In the bedroom on the second floor, Bai Ye held Lin Hanyu in his arms.

"Hanhan, we have talked to the children so many times, but we have failed to let them sleep by themselves."

"This time, it was because of the six porcelain basins that they agreed to sleep in separate rooms."

"Yeah," Lin Hanyu nodded dazedly, "We, this can be considered a blessing in disguise."

Bai Ye looked down at the little woman in his arms, who was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, and closed her eyes as well.

The next morning, the wall clock in the bedroom rang on time at five o'clock.

Lin Hanyu struggled to open her eyes and met Bai Ye's deep eyes.

"Wife, you sleep a little longer, I'll go make breakfast."

In the kitchen, Bai Ye quickly boiled water in a pot and filled the five thermoses at home.

When the wall clock rang again, it was already six o'clock.

Lin Yu got dressed and went downstairs, and saw the three treasures washing in the bathroom.

When they finished eating and arrived at Zhang Mei's house, it was six forty, and Bai Ye handed the family's tricycle to Li Ze.

Lin Yu squatted down and gently hugged the three treasures in her arms.

"Do you remember what mom said to you last night?"

"I remember," the three treasures nodded together.

Er Bao thought for a while and looked at Lin Yu, "If mom and dad don't come to pick us up after school, they will let Uncle Ze or Aunt Meimei pick us up."

"Except Uncle Ze and Aunt Meimei, mom and dad will not let anyone pick us up and find us out of the school gate."

"Except Uncle Ze and Aunt Meimei, we can't leave the school with anyone."

"If we leave the school, we will be caught by bad guys and sold, and we will never see mom and dad again."

"Good, so good," Lin Yu kissed the three treasures on their little faces before letting them go.

It was already 7:50 when Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye rode to the vicinity of the school.

They separated at the gate of Beijing University, Lin Hanyu entered the school, and Bai Ye rode to Hua University.

When Lin Hanyu trotted into the classroom, it was already full of people.

"Sister Yu, come here quickly, there's a seat for you."

She saw Li Lanyu waving at her, and hurried over. Eight people in the dormitory sat together, and the empty seat was reserved for her.

As soon as Lin Hanyu sat down, the teacher pushed the door in.

The teacher who walked in was the female teacher who sat at the registration office that day.

She walked up to the podium slowly, turned around, put the book in her hand on the table, and looked at everyone.

"Hello, classmates, if nothing unexpected happens in the five years of college, I will always be your class teacher."

"My last name is Li, you can just call me Teacher Li."

"Now, a few boys, come out and go with me to get the books back."

After the teacher left, the students in the classroom began to chat again.

On Lin Manyu's left sat Li Lanyu, and on her right sat Liu Yanan.

These were two pretty girls, both in their twenties.

Liu Yanan was a bit whiter, while Li Lanyu had wheat-colored skin.

Li Lanyu saw that the teacher hadn't come back yet, so she moved closer to Lin Manyu.

"Sister Yu, did you say yesterday that you wouldn't sleep in the dormitory at night?"

"Yeah," Lin Manyu nodded.

"My child is too young, so I explained the situation to the teacher when I registered yesterday, and I have to submit another application to the school later."

Li Lanyu sighed softly, "I also want to live at home."

Liu Yanan looked over at her, "Didn't it say that in the first and second years of college, locals in Beijing also have to live on campus?"

"Yes, so I'm sighing here." Li Lanyu

It was an hour later when the teacher came back.

After Lin Manyu received her books and this month's food allowance of 125,000 yuan, she went to the cafeteria for lunch with her roommates.

After the establishment of the New China, the economic situation improved, and all college students were exempted from tuition fees. The canteen also provided good supplies.

In the school canteen, the A-dish costs 1,500 yuan, including Kung Pao Chicken, Sweet and Sour Pork, Fried Liver Tips, Muxu Pork, etc.

The B-dish costs 1,000 yuan, which is a combination of meat and vegetables, including cauliflower and meat, beans and meat, etc.

The C-dish costs 500 yuan, which includes vegetarian dishes, including shrimp and cabbage, shredded potatoes, and eggplant puree.

The special dishes cost 2,000-3,000 yuan, which are the best dishes, including braised fish, meatballs, ribs, etc.

There are dozens of side dishes for breakfast, and you can choose at will.

During festivals, there are more varieties of dishes.

The eight girls can buy six dishes and eight bowls of rice to eat well.

In the canteen of Hua University, Bai Ye is also eating with his roommate.

Wang Wei sat next to Bai Ye, watching him eat absent-mindedly, and touched his arm with his hand.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bai Ye glanced at him, "Thinking about my wife, I wonder if she has eaten yet."

"Hahaha," Fu Jia, who was sitting on the other side, laughed unceremoniously.

Until Bai Ye's eyesSweep over.

He stopped laughing, "Brother Ye, how did you and sister-in-law meet?"

Fu Jia waited for a while but didn't hear Bai Ye speak. Everyone thought he didn't want to talk and was about to say something else.

"We are childhood sweethearts." At this point, Bai Ye's originally deep and cold pupils couldn't help but show warm waves.

Fu Jia was sore.

Wang Wei swallowed the egg in his mouth and looked at Bai Ye, "Brother Ye, my home is over in Liulichang, where is your home?"

"I live over in Shichahai" Bai Ye

Fu Jia didn't stop picking up the food in his hand, "I live there too, I live in Nanluoguxiang."

Bai Ye nodded, "I live in Yandaixie Street."

Wang Wei, "We are all in Beijing, and we will have more opportunities to meet each other during the holidays in the future."

At this moment, in the classroom of No. 3 Middle School, Sanbao and Li Fanglei were also eating lunch.

Sanbao looked at the steamed bread and cabbage in the aluminum lunch box.

Thinking of his father's words, he lowered his head to hide the reluctance in his eyes and ate seriously.

Erbao sat aside, watching his sister eat, with a gentle smile as usual.

When he saw his sister put his cabbage into his eldest brother's lunch box while others were not paying attention, he couldn't help but lower his head and laugh.

When he looked up again, he saw Li Fanglei, blinking her big eyes at him.

He glanced at the steamed buns in Li Fanglei's lunch box and ate reluctantly.

At this time, Lin Yuyu was lying on the bed in the dormitory. Everyone in their dormitory was majoring in accounting.

There was a class in the afternoon, and the roommates were taking a nap at this time.

She couldn't sleep no matter what, and she didn't know if the children would be hungry in the afternoon.

The little guy Sanbao always thought that they were hungry in the afternoon class because they couldn't eat much.

What she didn't know was that the amount of those oily dishes she ate was not enough, and even if she finished them all, she might not be able to resist hunger.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuyu couldn't help but sigh softly and turned over to lie on her side.

Foods lacking salt and oil are tasteless and unpalatable. Even adults find it hard to eat them, let alone children.

The course schedule for the accounting major is very tight. Classes start at 8 a.m. and end at 12 p.m.

Classes start at 1:30 p.m. and end at 3:30 p.m.

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