Bai Ye leaned forward slightly, "Man, I want to find ten people to transport the goods."

When Ban Ye heard this, a smile rose on his dark face. This man was quite polite.

"Can ten people transport it in one trip?"

Bai Ye nodded and handed him the address of the abandoned yard.

"How much do you charge for transporting the goods to No. 20 Yandaixie Street?"

Ban Ye smiled, "I have to find nine more brothers. The distance of this job is not short. The boss will give 200 French francs each."

Bai Ye thought of the weight of the cement and nodded, "I'll leave the address for you. Go pick up the goods in half an hour. I'll wait for you there."

Twenty minutes later, Bai Ye and Lin Yu returned to the abandoned yard.

The two of them looked around the yard again, inside and outside, front and back, up and down, to make sure there was no one.

Bai Ye returned to the house, waved his hand, and put the cement that could fill ten carts on the ground.

Ten people loaded the truck together, and it didn't take long. It was only eleven o'clock in the morning when they returned to Yandaixie Street.

At the door of the new house in the East Cross Courtyard, Lin Yu pulled Bai Ye's clothes, asked him to bend down, and leaned close to his ear.

"Aye, there is no one in the front yard of the East Cross Courtyard. I don't know what happened when I passed by here, but I always felt eerie."

Bai Ye didn't say anything and led her into the yard of the new house.

They saw the old men unloading cement in the yard.

What they didn't know was that the owner of the front yard of the East Cross Courtyard just mentioned was alone in the basement of his second courtyard.

After sending the old men away, Bai Ye came to the position between the house and the back wall.

The three-meter-high courtyard wall blocked him tightly.

He looked around to make sure that no one could see him.

Then he took out the remaining building materials from the space and placed them on the open space.

At this moment, Master Lei was leading his thirty brothers who were working under him, walking hurriedly into the alley.

When they saw the oncoming cart team, they turned sideways and did not stop.

In the Bai family courtyard, Master Lei took the deposit handed over by Bai Ye.

He organized the workers and started to build the shed where they would live at night.

As it got dark, kerosene lamps were lit in the house.

Bai Ye relaxed for a rare time.

He gently lay on Lin Manyu's belly, trying to see if he could hear the children's voices now.

"Are the babies good today?"

He waited for more than ten minutes, but still did not feel a response.

Then he reluctantly lay back on the bed.

Lin Manyu had not changed the thin cloth curtains, and it was the sunlight that woke her up today.

She stretched and rolled on the bed again.

After eating, Bai Ye left her boiled eggs and millet porridge.

Then he strolled along the main courtyard to the east cross courtyard.

She could hear the workers talking from a distance. When she entered the courtyard, everyone was dismantling the house.

Bai Ye saw her coming and hurried forward to hold her hand and walk out of the courtyard, "It's dusty here, don't go here if you have nothing to do."

Lin Yuyu took the opportunity to hold his hand tightly, "I just came to take a look and see what you are doing."

Bai Ye sent her back to the main courtyard and followed her into the space.

In the space study, Lin Yuyu carefully selected the fabrics for making clothes for her children.

These fabrics were the fabrics left over from her company's retro design competition in her previous life.

Among them, there were half a piece of pure white, dark blue, dark gray, black, and apricot yellow pure cotton fabrics.

Half a piece of black, gray, apricot yellow, and woolen fabrics, and ten kilograms of cotton.

The days passed slowly, and Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye had settled in Beijing for more than a month.

She gently stroked her belly. Last time she went to Dr. Lin in Dongtangzi Hutong for a checkup, the doctor said there were three fetal sounds.

When Bai Ye entered the room, he saw his wife walking around the room with her belly supported.

He washed his hands first, then warmed his hands in the coal stove before coming over to stroke her belly.

"These children grow so fast. They've grown a circle in just a few weeks."

Lin Yuyu's eyes were as bright as autumn water under the kerosene lamp, and Bai Ye's eyes were burning.

"Baby, sometimes I really hope time will pass faster."

Lin Yuyu's light brown eyes lit up when she heard the words.

Bai Ye took her hand and sat on the bed, the two of them close together.

"The east wing of the new house has been completed today. Now there are only two houses left to be decorated. It will be almost finished by the end of next month."

"When the time comes, we will wait until November to burn the heating for a month before moving in. After all, the heating material is from the future, and I am afraid there is formaldehyde in it."

Lin Yuyu was a little tired from sitting, so she climbed onto the bed and lay down.

"Last time I made clothes for the babies, I didn't use the retro fabrics from my previous life."

"I used the silks left by the mothers in the space. The fabrics left by the mothers are mostly brocade and Xiangyun."The only silk and satin I had were used to make clothes and small quilts for the children, and also to make soft furnishings for the new home." "In our new home, the walls are made of white lime powder without any other materials, the furniture wood is pure red pine, and the floor is made of blue bricks fired in old kilns." "There is no formaldehyde or other bad things. The only thing to worry about is the heating material." Bai Ye lay beside her and held her hand. Lin Yuyu was naughty and scratched his palm. "Yes, the curtains and soft furnishings at home are made of silk and satin left by mothers. They are all hand-dyed naturally and very safe." On the bed, the two of them were close together, enjoying a rare and comfortable time. Bai Ye, "When we have time, we will stock up more silk, old cloth and cotton." "Now the silk and satin shop is still hand-woven and naturally dyed." "When the factory assembly line was produced in the 1960s, it was all industrial dyeing, and the chemical ingredients in it must be more than now. "

Lin Yu hugged his arm, "Aye, the signing of the surrender document will be held in ten days."

"I heard it will be held in the palace. Let's go to the street to see the excitement. We can also go to the silk shop to buy some silk. "

Bai Ye turned his head and looked at his wife. He couldn't help but kiss her little mouth, "Okay. ”

On October 10, 1945, before dawn, the streets of Beijing were already bustling, and everyone’s faces were filled with smiles.

Today is the day when Xiao Rizi surrendered to the Yuan Party, and the land of Beijing officially returned to the hands of our Chinese people.

Although we can’t go to the palace to watch Xiao Rizi’s surrender ceremony in person.

However, this does not affect everyone’s good mood, and the streets are full of people.

Bai Ye supported Lin Yuyu and walked forward carefully avoiding her belly.

He looked closely at the little woman who was looking around and trying to find the excitement in front of him.

Her face was full of helplessness, and this girl in his family just loves to join in the fun.

At night, Lin Yuyu lay on the bed listlessly to rest, and Bai Ye gently rubbed her calves.

"Yuyu, although Dr. Lin used to be the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department of Xiehe Hospital, her clinic can also perform cesarean sections. ”

"But we will try to have a natural birth when the time comes. ”

“The cesarean section of this era is different from the surgical methods of later generations. The cesarean section of this era is very harmful to the uterus. ”

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