Knock, knock, knock...

"Come in."

Bai Ye heard someone knocking on his office door, stopped writing and looked towards the door.

"Deputy Chief Engineer Bai, someone outside is looking for you and says he's your classmate."

After listening to Sun Jianguo's words, he smiled and nodded.

Ever since he moved into the unit's family compound, Sun Jianguo always shows up when something happens.

Bai Ye didn't think about it anymore and got up and walked towards the unit's gate.

It's been almost a week since he had dinner with Fu Jia and the others.

I think there must be news from Zhang Shen.

As expected, he saw Zhang Shen standing at the door of the security department from a distance.

"Here you are."

"Yes, Brother Ye."

Bai Ye met Zhang Shen's gaze and nodded slightly.

The two of them walked out together and stopped when they were a little further away from the unit.

"Brother Ye, I asked about the two nurses."

"Among them, Wang Juan's father works in the Health Bureau..."

"Niu Xiaoyun's stepfather is the head of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Government."

"Their families have some connections, but they are all very ordinary."

"It's not a great connection."

Bai Ye felt relieved when he heard him say that.

Zhang Shen was able to transfer from Jinshi to Beijing to work, regardless of whether it was his own family or his father-in-law's family.

The connections were extraordinary.

The results he inquired about would not be different.

Bai Ye turned around and walked into the office until he could no longer see Zhang Shen's back.

It should not be difficult to transfer the two young nurses to other hospitals.

It's better not to transfer his second son. At his age, he can be an attending physician in Xiehe Hospital.

It's because of this era, but his son is very good and hardworking.

Erbao, he has the diligence and talent to become an excellent surgeon.

As a father, he should help him clear the obstacles.

"Deputy Chief Engineer Bai, this is today's newspaper."

As soon as Bai Ye entered the room, the newly assigned young comrade handed him the newspaper.

He smiled and nodded, then continued to walk to his office.

In their unit, comrades with titles above deputy chief engineer have separate offices.

Now the design institute has to set up a separate post to distribute newspapers to each unit.

In order to prevent their children from going to the countryside, everyone is trying every possible way.

Bai Ye sat in the office, wondering how the two nurses were transferred away without knowing it.

On the other side, in the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Lin Yuyu was playing sandbag throwing with her two little granddaughters.

Seeing that it was time for lunch again, she came early to pick up her two granddaughters as before.

When it was time for lunch, they went to the cafeteria.

Since her two granddaughters came to the bureau to attend kindergarten, she had not eaten lunch with Li Huiying again.

Wan Ling will report to the ministry next month.

The appointment letter has been sent to various departments and police stations, and she will soon take over the position of the head of the Finance Department of the Municipal Bureau.

She was happy about the promotion from the bottom of her heart.

Not only will the salary be higher than now, but if she retires as a regular section chief, she can also receive more pension.


Ayun waited for a long time, but did not see the sandbag thrown over.

She tilted her head and looked at her grandmother who was standing there, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lin Yuyu raised her hand to look at the watch on her wrist.

She reached out to look at the two granddaughters, "Let's go to the cafeteria for lunch first."

"Play at noon tomorrow."



The two little guys listened to their grandmother and ran to Lin Yu's side.

One of them held her hand and walked to the cafeteria together.

In the cafeteria, the two granddaughters now also have tickets to get lunch from the bureau.

Lin Yuyu followed the two of them to get food at the window set up for the children.

It takes much less time to queue than before.

At this time, in the cafeteria of Yang City Post and Telecommunications Bureau.

Sanbao was also eating lunch. Now that she had a baby in her belly, she felt comfortable and everything looked good to her.

Even Zhang Huaijun looked less annoying than before.

"Qingshu, Qian Jun and I will get the marriage certificate next week. I will bring you wedding candy then."


Sanbao swallowed the sorghum rice in his mouth and looked at Wang Hongli with a smile.

Last time, I asked Brother Mingbo about Qian Jun. He was the battalion commander of the first battalion of the 37th Regiment of Liu An.

Because he has been in the border defense force for these years, he has not met a suitable marriage partner.

He has just been transferred to Yang City for two years, and because of his age.

Most of the female soldiers of his age have already married and had children.

It was not until some time ago that Wang Hongli went on a blind date with him.

The idea of ​​getting married came into their minds.

When she got off work in the evening, Sanbao did not go directly to the military vehicle as usual.

Instead, she went to the Zhongjie Department Store first.

She went straight to the second floor and came to the clothing area. She saw a pair of pillowcases with double-囍 characters.

This pair of pillowcases, a giftIt was the perfect wedding gift for Wang Hongli.

When my elder brother married Xiaoou and my younger brother married Leilei, I gave them Pechoin cream and fabrics.

When Fang Xu married, my mother gave her a pair of pillowcases and a pair of enamelware pots.

This was the third time I gave money to Wang Hongli when she got married.

Thinking of this, she smiled and handed the salesperson two yuan and three feet of cloth coupons.

Then she turned and walked downstairs.

When she came to the military vehicle, the military families who were going to take the vehicle back to the family compound were all seated in the carriage.

Although, in winter, the outside of the carriage was wrapped with mats made of Ula grass.

It was still a little cold when it was windy and snowy, but every time I thought that this was a troop transport vehicle.

The soldiers sat in such vehicles regardless of wind or rain.

Sanbao didn't feel bitter at all. Every winter, her mother would mail her some cotton.

The cotton-padded clothes she gave to herself and Brother Mingbo were warm and thick.

It is the most comfortable season to sit in the car now that spring is in full bloom.

Sanbao is pregnant now, and she no longer uses her arms and feet to push the ground to get on the car as she did before.

The military family members on the car noticed that Sanbao, like them, used the stools on the ground to get on the car, and looked at them thoughtfully.

She didn't care about everyone's eyes, and found a spacious place to put down the small wooden stool and sit down.

Unless it was Sunday, she usually took the military car to work every day.

This is not a secret in their family compound.

In the past few years since she came to the army, not many people in the family compound didn't know her.

On the contrary, she only had Zhang Cuiyan as a friend who could talk.

Sanbao sat there, slightly raised her head and looked at the only green military uniform in the car as if inadvertently.

This Fu Xiaomei was also in the car.

She was born in 1948 and was about to turn 24.

Recently, I heard that her aunt was busy introducing her to a blind date.

Fu Chunying had to ask about all the officers in the army.

If she met someone with good conditions, she would ask someone to introduce them to a blind date.

In Liu An's regiment, there was a newly transferred young deputy battalion commander who was one year older than Fu Xiaomei.

Fu Chunying liked him and wanted Zhang Cuiyan to set him up for a blind date.

Zhang Cuiyan did ask the person involved, but unfortunately he had a wife in his hometown.

It was also at that time that everyone knew that his hometown was in Beijing.

I heard that his family conditions were very good.

For a while, the military families in the family building looked at Fu Chunying with inquiry.

It was not known whether Fu Xiaomei liked this man first and asked her aunt to introduce him to a blind date.

Or whether Fu Chunying liked him and wanted to introduce him to her niece.

Sanbao closed her eyes and dozed off while thinking about it.

What she didn't know was that the deputy battalion commander that Fu Chunying wanted to introduce to Fu Xiaomei.

At this moment, she was drinking tea in her brother Mingbo's office.

Jiang Mingbo looked at the young man sitting on the chair, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

This man was specially written by his uncle, who wanted him to help take care of him when necessary.

Although he didn't say what the relationship was, there were many children of generals in the military districts.

The people who could make his uncle speak were nothing more than his old comrades.

This man was transferred from the Jingshi Military District to Yangshi at this time, which was a fate between the two.

"Brother Bo, I know you."

Yang Hua smiled at the man sitting in front of him.

Jiang Mingbo paused drinking tea after hearing this.

He looked at the second-generation general in front of him again.

"My eldest brother is Yang Huai, and there are still photos of you two together in college at home."

"Are you Yang Huai's youngest brother?"


Yang Hua saw him nod, and felt more intimate in his heart.

Yang Huai was his college roommate, and he was assigned to the Suishi Military District after graduation.

Usually, the two of them often exchanged letters.

It's just that there has been no chance to meet again.

"Does your brother not know that you came to Yang City?"

"Yes, I was transferred back from the border with injuries."

"Only my father knows at home."

"How is your injury?"

"I'm well."

Jiang Mingbo looked at the boy in front of him, who was about the same age as his brother.

Warmth flashed across his eyes.

Maybe it was because they had both experienced life-and-death situations while on missions.

Yang Hua was also the youngest brother of his friend.

At this moment, Jiang Mingbo had become somewhat close to him.

As for his own brother Mingyu, he was reluctant to let him join the army.

Fortunately, he was not interested in this.

"Brother Bo, I'll go back to the dormitory to organize my things first, and I have to start participating in daily work tomorrow."

"I'll visit my home when I'm on vacation. I haven't seen Sister Qingshu for several years."

"In the past, every time I went to Uncle Lin's house to pay New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year, I would go when Brother Qingyi and the others were there."

"The three of them would take me out to play.""Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

Jiang Mingbo smiled and sent him out of the office, then closed the door and turned around to sit on the sofa again.

This circle is sometimes small, and the person that my uncle asked to take care of turned out to be the younger brother of his college friend.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but think of the days he lived in school.

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