It was almost eight o'clock when Bai Ye got home, and the children had already gone to bed.

In the bedroom, Lin Hanyu saw him enter the room and put down the notes in his hand.

"Aye, is there anyone from our courtyard who came to visit?"

"Yes," Bai Ye did not stop changing his clothes.

He lay on the bed and reached out to hug his wife in his arms.

"Hanhan, let's send the children to school tomorrow morning."

"Okay, we will go to school later tomorrow."

The next day, Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye did not take the three treasures to the main courtyard.

Instead, they passed through the moon gate between the back house of the main courtyard and the back house of the west wing.

Then they entered the back house of the main courtyard through the moon gate of the back house of the west wing.

This was the first time that Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye entered the west wing.

The layout of the west wing is basically the same as that of the main courtyard, the only difference is that there is no gate to enter and exit the courtyard.

For three days in a row, they took the three children to and from school through the West Cross Courtyard until Aunt Liu's funeral.

In a blink of an eye, the three children are already in the second grade of junior high school.

Today is Sunday, and the children are studying at the round table.

The Bai family's courtyard is quiet.

Lin Manyu is sitting on the sofa, studying the "flour purchase certificate" that he has just received two days ago.

In October, the state decided to purchase and sell grain in a unified manner.

Then on November 1, Beijing City began to implement a planned supply of flour and quantitative distribution.

"Flour purchase certificates" were issued.

There are four denominations of 1 catty, 4 catties, 8 catties and 10 catties.

All residents of Beijing City and towns are uniformly handled by the public security police station.

According to the official household registration, each person is issued a flour purchase certificate of 8 catties per month.

In addition, according to different types of work, the unit where they work will issue a certain amount of flour purchase certificates per month.

For students like Lin Manyu and Bai Ye, the school stipulates that the school will issue an additional 4 catties per month.

In the future, they will eat noodles in the school cafeteria. In addition to money, they will also need a flour purchase certificate.

Without a certificate, you can't eat noodles.

Bai Ye went downstairs and saw Lin Yu sitting on the sofa, and walked over to sit next to her.

"This is just the beginning. In the future, more and more things will require tickets to buy."

"I'll go to the grain store in the afternoon and buy all the flour for the family first."

Hearing this, Lin Yu handed the flour purchase certificate in her hand to Bai Ye.

"Aunt Jiang heard from Lin Ai that the children's flour purchase certificates will not be issued by the school for the time being."

"Give it to the children directly, and we will make up for it when it's not enough."

"That's good," Bai Ye leaned back on the sofa with a relax.

The three treasures saw their parents together, and they also sat around the sofa.

Neither Lin Yu nor Bai Ye said to hurry up to study. The quality of study is never a matter of a moment.

Sanbao is no longer like before, always jumping into her arms, and has become a big child.

At this moment, she is sitting on the sofa, holding the tea set in her hand, pouring tea for everyone.

Then she turned to look at Lin Yuyu, "Mom, how about the Phoenix Three Nods I made?"

Lin Yuyu looked at the amount of water in the cup and nodded. The amount of water was just controlled at 70%, leaving 30% for space.

As the saying goes, 70% tea, 30% love.

When Sanbao saw her mother nod, a smile appeared on her fair face.

"Dad, when you go to buy noodles in the afternoon, can you buy me some kidney bean rolls?"

"Okay," Bai Ye smiled and nodded at the little girl's eyes.

After lunch, after sending Bai Ye out, Lin Yuyu turned to the ear room and took out the bamboo basket.

She stood under her own pomegranate tree with the bamboo basket, looking at the big pomegranates on the tree.

In previous years, the pomegranates in her family were ripe in mid-October.

This year, they are a few days later than usual, and they are only now ripe.

If anyone has a fruit tree at home at this time, it is definitely a very enviable thing.

Lin Yuyu glanced at the bamboo basket full of pomegranates on the ground, and took the ladder back to the ear room and put it away.

"Dabao, Erbao, Sanbao."

The three treasures heard their mother calling them in the yard and hurried out of the living room.

When they went out, they saw their mother standing at the door of the ear room.

"Mom...what did you call us for?"

"Come, follow mom." Lin Yuyu took out two small bamboo baskets from the ear room.

Put the pomegranates in the small bamboo baskets.

Squatting down and looking at the three treasures, "There are six pomegranates in each of these two baskets."

"You can send them to your aunt Meimei and aunt Meijia's home separately."

Zhang Mei's home in the second courtyard of the main courtyard. At this time, Zhang Mei is still working in the hospital, and Li Ze is at home with the children.

When he opened the door and saw Dabao standing outside, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he stepped aside to let him in.

Dabao stood there with a smile, and handed the bamboo basket in his hand to Li Ze.

"Uncle Ze, my mother asked me to deliver the pomegranates. I'll come back next time.Leilei plays."

Seeing Li Ze nod with a smile, he turned around and walked to the third courtyard to find his younger brother and sister.

Liu Meijia and Ding Qiang were comrades-in-arms. Later, they were demobilized and returned to Beijing, where they were assigned to work in the Ministry of Railways.

Today, Sunday, both of them are on holiday at home.

Looking at the two delicate and beautiful children in front of her, Liu Meijia couldn't help laughing.

"Go back and say thank you to your aunt and your mother."

When the three treasures came home, Lin Hanyu was sitting on the sofa peeling pomegranates.

Seeing their pockets bulging, she couldn't help but smile and said, "What's in your pockets?"

When they heard their mother's words, they began to take things out of their pockets.

"These are the chestnuts that Uncle Ze stuffed for me."

"These are the dried apricots that Aunt Meijia gave us. "

Lin Yuyu ignored them and let them play by themselves. She continued to peel the pomegranates with concentration.

Wait a minute, Ah Ye can eat it when he comes home.

At this time, Wang Lai Di was standing at the door of Jiang's house with a bag of potatoes and knocked gently.

Auntie Lin Ai is now her Chinese teacher. She wants to borrow more books to read in advance.

When she takes the junior high school entrance exam in the future, she will be more secure.

Aunt Jiang opened the door and saw Wang Lai Di standing outside the door. She smiled and let her in.

In the living room, Jiang Mingbo was playing with his younger brother.

Seeing Wang Lai Di and grandma come in together, he stood up with his younger brother and nodded to her.

Aunt Jiang looked at Wang Lai Di who was sitting on the sofa in a restrained manner, and sighed slightly in her heart.

This child is really hardworking.

She raised her hand to help Wang Lai Di pour the tea, and saw her take a sip carefully, and then put it down.

Smiling and speaking, "This jasmine was sent by your mother yesterday, saying that it was for us to taste. "

Wang Lai Di relaxed when she heard this.

"Grandma Jiang, I borrowed three books from Teacher Lin on Friday, and she asked me to pick them up today."

"She went back to her parents' home, and she told me to wait for you to pick up the books before she left."

When Wang Lai Di heard this, she smiled even more, and she felt that she was respected.

After leaving Jiang's house, Wang Lai Di couldn't help but look towards the Bai family's courtyard.

Through the door, she could hear the laughter of Bai Qingshu in the courtyard, asking her elder brother to push the swing higher.

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