Lin Yuyu still went to the bathroom to wash up after getting up, just like before. Although the water supply and drainage in the bathroom at home are not available for the time being.

Usually, the washbasin rack and thermos are placed in it, so that there is a spacious place for washing at home.

After washing up, she went into the kitchen and went up the stairs directly to the second floor.

The large wooden boxes made by Master Zhao were of very good quality. They have been used to grow vegetables in winter these years.

Lin Yuyu picked a few small cabbages and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Today she was going to make two braised fish, one for A Ye to eat first, and one for Da Bao to eat when he wakes up.

At noon, the two fish that could not be eaten were mixed together.

When the three babies woke up, Lin Yuyu was reading the newspaper and drinking tea in the living room.

"Mom..." The sound of a baby came from the bedroom, and Lin Yuyu's heart melted.

She put down the newspaper, walked into the bedroom, and helped the three babies get dressed.

Winter clothes are too thick, and they have little strength, so it is difficult for them to put them on by themselves.

Dabao saw Lin Manyu enter the bedroom, and his peach blossom eyes looked exactly like Bai Ye's.

He looked at Lin Manyu closely, "Did mom cook fish for me?"

Lin Manyu stepped forward and kissed Dabao's little face, "You can eat it after you put on your clothes. It's the braised fish you like. Mom will put a little chili this time."

After that, Lin Manyu stretched out her hand and gestured to Dabao with her fingers.

Erbao and Sanbao saw that their mother kissed their brother, but not them.

They competed to kiss Lin Manyu.

Lin Manyu was busy kissing Erbao and Sanbao, and didn't see the light flashing in Dabao's eyes.

Until many years later, Bai Qingyi would talk about this morning every time he talked about his mother.

He said that in that morning he felt that he was happier than his younger brother and sister combined.

Lin Yuyu was afraid that the three children would tire their eyes from reading at night, so she wanted to guide them to study more during the day.

In the living room, Lin Yuyu had just put away the breakfast dishes and put the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the round table.

She sat at the round table, holding a brush in her hand, and carefully copied the "Lanting Preface".

At first, the three children were still chatting in the living room.

Dabao took a bite of the osmanthus cake in Erbao's hand.

"I have been counting the days. The Lantern Festival will be in one day. Dad and Mom promised to take us to the street to play."

Sanbao nodded his little head, "Dad and Mom will definitely take us there. I will see if there are any little rabbit lanterns then."

Erbao's attention was no longer on his brother and sister. Why didn't his mother come over?

Erbao looked back at Lin Yuyu who was sitting there with his back to them.

He ate the remaining osmanthus cake in his hand, walked to the round table with his two short legs, and wanted to see what his mother was doing.

In order to see the things on the table clearly, he climbed up the drum stool again.

Seeing that some treasures had taken the bait, Lin Yuyu quickly stopped and reached out to hug Erbao.

"Our Erbao already knows how to count to tens. Today we will learn to count to ten."

At this moment, Erbao, sitting in Lin Yuyu's arms, looked confused.

Dabao and Sanbao saw Erbao and his mother studying alone there.

They followed.

Lin Yuyu took the three treasures to the chair and began to teach them simple mathematics.

Prepare to increase the difficulty little by little later.

Liberal subjects can also be learned in advance, such as language.

She and Aye are fluent in English, Russian and Japanese as their mothers.

It's just right to teach the three treasures now.

Time passed quietly as Lin Yuyu tricked the three treasures into learning.

Today is the Lantern Festival. Bai Ye asked for leave from the restaurant owner early to spend the festival with his wife and children.

People can tell what the Lantern Festival in the old Beijing is like by walking on the street.

Famous old shops hang hundreds of lanterns for five consecutive days from the 13th to the 17th of the first lunar month for people to visit.

The three treasures got up early today and smiled from the moment they got up.

This is the first time they celebrate the Lantern Festival in their memory.

Bai Ye is cooking Yuanxiao in the kitchen. The Yuanxiao stuffed with sesame and walnut is his young wife's favorite.

In the living room, the three treasures surrounded Lin Manyu and kept asking when it would get dark.

After listening to their mother, they would be quiet for a while, and then ask when it would get dark again.

When Bai Ye came out with the Yuanxiao, Lin Manyu was holding the pouting three treasures.

Dabao ran to the round table, looking at the small balls in the bowl, staring at Baiye with the same peach blossom eyes as Baiye.

Waiting for his father to tell him what this is, Baiye stepped forward and touched his little head.

"This is Yuanxiao, we eat it every year during the Lantern Festival."

Baiye looked at Dabao staring at the Yuanxiao in the bowl, pursing his lips.

He scooped a Yuanxiao from the bowl and fed it to Dabao,"It's sticky. You need to chew it a few more times before you can swallow it."

Bai Ye looked at Dabao, who chewed and swallowed the Yuanxiao, and his peach blossom eyes sparkled. He was relieved.

The triplets were good at this when they were young. If one of them did something, the other two would do it too.

At this moment, the three babies sat obediently at the round table, waiting for their father to feed them Yuanxiao.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the five members of the Bai family walked out of the courtyard.

You don't have to go too far. There are lanterns in the shops on both sides of Shichahai.

Lin Yu was afraid that the three babies would get lost, so he tied cloth ropes on the wrists of the three babies.

The other end of the cloth rope was connected to Bai Ye's wrist.

The three babies walked slowly, and Bai Ye and Lin Yu matched their pace and strolled slowly.

At that time, the lanterns were not placed on a street like in later generations.

Now they still follow the old rules, and they put lanterns inside and outside their own shops. The more time-honored shops there are, the more beautiful the lanterns are.

"Mom..., it's a bunny lantern," Sanbao stopped in front of the silk shop and looked inside.

Lin Yuyu followed Sanbao's gaze and saw the bunny lanterns in the shop.

She took Bai Ye's hand and walked into the shop with the three treasures.

Her little girl said at home early that she wanted to see if there were any bunny lanterns.

When the family of five came out of the silk shop, the three treasures were holding lanterns in their hands.

The eldest treasure was holding a small round lantern.

The second treasure was holding a small gourd lantern.

The third treasure was holding the bunny lantern she had been thinking about.

The children loved the excitement the most at this time, and the three treasures were held by Lin Yuyu and his wife.

It didn't stop them from running around when they were happy and refusing to go home.

It was almost ten o'clock when they returned to the courtyard, and the three babies were nodding their heads.

Bai Ye held the second baby in one hand and the third baby in the other, while Lin Yu held the eldest baby and held their lanterns.

The family of five hurriedly walked east across the courtyard.

Maybe because it was the Lantern Festival, the courtyard, which was originally locked at 8:30, was still brightly lit at this time today.

In the back house of the main courtyard, Zhang Daya has aged a lot in recent years.

She used to have the final say at home, but it was unknown when her son became more and more dissatisfied with her.

The daughter-in-law saw the clues and took revenge on both the old and new grudges, and whispered to her son.

At this moment, she saw Bai Ye's family entering the courtyard, and she felt bad.

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