She hadn't gotten pregnant in the past few years since she got married, and there were more and more people gossiping about her in the courtyard.

She got angry and anxious when she heard them.

This time, she finally got a ray of hope after giving birth to twin boys.

Li Fanglei, lying on the bed, was happy for Sanbao and couldn't help stroking her belly.

If the child was a girl, she would be under a lot of pressure.

Her parents-in-law always said that it didn't matter whether the child was a boy or a girl when the child was not at home.

It didn't matter whether it was a boy or a girl.

Brother Qingxiang even said that having too many children would hurt the mother, and it didn't matter whether the child in his belly was a boy or a girl.

This was the last time they had children.

She was also a college student, and her parents had never been biased towards boys since she was a child.

On the contrary, because she was a girl, they spoiled her more.

In her heart, she felt that it didn't matter whether she had a boy or a girl, they were all her and Brother Qingxiang's children.

However, now every household is comparing who has more sons and who doesn't.

The current living environment is like this, and she can't live alone without everyone.

Then there is no other way, just ignore the thoughts of people around.

Lin Yuyu was so happy that she glanced at Lei Lei with her peripheral vision.

She forced herself to be careful when speaking, so as not to inadvertently put pressure on her second daughter-in-law.

She silently calculated in her heart what to mail to Yang City for her little daughter.

Dabao thought that now only his wife and children were at home.

He said hello and walked out of the ward under the eyes of his parents.

Dabao did not go home directly after leaving the ward, but walked towards the thoracic surgery clinic.

At this moment, his younger brother was on duty in the department.

Erbao saw his brother push the door in, and his eyes flashed.

"Brother, you are here."

"Are sister-in-law, Ayun and Yiyi here too?"

"They are all at home, I came to tell you that your sister gave birth to two little nephews safely."

As expected, Erbao was visibly happy when he heard his brother's words.

"That's great, we have two new little ones in our family."

The two brothers didn't say much, Dabao still had to buy dinner for his wife and son.

Before he left, he glanced at the other three people on duty with his brother and turned away.

The family hadn't found an opportunity to transfer the two nurses in his brother's department.

This matter was in his heart, and he couldn't be completely relieved.

He didn't know when he would have a legitimate opportunity.

In a blink of an eye, it was Sunday, and Lei Lei had been staying in the hospital.

The little guy in her belly had no idea of ​​coming out.

At this moment, Sanbao was washing his face and brushing his teeth in the bathroom of the Yangshi Military Region Family Building.

He heard someone knocking on the door.

When she came out, Wang Hongli was already sitting in the small hall.

On the table, there were eggs she brought.

Now when people come to visit relatives and friends in confinement, most of them bring eggs or brown sugar.

Wang Hongli and Qian Jun had just married and moved to the military compound with the army.

The two of them happened to ride in a military vehicle to and from get off work together.

Before, Wang Hongli looked after her on the way to and from work because her belly was getting bigger and bigger.

Jiang Mingbo looked at his wife and took Wang Hongli to the master bedroom to see the children.

He did not follow and continued to sit in the small hall alone.

In the master bedroom on the other side, Wang Hongli looked at the two sleeping little guys with a sense of novelty in her eyes.

"Your two eldest sons are so white and tender."

"They don't see the sun at home, and they may become naughty and rough in the future."

Sanbao felt a little guilty after speaking. The two little guys looked good only these days.

They were so ugly in the first few days after they were born.

They were so thin, ugly and yellow that she didn't dare to look at them.

Only Mingbo couldn't get enough of looking at them, and he said that Mingyu was like this when he was born.

Their sons must be good-looking men.

"I haven't been at work these days. Is the office busy?"

"Not bad. Everyone still has nothing to do in the afternoon like before."

"It's just that Zhang Huaijun made some jokes in the unit and was almost arrested as a hooligan."

Wang Hongli didn't look up. She kept staring at the two babies, wanting to see them enough. Their house was in the family building on the other side.

Not far from Qingshu's home, she would come to play with Qingshu from time to time.

This time, Qingshu gave birth to twin boys, which was a hot news in the military compound.

As one of the few people who were close to her, I have been more popular in recent days.

Since last week, I and Zhang Cuiyan went to the hospital to see Qingshu and came back.

When the two of them walked in the compound, people would stop them and ask if Qingshu really gave birth to two boys.

Thinking of thisShe couldn't help but touch her belly.

She liked it whether it was a boy or a girl.

She was just afraid that those nosy people in the family building would be too annoying.

Sanbao saw her touching her belly, and a hint of mischief flashed through his eyes.

"Do you have good news?"


Wang Hongli met Sanbao's gaze, feeling a little embarrassed.

Her pregnancy was indeed not slow, and there was no way her family could keep urging her.

Seeing her like this, Sanbao stopped teasing her.

"What's going on with Zhang Huaijun?"

This matter was too big, and Sanbao was really curious about the whole thing.

Hearing this, Wang Hongli sat down at the desk and looked at Sanbao with a smile.

"Qingshu, let me tell you something."

"On the second day of your maternity leave, everyone was having lunch in the cafeteria at noon."

"Zhang Huaijun's blind date came directly to the company cafeteria."

"She said she was pregnant with Zhang Huaijun's child and that Zhang Huaijun was engaged to her."

"She also met other blind dates and now wants to break off the engagement with her."

"And she was not pregnant voluntarily, but was forced by Zhang Huaijun."

"Later, our bureau's security department came with comrades from the police station."

"Take them both away, and then everyone continued to eat."

"The next day, they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate."

"Tell me what happened in detail."

Wang Hongli saw Sanbao's eyes shining with sparkles, and she reached out to touch her forehead with some amusement.

"I definitely don't know what happened."

"That's right. The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better."

"Hongli, do you think it will happen..."

Knock, knock, knock...

The two of them were chatting enthusiastically when there was a knock on the door.

After a while, Zhang Cuiyan opened the bedroom door and came in.

"Sister Yan, you're here. Come and sit down."

Zhang Cuiyan looked at Sanbao, and her complexion was better than the last time they met in the hospital.

I couldn't help but think of the incident when Political Commissar Jiang asked the attendant to exchange old hens in the nearby village.

If this man knew how to care for people, women would suffer less when giving birth.

"I exchanged some eggs with the villagers nearby. Eating them during confinement is nutritious."

"Last time I went to the hospital to see you, I thought I would bring something with me, and you would have to bring it back by yourselves."

"I didn't bring it in for you. I'm going to bring it to you today because I'm on holiday."

Sanbao shook Zhang Cuiyan's hand and looked at her with a smile.

"Well, thank you, Sister Yan."

Wang Hongli looked at Sanbao's smiling face.

She felt a little envious. Qingshu was about to turn 30, but she was still as beautiful as she was in her early 20s.

Giving birth didn't make her look haggard at all.

She thought that her sister-in-law looked more than five years older after giving birth to her nephew at the age of 40.

She was nervous.

Qingshu and I were about the same age, so she wouldn't be too old after the child was born.

Zhang Cuiyan looked at the two young wives who were less than 30 years old.

She looked a little relieved. She was born in 1930.

She was a close friend of them, and she was the only one who could talk to them in this family compound.

Now, although Sanbao was at home for confinement and didn't have to go to work, Zhang Cuiyan was at home during the winter vacation.

But Wang Hongli still had to go to work every day.

It was rare for the three of them to get together and talk. It was getting dark outside, and they didn't disperse until dinner time.

"Uncle Jiang, is my mother at your house?"

The door of the master bedroom was not closed. When Jiang Mingbo opened the door for Mu Hua, Zhang Cuiyan got up and prepared to go home.

The little girl must be a little hungry after school.

She had to go home to make dinner quickly, and Wang Hongli also had time to go home to cook.

The two of them went out together.

Sanbao saw Jiang Mingbo close the door, turned around and walked into the second bedroom.

Jiang Mingbo was afraid that the two little guys would disturb their mother's conversation, so he let them sleep in the second bedroom.

If they were hungry, he could feed them some milk powder to coax them to sleep.

There were only four people in the family, him, Qingshu, and his sons.

During the maternity leave, his wife's two friends couldn't always come home to talk to her.

For a long time, he was really afraid that Qingshu would be unhappy without anyone to talk to at home.

On the other side, Zhang Cuiyan went out and came to her own door. She said goodbye to Wang Hongli with her little daughter.

Then she went into the house and started to cook dinner.

Her husband was busy in the regiment and had not come back yet, so there were only the two of them at home.



"I will graduate from high school in June. If I want to stay in the hospital as a medical soldier."

"Will Dad agree?"

"If there is a position in the military hospital, your dad will not disagree."

"I'm afraid that there are children who want to be medical soldiers."

"I was promoted according to seniority, and I have to pay attention to seniority and first come first served."

"But you don't have to worry. Our junior high school in the armyWe are still short of two math teachers."

"You can take the job exam if you have a high school degree."

"Originally, the primary school was short of a math teacher, but recently there was a military wife who graduated from high school among the military dependents."

"The army directly arranged for her to be a teacher in the primary school, and she doesn't need to take the exam."

"You are the second generation, whether you are a medical soldier or a teacher, it is inevitable to take the exam.

You should strive to get into the ideal unit, even if you can't get in for the time being, it's okay.

Your brother responded to the call to go to the countryside, and you are not included in the scope of going to the countryside.

If you want to rest at home first, it's okay, your father and I can support you with our salary.

But mom still hopes that you will work hard, and you can find a partner with a good job after you work well.

"Okay, I remember."

Liu Muhua sat on a small stool in the kitchen, washing pickled vegetables while listening to her mother.

From time to time, she agreed a few words, looked up at her mother who was cooking, and the smile in her eyes never faded.

Secretly told herself in her heart that she should study hard for the exam.

When she gets paid from work, she can buy things and mail them to her brother.

It was already 20 minutes later when Wang Hongli got home, and Qian Jun had already cooked rice.

She smiled and cooked two dishes on the stove, and the newlyweds began to eat dinner.

At this moment, Sanbao looked at the chicken soup on the table, and she subconsciously smacked her lips.

During the week she stayed in the hospital, she didn't know how Brother Mingbo borrowed the stove from the hospital kitchen.

Every day, she had millet porridge, boiled eggs and chicken soup without salt.

As a result, when she saw chicken soup now, she was resistant from head to toe.

Sanbao was thinking about how to convince Jiang Mingbo to escape this chicken soup.

At this time, outside the delivery room of Beijing Xiehe Hospital.

Li Fanglei had just been pushed into the delivery room. Outside the delivery room, except for Dabao and his wife, who were at home taking care of the child.

Lin Yuyu, Bai Ye, Erbao, and the entire Li family were waiting outside the delivery room.

Today, Erbao and his mother-in-law are both on the day shift, so they don't have to be in the hospital like when the two daughters were born.

But he can't come to see his wife and children.

Fan Xiaojuan sat next to Fang Xu, listening to the intermittent cries of his elder sister-in-law in the delivery room.

She couldn't help but reach out and touch her belly. The due date of her and Axu's child is in April after the New Year.

She got married late, and this is the first child in their family.

At this moment, she heard her elder sister-in-law cry out in pain during childbirth.

She was a little scared, and Fang Xu's mind was on his sister in the delivery room.

When his sister gave birth to two little nieces, he didn't have a vacation.

This was the first time he waited for his sister to give birth, and he couldn't help feeling nervous.

Fang Jun, who was sitting on the other side of Fang Xu, saw his father and his brother-in-law stand up and pace back and forth.

He was also nervous, as it was his first time experiencing his sister's delivery.

Lin Hanyu sat aside and saw that Fan Xiaojuan's emotions were a little fluctuating.

Turning his head, he whispered a few words in Zhang Mei's ear.

Seeing her stand up and sit next to her daughter-in-law, he looked at Bai Ye in tacit understanding.

When their little girl gave birth, her family was not around.

Bai Ye felt that Lin Yuyu was in a bad mood, and adjusted his own depressed mood.

While no one was paying attention, he reached out and touched her eyebrows.

He was thinking about how to make his daughter-in-law feel better.

A nurse with a baby in her arms walked out of the delivery room.

She suddenly saw the people surrounding the delivery room.

Subconsciously, she relaxed the strength of holding the child in her hands.

"Family of Li Fanglei, mother and child are safe."

"A big fat boy weighing 5.8 jin."

Hearing this, Erbao smiled and stepped forward to take the son from the nurse's arms.

He and Lei Lei have a son and a daughter.

"When can my wife come out?"

"Doctor Bai, my sister-in-law will have to pack up later."

"Okay, thank you."

Erbao smiled and nodded.

He has worked in the hospital for many years, and there are not many medical staff in the unit who don't know him.

There is only one pregnant woman, Li Fanglei, today, and she will come out soon after packing up.

Erbao looked at his wife who was sleeping soundly on the bed and reached out to touch her hair.

Now, his heart is finally settled, and they have a son and a daughter.

Leilei no longer has to suffer from rumors. Think about it, this world is really unfair.

Having a child is a matter for two people, but everyone only spreads gossip about Leilei.

Erbao looked at his eldest son in the cradle and felt at ease.

I had long forgotten that Leilei was injured when giving birth to two daughters.

It was difficult to get pregnant, and the difficulties I had when I secretly looked for a famous doctor.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to get pregnant, but it is not impossible to get pregnant again.

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