Li Ze couldn't help curling his lips when he saw Bai Ye asking him in a pretentious manner.

"We visited and investigated the surrounding area before, but there was no new progress."

"Later, there was a new case in the station, and we were too busy for a while."

Bai Ye reached out and took a handful of peanuts and stuffed them into Li Ze's hand, looking at him, but smiling without saying anything.

Li Ze raised his eyebrows, glanced at Bai Ye, and then he peeled the peanuts and ate them, not forgetting to feed his wife from time to time.

Bai Ye and Lin Manyu watched as Li Ze and his wife walked into the main courtyard and locked the moon door to go home.

In the living room, Bai Ye sat on the sofa and watched Lin Manyu knit a sweater.

"Wife, I'll go to Li Ze's house tomorrow morning. They'll be back from Master Li Ze's house in the afternoon."

"Yeah," Lin Yu didn't stop moving her hands, "Have you seen Li Tiezhu, whom Meimei mentioned today?"

"No," Bai Ye took the pillow and leaned against the armrest of the sofa, letting himself lie on the sofa.

"I asked Li Ze to help pass on the money for firecrackers."

The New Year's Day was easy, and it was the fifth day of the New Year, commonly known as "breaking the fifth day."

Today, all the closed stores in the streets and alleys of Beijing reopened, and Bai Ye also came to the grocery store early.

He symbolically stayed in the grocery store for two hours, and then walked to the home of Master Zhao, who made furniture.

This time they wanted Master Zhao to make furniture and wooden boxes, and there were quite a lot of things.

When Bai Ye returned home, he just entered the back house and met a man coming out of the moon gate of the back house in the east courtyard.

Neither of them stopped.

Bai Ye pushed the door open and entered the house. The three babies were just eating milk powder. He quickly changed his clothes and washed his hands, and then got busy with Lin Yu.

Time passed quickly. On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the purchasing power of one hundred French francs changed from a fish to an egg.

The people complained.

On the afternoon of the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, Bai Ye put the last few goods in the grocery store into the space, locked the door with the old lock of the grocery store, and then went home.

He made an appointment with the landlord to collect the house tomorrow afternoon.

When Bai Ye dealt with the grocery store, it was already the evening of the fourteenth day of the first lunar month. He strolled home in a good mood.

The French francs in the family had been spent long ago, and there was no need to worry about the remaining silver dollars.

As soon as Bai Ye walked to the back house of the main courtyard, he heard that the second courtyard was very lively.

He stepped through the hanging flower gate and saw a group of people gathered together. Li Ze was leaning on his own chao shou veranda to watch the excitement.

Turning around and seeing Bai Ye coming in, he waved to him to come over.

Most people in the yard had never spoken to Bai Ye.

Seeing him coming over now, except for a few people who sighed in their hearts at the good looks of this man.

Everyone's attention was on the woman sitting on the ground.

Bai Ye was 1.85 meters tall, and Li Ze was slightly shorter than him. The two of them stood together, and the aura was naturally formed.

He moved a few steps to Li Ze and lowered his head, "What happened? You are watching so enthusiastically."

"Hehe" Li Ze's face was gentle.

"The woman in the underground brought an eight-year-old child to find her, saying that the child was left by Aunt Liu's son before he died."

"It led Xu Zhaodi to fight with her."

"These two women are fighting, really..." Li Ze shook his head after saying that.

At this moment in the Bai family, Lin Yuyu and Zhang Mei were sitting on the sofa in the living room and talking.

Zhang Mei looked at Lin Yuyu, and the smile in her eyes could not be concealed.

"I have to thank you. Fortunately, I saw you buying beautiful gold jewelry and fabrics before, so I couldn't resist the temptation and bought them with you."

"My husband Aze also let me do what I want. Otherwise, if there were those French currency left at home now."

"We really don't know where to cry."

Lin Yu smiled and said nothing. Her efforts to seduce Zhang Mei to spend money to stock up on gold goods during this period were not in vain.

When Bai Ye got home, Zhang Mei had already left.

He went back to the bedroom to change clothes and came out. Lin Yu had already put dinner on the round table.

Braised pork, scrambled eggs with green onions, cabbage and tofu soup with small porridge.

Bai Ye was still the same as before. He habitually picked up a piece of food for Lin Yu with chopsticks before he started eating.

Lin Yu smiled and picked up the extra braised pork in his bowl and put it into his mouth with satisfaction.

"Aye, I want to make Babaisan tomorrow."

"After dinner, remember to take out the Angelica dahurica, White Clove, Bletilla striata, White Poria, White Aconitum, White Chou, White Ampelopsis, Kaempferia galanga, Cimicifuga heracleifolia, Bombyx batryticatus, and Tribulus terrestris that you have stored in your space."

"Take out five pounds of each."

Bai Ye nodded, "Is the stone mill at home a little too big? I will buy a small one tomorrow and keep it for you to make skin care products."

"Okay," Lin Yu swallowed the egg in her mouth.

"Today, I was in our yard and heard a faint cry coming from the front."

"Well, a woman with a child came to Liu Cuihua's house and said that the childIt was left by Liu Cuihua's son before he died, and then..."

Bai Ye looked at Lin Yuyu who was looking at her in a daze, and reached out to rub her hair, "Why do you look like that?"

Lin Yuyu looked at Bai Ye seriously, "Aye, who is Liu Cuihua?"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Aunt Liu is Liu Cuihua.

He thought about it and added, "I heard it from Li Ze."

Lin Yuyu nodded, "What happened later?"

"Aunt Liu took the child in the room and didn't come out." Bai Ye

At night, Lin Yuyu lay on Bai Ye, too tired to move, and finally had to let Bai Ye hold her to take a bath.

Today is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and Bai Ye's biological clock woke up on time in the morning.

He looked down at the little woman with a rosy face sleeping in his arms, and his eyes flashed with heartache. He was too much last night.

While Lin Manyu was still sleeping, Bai Ye had already ground all the ingredients needed to make Babaisan into powder in the kitchen.

Just waiting for Lin Manyu to mix it according to the recipe.

In the bedroom, Lin Manyu opened her eyes in a daze and turned to look at the three babies sleeping soundly beside her.

She got up and kissed them on the forehead one by one before lying down again.

Lin Manyu woke up again, awakened by the crying of the three babies. When she opened her eyes, she saw Bai Ye making milk powder.

After the two of them fed the children and coaxed them to sleep, Lin Manyu went to the bathroom to wash up.

Today's breakfast was made by the two of them.

Bai Ye came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes, and Lin Manyu was sitting at the round table practicing calligraphy.

Every few days, she would sit down and write seriously, just like she did at home when she was a child.

She had a beautiful hairpin-shaped small calligraphy, which was taught by her mother herself.

Bai Ye sat down beside Lin Yu and looked at her quietly.

He waited until Lin Yu finished writing before he spoke.

"Yuyu, I'm going out to buy a small stone mill. I've already ground the ingredients for Babaisan and put them on the dining table."

"Okay," Lin Yuyu put her little head on Bai Ye's shoulder, "Aye, I want to eat doornail meat pie."

Bai Ye turned around and put his face against her cheek, "Okay, I'll bring it back later."

Lin Yuyu sent Bai Ye out, went back to the bedroom to see the three treasures, and then turned to the dining room to prepare Babaisan.

She likes to use Babaisan as a facial mask.

Lin Yuyu came out of the dining room again, holding a wooden box containing Babaisan in her hand.

She put the wooden box on the dressing table, and just as she was about to climb onto the kang to lie down for a while, the moon door at home was knocked again.

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