In the evening, everyone sat together in the Bai family restaurant. This was the first time that Zhang Mei and her husband had dinner at the Bai family.

On the table were steamed carp, braised prawns, scallion pork ribs, braised lion's head, scrambled eggs with leeks, stir-fried cucumber slices with meat, stir-fried cabbage and mushu pork.

The children's eyes sparkled.

Bai Ye also took out his treasured Moutai. In order to match the wine, Li Ze went home to get all the peanuts at home.

A plate of fried peanuts plus a plate of cucumber, black fungus and egg shreds cold dish, just the right dish to go with the wine.

Lin Yuyu and Zhang Mei didn't care what the two grown men talked about after drinking.

The two of them ate leisurely with the children. After Li Fanglei finished eating the ribs, her greasy mouth was about to kiss Sanbao.

Sanbao was so scared that she quickly hid behind her second brother. Time passed in the children's fights.

The meal didn't end until half past eight.

Zhang Mei helped Lin Manyu clean up the kitchen before she and Li Ze took the children home.

When Bai Ye finished washing and returned to the bedroom, Lin Manyu was sitting in front of the dressing table doing skin care.

Except for Pechoin, the rest of her dressing table was made by herself according to various ancient recipes.

They were packed in small ceramic jars and neatly arranged in rows.

Bai Ye saw Lin Manyu wipe her hair before he came forward and hugged her in his arms.

"Man, let's go to bed."

The next day, the wall clock rang on time.

Lin Manyu woke up in Bai Ye's arms and saw the enlarged smiling faces of Dabao and Erbao when she opened her eyes.

She got up and hugged the two children between her and Bai Ye.

"Mom is going downstairs to make breakfast, you guys sleep a little longer."

Lin Manyu pushed open the bedroom door of her little girl and saw her lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

When Lin Yuyu went downstairs, Bai Ye had just finished washing and was cleaning in the living room.

She went forward and gently hugged Bai Ye's waist, "Aye, you have to go to school again. It's painful to ride a bicycle for an hour."

After saying that, before Bai Ye could speak, she let go of Bai Ye's hand and ran to the kitchen to cook.

Bai Ye stood in the living room, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Time passed slowly.

Ding Qiang came to deliver the invitation to the Bai family on Tuesday night, and he delivered it to the house personally.

Maybe because he had been on the battlefield, after a few short exchanges with him, you can feel his strong sense of responsibility.

It was the first time everyone met and got along very well.

The wedding banquet was scheduled for Sunday and was held in the courtyard. Their family followed the amount of gift money from everyone else.

Lin Yuyu didn't feel comfortable to have the whole family go to dinner, so Bai Ye attended the wedding banquet on behalf of the whole family.

The days of the Bai family passed quietly in the family's study.

Today is Sunday, the fifth day of the eleventh lunar month, and also the birthday of the three treasures.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye got up early, went into the kitchen, and prepared birthday cakes for the three treasures.

The cakes made with a wood stove have a unique taste.

Lin Yuyu didn't have enough strength, so she first added flour, sugar, eggs, duck eggs, and water in proportion.

Then she gave it to Bai Ye to stir it manually until it was silky.

Then pour it into a container, boil water in a large pot and steam it for forty minutes to make an old-fashioned cake.

Lin Yuyu put sugar, egg white, and milk powder together in proportion, and then whipped the cream by hand with Bai Ye.

The couple worked from three in the morning to six in the morning to finish the three cakes.

The three treasures were very excited since they woke up, because today was their birthday.

Every year on their birthdays, their parents would make delicious cakes for them.

Lin Yu made a simple breakfast today, boiled eggs, pickled cabbage with pork and corn porridge.

Sanbao swallowed the pickled cabbage in his mouth and turned to look at Lin Yu.

"Mom, I asked you how I came to be before. Did you say that my elder brother, younger brother and I were all fairy children?"

Lin Yu looked at Sanbao's eyes seriously, "Of course, you are all fairy children."

"When we were flying in the sky, we saw that mom and dad were very good."

"We just wanted mom and dad to be our parents, and then we flew into mom's belly."

"Grow up in mom's belly, let mom give birth to us, and become mom and dad's children."

"Is that right, dad?"

"That's right" Bai Ye smiled and touched Sanbao's little head.

"But sister Li Erya said that I was picked up from the garbage dump."

After saying this, the little girl was still angry and clenched her two little fists.

Bai Ye lowered his head to hide the smile in his eyes, then raised his head and looked at Sanbao seriously.

"Why did she say you were picked up from the garbage dump?"

Sanbao lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and looked at Bai Ye seriously.

"Dad, she said her grandmother told her that we children were picked up from the garbage dump."

Hearing this, Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then looked at the three treasures.

"Mom doesn't know how other people's children came from."

"But you are your parents' children, growing up in your mother's belly, and your mother knows how you came from."

"You are the little fairy children. "

Hearing Lin Yu's affirmative words, the eyes of the three treasures brightened visibly.

In the evening, the three little guys sat at the dining table early to wait for the cake.

When Lin Yu was spreading the cream on the cake, he deliberately cut the cake.

Spread the cream inside the cake, so that it tastes better.

On the dining table, three birthday cakes were placed in the middle.

Surrounded by braised spare ribs, braised lion's head, soft fried meat, Mushu meat, stir-fried rapeseed, stir-fried cabbage and dumplings.

At this moment, the three treasures were all concentrating on looking at Bai Ye, waiting for their father to speak.

Bai Ye smiled and met their expectant eyes.

"Today is your birthday, and it is also the first day our family meets."

"Just like before, each of you say a wish you want to fulfill."

Lin Yu's hand did not stop cutting the cake, "Whose turn is it this year? ”

Sanbao raised his hand, "Last year, my brother spoke first, this year it's my turn, then my older brother, then my younger brother."

"Okay, then you start."

Lin Yu smiled and cut a piece of cake for Bai Ye first, then for herself.

Finally, he cut the cake for the three treasures and put it in front of them.

Sanbao stretched out his tongue and licked the cream on the cake, looking at Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye with bright eyes.

"Mom and Dad, I want a piece of land to grow strawberries, I like to eat strawberries."

Bai Ye nodded, "Okay, next year I can draw a piece of land for you to grow strawberries, but you have to grow the strawberries yourself."

"Thank you, Mom and Dad."

Sanbao happily took a bite of the cake, and his little mouth was covered with cream.

Looking at his sister's cute appearance, Dabao unconsciously bent his eyes and looked at his parents with a smile.

"I want to buy a football. "

Lin Hanyu turned to look at Bai Ye, "Does the mall sell footballs now?"

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