At Zhang Mei's house in the second courtyard of the main courtyard, Li Fanglei swallowed the egg in her mouth and turned to look at Li Fangxu beside her.

She said in a babyish voice, "Brother, sister will go to middle school tomorrow."

"You must listen to your parents at home and take good care of your little brother."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Ze couldn't help laughing, and only Li Fangxu looked at his sister with a cute face.

Li Fanglei liked her so much that she turned around and kissed her brother hard on the cheek.

"Wow wow wow..."

After kissing her brother to tears, she sat there with an innocent face and ate obediently.

Li Ze smiled and picked up his eldest son, coaxing him for a long time before coaxing him.

Zhang Mei coaxed her youngest son to sleep and came out of the bedroom, "Aze, I don't have many days left on my maternity leave."

"Take your daughter to register tomorrow and go to our hospital nursery to register the two sons."

"Okay," Li Ze nodded, "Time flies so fast. 84 days of maternity leave, and now it seems that there are only a few days left."

"Yes, our youngest son will be three months old soon," Zhang Mei did not stop peeling shrimp for her daughter.

"Dad got up early to buy these prawns. You need to eat more now as you grow."

At this moment, in the Bai family's courtyard, the three babies finished their meal early and sat at the dining table, waiting for their parents.

It was just nine o'clock when Lin Yuyu and his family arrived at the Di'anmen Department Store.

This mall just opened this year, and it was their first time here.

The family went straight to the bicycle area. They saw all Forever brands everywhere, and Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye did not see any women's bicycles.

Just then, a staff member came over and asked, "Sir, do you want to buy a bicycle?"

"Do you have women's bicycles?" Bai Ye

The staff member smiled and said, "I heard that foreign products have them, but we don't have them yet."

In the end, Lin Manyu spent 1.6335 million yuan to buy a men's bicycle to take home.

Considering the current price situation where one thousand yuan can buy a kilogram of rice, this bicycle is not cheap.

Bai Ye pushed the bicycle and the family of five walked home. Each of the three treasures carried a small bag containing the eight Beijing items.

He looked at the three treasures walking happily in front of him with bags, and the warmth flashed in his eyes, which could not be hidden.

His and Man's children are all very good. The children in the family are moving up slowly, little by little.

The older generation supports the younger generation, and it is good to pass it down from generation to generation.

In the evening, in Aunt Jiang's bedroom, she sat on the sofa and looked at Jiang Jiadong.

"Don't blame mom for still managing your salary."

"I don't care if you wanted to marry Lin Ai because she's pretty or because of something else."

"The fact is, she's confused. If she could have been clear, I wouldn't have managed your salary."

"I don't manage your salary now. In the end, she'll have to move back to her parents' home."

"When Mingbo and I lived in Shen City, I think you know where you spent your money and how much money you saved."

"Although you gave me your salary, I also took care of your food, clothing, housing, and pocket money. I will give it to you, and it won't affect your future social activities. "

"I take care of your wife's food, clothing, housing and transportation. I'm not that evil mother-in-law."

"I manage your salary for my two grandsons. I'm afraid that in the end, all the things of the Jiang family will become the Lin family, and my two grandsons will be left with nothing."

"In this way, your wife still has half a month's salary for pocket money. I think which mother doesn't want to buy things for her children."

"She saw good things on the street and wanted to buy them for her sons. It's not a big deal if she doesn't have money in her pocket."

"What's the result? After so many years, , what has she bought for her two sons? ”

“Or she can spend it herself, but she didn’t buy it herself. Then I ask you, how much money has she saved?”

“Go back and tell her that starting from next month, she will give three-quarters of her salary to the family.”

“We, the Jiang family, married Lin Ai, not the entire Lin family.”

“I have seen people who treat their nephews well, and I treat your cousin well too. In a family, we all prosper together and suffer together.”

“But your wife is the first mother I have ever seen who treats her nephew better than her own son.”

Jiang Jiadong sat there and smiled slightly. Sighing, "I'll go back and tell her to pay three quarters of her salary next month."

Aunt Jiang looked at her son with helplessness in her eyes, "I know my own son, you are not a wicked person."

"But you love yourself too much and pay too much attention to your career."

"What happened with the Bai family at that time was inappropriate."

"It's been so long since the incident, there's nothing to say."

"In the future, just have ordinary dealings with the Bai family, I don't want to care about more."

"Well" Jiang Jiadong's handsome face flashed with embarrassment.

"Mom, don't worry, I admit what I did back then, and I won't do it again.Things."

The two chatted so seriously that they didn't notice the two little heads at the door of the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Lin Ai looked unhappy after hearing what Jiang Jiadong said, "Mom said that there is not enough money at home?"

Jiang Jiadong nodded, "Mom is retired now and her salary is not as much as before."

Hearing what Jiang Jiadong said, Lin Ai's face darkened.

"Our family eats too well. How many families eat like us now?"

"Sons are growing up, and you still feel bad for them to eat a little? "

Jiang Jiadong was a little angry when he heard Lin Ai say this, and he didn't say anything.

At this time, in the Wang family's house in the back of the main courtyard, Zhang Daya was lying on the bed thinking about what happened during the day, and she felt uncomfortable.

For so many years, she always felt that the beating her son received that year was related to the Bai family.

Now that the Bai family is getting better and better, she is so angry that her teeth itch in her heart.

There are not many families in this courtyard who have a bicycle at home, and the Bai family bought another one today.

"Grandma, mom asked me to ask you, will you still make shoes tomorrow."

Zhang Daya stared at Wang Lai Di who came into the house, "No, tell your mom, I will rest tomorrow."

Seeing Wang Lai Di turn around and leave, Zhang Daya smiled.

"This girl is better at studying than my eldest grandson. When she finishes her studies and finds a good job, let her give the job to my eldest grandson."

"Her eldest grandson can also buy two bicycles in the future. "

Wang Lai Di didn't know what her grandmother was thinking, and was now surrounding Li Lanying.

"Mom, my grandma said she would rest tomorrow."

Li Lanying nodded and thought for a while before speaking.

"My daughter, you see, those who live well in our courtyard are all scholars."

"Jiang Mingbo's family, Li Fanglei's family, and Bai Qingyi's family all live well and have nice names."

"Mom didn't have the opportunity to study when she was a child, but she can read and compare."

"Mom now hopes that you can live a good life after studying."

"Okay," Wang Lai Di smiled and gently went forward to hug Li Lanying.

Until many years later, she would still think of this night from time to time.

At that time, the house was dim, and her mother was shining.

In the early morning of Beijing in early September, it was already a little cool.

When Lin Yu got up, Sanbao was still sleeping. Looking at her daughter's little face, she lowered her head and gently kissed her.

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