and coarse grains alternately.

There is no condition to eat fine grains for a long time.

When Jiang Mingbo came out of the kitchen, he saw his wife holding money in her hand.

"Did your parents send money for milk powder?"

"Yes, this is the money from my eldest brother and younger brother."

"If you don't agree with us, subsidize the milk powder money for my nephew and niece."

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