Ding Qiang frowned at his elder brother's behavior, stood up and took Liu Meijia to his home.

After the couple left, Ding Qiang's sister-in-law quickly helped her son up from the ground and took him back to the house.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family, Lin Manyu was nestled in Bai Ye's arms.

"Aye, wait until Sunday to go to Dong'an Market to buy some fruit."

Bai Ye put the "Strategies of the Warring States" in his hand on the bedside table and kissed Lin Manyu on the forehead.

"Next March, I will find a way to get some more grape seedlings and plant them under the pergola."

"Let them climb up along the pergola, no need to build a grape rack."

"The grapes we planted last time were not good, and none of them survived."

Lin Manyu nodded in Bai Ye's arms, "Last time we planted grapes in autumn, and I hope they will grow well this spring."

In Erbao's bedroom downstairs, the kerosene lamp in the room has not been extinguished.

Erbao was lying on the kang, thinking about what happened in school today.

Brother Mingbo will take the high school entrance exam next year, so now is the time to study hard.

His sister had a physics problem that she couldn't solve, and he and his elder brother could both explain it to her.

Why did Brother Mingbo take up so much of his own time to explain the problem to his sister?

He was thinking deeply when he heard the door open, and he looked up to see his brother standing at the door.

The two brothers were lying on the kang, chatting casually.

"Brother, we have to take care of our sister's homework in the future. We can't let her accumulate a lot of questions she can't answer."

"Otherwise, what if she can't get into high school with her grades?"

Erbao turned to look at his brother, "Actually, my sister is not stupid."

"I think her brain is not well developed, and ours is developing fast."

"She is much better this year than last year."

Dabao couldn't help laughing at his brother's serious look, "Do you remember the time when we sold Spring Festival couplets?"

"In my room, you said seriously that my sister was either not working hard or stupid."

Erbao met his brother's eyes and turned over to lie on the other side.

"Go turn off the lights!"

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was 1954.

The grapes planted by Bai Ye in the yard grew well.

Before Jiang Mingbo started high school, Lin Yu specially sent him two bunches to taste.

He was the first high school student of their generation in the courtyard.

Overnight, he became someone else's child.

In the living room of the Bai family, Lin Manyu sat in front of the sewing machine with cloth in her arms to make clothes for Bai Ye.

This year, the State Council issued the "Order on the Implementation of Planned Purchase and Planned Supply of Cotton Cloth", stipulating that from September 15 of the same year.

All cotton yarn and cotton cloth produced by state-owned, cooperative, public-private joint-venture and private textile factories shall be supplied by zoning, quantity and vouchers.

Since then, the people of Beijing have officially entered the era of coupon economy in terms of clothing.

Cotton cloth, cotton yarn, ready-made clothes and other textiles, as well as cotton, have also become the first consumer industrial products supplied by vouchers in Beijing.

Now, each person in Beijing is issued 17 feet and 3 inches of cloth coupons every year, which is just enough for an adult to make a set of blue cloth uniforms.

When Bai Ye entered the house, Lin Manyu was lying on the sofa eating red dates.

The red dates at home were just ripe and delicious.

Lin Manyu saw him coming and got up to make room for him and let him sit next to him.

"Aye, are the kids still playing at Li Ze's house?"

Bai Ye relaxed on the sofa, "Studying at Li Ze's house."

"Just know how to study," Lin Yu looked at Bai Ye seriously.

"Aye, let me tell you, if they can't get into high school."

"I will really beat them up, and then let them take the exam again."

Bai Ye smiled and nodded.

At this moment, at Zhang Mei's house in the second courtyard of the main courtyard, the three treasures and Li Fanglei are studying hard together.

Next year, the four of them will also take the high school entrance exam.

In the evening, when the three treasures returned home, Lin Yu was sitting in front of the sewing machine making clothes for them.

The three treasures ran to Lin Yu's side and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Mom, please make me another small wallet."

"What do I need a wallet for? You don't have any money now."

"I will have money when I go to college."

Lin Yuyu looked at her daughter's serious look and nodded with a smile.

When Bai Ye finished dinner, Lin Yuyu had just finished making Dabao's cotton-padded clothes.

The family sat together in the restaurant to eat.

On the table, there were pickled cabbage and pork, braised spareribs with garlic sauce, salted duck eggs and small grain porridge.

Erbao looked at the salted duck eggs cut into pieces by his mother on the table, and his eyes were bright.

In this courtyard, his mother should be the only one who eats salted duck eggs at home.

Cut it into small pieces and put it on a plate to look like petals.

At this time, Wang Youjia's family in the back house of the main courtyard was also having dinner.Wang Youjia works as a waiter at Emei Restaurant. It is rare that he came back early today.

At the table, Zhang Daya looked at her eldest grandson Wang Baozu with a smile on her face.

Her eldest grandson is ten years old this year and is already in the third grade of primary school. He is a filial child, but he is not good at studying, but it is not a disadvantage.

Her granddaughter will take the entrance exam next year. When she finishes junior high school and comes out to be assigned a job, it just so happens that her grandson will also take the junior high school entrance exam.

If her grandson fails to pass the entrance exam, she will let her granddaughter give the assigned job to her grandson.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Wang Lai Di who was eating with her head down, and greed flashed in her eyes.

A girl who has finished junior high school can ask for more betrothal gifts at that time.

I think her son will agree. It seems that it is not without benefit for her daughter-in-law to insist on letting her daughter study.

After she graduates from junior high school, her younger brother will have a job and money to marry a wife.

At this moment, Wang Lai Di did not know what her grandmother was thinking and was thinking about how to seize the time to study.

Her mother told her that as long as she could study, she would do her best to let her study.

It was of great significance for her to be admitted to junior high school. As long as she had studied junior high school, it meant that she could at least be assigned a job.

The country has started public-private partnership this year. When she graduated, even if she did not pass the high school entrance examination, she could still be a formal employee of the state.

Li Lanying saw her daughter always lowering her head to drink porridge and not picking up vegetables to eat.

She reached out and picked up a piece of the leftover pig's trotter that her child's father brought back from Emei Restaurant on the table for her daughter.

She didn't care that her son looked at her with dissatisfaction.

Her son was taught by his mother-in-law to often speak ill of her, and she had long been numb to not feel sad.

Zhang Daya was distressed when she saw her granddaughter eating the pig's trotter.

She raised her hand to pick up the only two stewed radishes on the table.

"What is this girl eating?"

Wang Lai Di didn't say anything and buried her head even lower.

Li Lanying looked at the child's father fiercely, and Wang Youjia turned his head and pretended not to see it.

At night, in the third courtyard of the main courtyard, Ding Qiang's home, their son Ding Ruyang, who had just turned 100 days old, was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Ding Qiang turned his head and smiled at his dozing daughter-in-law.

"Jia Jia, there is news circulating in our office that after a while, the higher-ups will ban the sale of private houses."

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