In the living room on the other side, Lin Yu gently held the hand of her second daughter-in-law on her lap.

"Leilei, you and your wife should decide on the matter of having children."

She tilted her head and looked at her eldest daughter-in-law sitting on the sofa on the other side.

"Xiaoou, too. You and your wife should decide how many children you want to have."

"Your father-in-law and I don't care about these things. We have grandchildren at home now. For us, we have both sons and daughters."



Li Fanglei and Meng Xiaoou saw that their mother-in-law's expression was not fake.

Their hearts also settled down little by little.

Bai Ye, who was sitting in the kitchen at this moment, didn't know what his daughter-in-law said in the living room.

He watched his eldest son work while playing with his three grandchildren.

Dabao turned around and saw his father sitting there leisurely teasing his son.

He resigned himself to his fate and continued to wash the potatoes in the enamel basin.

"Dad, I just came back and met Wang Lai Di."

"She said that after the new year, we will be able to get electricity to our alley when we go to work."

"What did she say?"


"That's great. Every time we get electricity, we encounter some big or small problems, but they are finally resolved."

"The lights at home haven't been turned on for so many years, and I don't know if they can still be used."

As he spoke, he stood up with his eldest grandson in his arms and came to the kitchen lights.

When the house was renovated, he deliberately installed wall lamps, otherwise the height would be high and the wattage of the lights would be lower.

Even if the lights are installed, it is likely that the objects cannot be seen clearly.

The main house faces north and south, and the four stoves in the kitchen are built in a row against the east wall.

Above the stoves, there is a light on the north wall and the south wall.

After the electricity is turned on, you can see the dishes in the pot clearly at night without putting a kerosene lamp on the stove.

There are two other wall lamps in the kitchen, one on the east wall, and under the lamp is the operating table against the west wall.

When it gets dark, turn on the light and don't worry about not being able to see while cutting vegetables.

There is also a wall lamp installed in the stairwell leading to the second floor of the kitchen.

The house is full of old French wall lamps from the Republic of China, with brass lamp frames and white spherical lampshades, which looked simple and elegant at the time.

Even if these lamps are wiped every day, after nearly thirty years.

They have long lost their color and luster.

"Ayun, Yiyi, do you want to go to the living room with grandpa?"

"No, I want to stay here with uncle."

"Uncle is alone."

"Okay, then grandpa will go out."

"Dabao glanced at his father's back, lowered his head and continued to wash the dishes in his hands."

The New Year's Eve dinner was still a copper hot pot like in previous years.

It's just that the dumplings at night have long been prepared by the children together, instead of only Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye at the beginning, and they no longer lend a hand.

In the kitchen, Dabao finally placed the copper pot in the middle of the dining table and came out to look at the two little nieces who were still sitting in the kitchen.

"Ayun, Yiyi."

"Go tell grandpa and grandma to come over for dinner."

Upon hearing this, the two little ones put the bowls of meat in their hands on the stove.

Then they left the kitchen hand in hand.

Dabao unconsciously glanced at the two of them, their greasy hands intertwined.

A little annoyed, mom should wash the hands of the two little ones first.

Thinking of this, he turned around and walked to the tap in the northwest corner of the kitchen.

Scooped a ladle of cold water from the water tank under the tap and poured it into the enamel wash basin.

Then he came to the stove, picked up the aluminum pot cover, scooped a ladle of hot water from the big iron pot and poured it into the enamel wash basin.

He also reached out to feel the water temperature before he started washing his hands.

The wash plate rack in the kitchen at home has never been moved.

It has been placed here since he was a child, so it is convenient for cooking and washing hands.

In the living room on the other side, Lin Yuyu looked at the greasy hands of her two granddaughters with an unchanged expression on her face.

"Uncle, didn't you wash our two little babies' hands?"

"Uncle is busy cooking."

These two little guys know how to protect their uncle.

Lin Yuyu looked at the two happy little girls and smiled and led them to the bathroom to wash their hands.

The eldest grandson and the second grandson are not very old, and the second grandson is just a little baby who was born a little over a month ago.

Now, although the two sons and the eldest daughter-in-law do more housework in the kitchen at home.

But most of the time when they have enough time, they do housework together.

These two little girls always accompany whoever is alone at home.

I don't know how their little heads think.

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