"Thank you."

It has been a while since she and A'ye moved in. In the first few days, Zhao Huandi did not come to visit her.

Instead, she came to deliver something now, which was a bit strange.

Lin Yuyu did not think about it any more.

She smiled and watched Zhao Huandi enter the house, then closed her door and turned back to the dining table to sit down.

"These are the dumplings sent by Grandma Zhao next door. Do you two want to eat them now?"

"What filling?"

A'ye swallowed the wonton in her mouth and looked up at her grandmother.

Bai Ye heard this and smiled as he picked up a dumpling and ate it. He paused slightly when he met the eyes of his wife and two little granddaughters.

"The sauerkraut oil shuttle filling is quite delicious."

In fact, there is too little oil shuttle in this dumpling, and there is no oil or water, and it is not fragrant at all.

But at this time, it is a delicious food.

Yiyi watched her grandfather eat with relish, and the chopsticks in her little hand were eager to eat.

Seeing her like this, Lin Yuyu reached out and picked up a dumpling and put it on the sunflower-shaped plate in front of her.

"Ayun, do you want to try the dumplings too?"

While picking up dumplings for her second granddaughter, she did not forget to ask her eldest granddaughter if she wanted to eat.

The family must always be careful to treat these two granddaughters equally.

If they are not careful, they will quarrel, even though they usually have a good relationship.

If the family is not careful and there is a little unfairness, they will definitely be unwilling.

This trait is particularly obvious after they are three years old.

At that time, the pomegranates at home were ripe.

Because I was afraid that they would eat the pomegranate seeds into their stomachs, I made pomegranate juice for them.

The two little guys stood by and watched the whole process, and they cried after watching.

At that time, she was inexplicably stunned.

Later, she found out that one of the two cups she used to hold pomegranate juice had a lid and the other did not.

She had no choice but to pour both cups of pomegranate juice into the Magnolia cup before letting them drink.

From then on, she and Aye gradually realized that the twin sisters in the family were different.

They were different from when the three of them were young, because the youngest daughter was a girl.

Aye and I had dressed the three of them differently as boys and girls.

In addition, the three siblings may look different.

The eldest son and the second son have never had the habit of having the same things as the three brothers and sisters.

Now, the two granddaughters are really different from when they were young.

Just like now, the second granddaughter eats dumplings.

The eldest granddaughter has to eat them too.

The same is true in reverse.

If the eldest granddaughter doesn't have something, she will definitely make a fuss.

Fortunately, although the two little granddaughters didn't say the dumplings were delicious after eating them.

But they ate one dumpling.

These dumplings were not small dumplings, but large steamed dumplings.

Each dumpling was quite large.

Zhao Huandi sent four dumplings, just enough for the four of them to eat one each.

Time passed quickly, and it was the day of Jiang Jiaming's wedding.

Today is Sunday.

The Jiang family has no relatives in Beijing, only their own family and Lin Ai's mother's family.

Now, there is another relative, Mingyu's father-in-law Liu's family.

Jiang Jiadong didn't invite his own family to Mingyu's wedding banquet.

At this time, in the Jiang family kitchen.

Lin Yuyu was helping Lin Ai prepare the food.

She didn't let the two daughters-in-law do it, because the second daughter-in-law was pregnant.

The eldest grandson also needs his mother's care.

While the two of them were cooking, they talked casually.

"My mother-in-law said that if Mingbo and the army can't get a vacation after Qingshu is in confinement."

"She will go over to take care of Qingshu during the confinement period."

"I thought that if I am on winter vacation at that time, I will go over to take care of her during the confinement period."

"That's great. There are really no special cases for long vacations in our bureau."

Lin Yu reacted for a while after hearing her words. Aunt Jiang is 67 years old this year.

She is in good health, but taking care of confinement is a tiring thing.

It would be best if Mingbo had his own vacation.

However, for officers like him whose family members accompany the army, the number of days for home visits is much less than before they accompany the army.

However, it is better for Mingbo to have a vacation than not to have a vacation.

When the little girl gave birth, neither he nor Aye could go to Yang City.

Mingyu's father-in-law's family has not come yet. Today, the second son is at work.

In the living room, Bai Ye and his eldest son are drinking tea and talking with Jiang Jiadong.

After a while, Jiang Mingyu brought his wife He Baojie, his father-in-law, his elder brother-in-law and his elder sister-in-law.

In addition, the matchmaker He's uncle entered the house together.

It was the first time for Bai Ye and the He family to meet, and they looked at each other without leaving any trace.

The person Jiang Jiadong arranged for his youngest son to marryThe family was carefully selected.

He's father worked in the Ministry of Agriculture, and the three children in the family all had good jobs.

Mingyu's wife was two years younger than Mingyu. She took over her mother's position after graduating from high school and worked in the Ministry of Water Resources.

This family didn't know how to behave, but they were quite presentable.

Similarly, He's father He Yunliang was also thinking about the Bai family.

His eldest brother-in-law and his in-laws both worked in the Personnel Bureau, and he introduced his daughter and son-in-law to a blind date.

Both of them thought each other was good, so the family couldn't find any reason to object.

Jiang Jiadong had always had a good reputation in the Personnel Bureau.

The two families were preparing to get married, and the family had naturally inquired about the eldest son of the Jiang family.

Unfortunately, he was a soldier, and the family had almost no information.

It was the Bai family that made him pay attention. From the parents to the three children, all of them were college students.

The first two of his three children didn't get into college.

In the end, the little girl didn't go to college, but she could blame the cancellation of the college entrance examination.

But family members know their own business, and P&G's test scores are not good enough for college.

After Jiang Jiadong introduced the two families, everyone sat on the sofa and talked about the embarrassing childhood of the newlyweds.

At this time, everyone was unfamiliar and had nothing else to say.




Bai Ye was just listening to boredom when he saw his three little guys coming in from outside.

The youngest one walked slowly, and the two sisters each held his little hand.

Slowly waiting for him to take a step.

It was heartwarming to watch.

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