"Wow..." Seeing Li Ze and Zhang Mei enter the house,

Li Fangxu couldn't hold back any longer and threw himself into Zhang Mei's arms and cried.

The Jiang family members gathered around Jiang Mingyu. He looked at his mother's outstretched hand and couldn't help turning around and nestling himself in his grandmother's arms.

Jiang Mingbo, who was standing on the other side, saw the wound on his brother's face and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He turned and went into the bedroom of his cousins, and soon they heard their crying.

Li Erya wanted to go to the bedroom quickly, but was stopped by Aunt Jiang holding Jiang Mingyu.

Bai Ye saw Li Ze coming over and nodded to him, "It's not suitable for me to be present for what happens next."

"I'll go back to the courtyard first, and tell the police and neighbors that the two children have been found, and let them go home and rest quickly."

When Bai Ye got home, it was almost one o'clock in the morning.

The first floor of the house was quiet, and the children were already asleep.

As soon as he opened the bedroom door, Lin Yu, who was sleeping in the bed, heard the door open and sat up.

"Aye, have you found the child?"

"At Mingyu's uncle's house."

"Is Fang Xu there too?"


"Then you should get ready and go to bed quickly. I'll sleep for a while. I didn't sleep well before."

At this time, the two children were being examined in Xiehe Hospital.

They were taken home by Lin Sen and his wife after they fainted.

They had to be examined before they could rest assured.

Zhang Mei saw Lin Ai take the initiative to settle the bill and said nothing.

She lowered her head and sat quietly beside Li Ze.

Until the doctor came out and said that the two children were fine, it was just ordinary drugs.

Everyone's hanging hearts were put down.

Late at night, in the east wing of the second courtyard of the main courtyard, Zhang Mei's home, the two of them slept with their eldest son tonight.

Zhang Mei and Li Ze lay beside their eldest son, looking at him sleeping, with the joy of regaining what they had lost in their eyes.

Zhang Mei finally felt relieved when she saw her son sleeping peacefully beside her.

"Aze, can Mingyu's uncle and aunt be sentenced severely?"

"Maybe they can't be sentenced severely. Our children are with Mingyu. He is Mingyu's uncle. He doesn't admit to drugging the children."

"We don't have evidence that he drugged them. If we just go through the legal process, he won't be severely punished."

Li Ze's voice was hoarse, and he looked up at his wife.

"Don't think too much. I'm here. No matter how the bureau defines this matter in the end, I won't let my son be scared for a whole night."

The Jiang family, the whole family was in Aunt Jiang's bedroom, watching Jiang Mingbo wipe the wound on his brother's face.

Jiang Jiadong sat aside with a gloomy face, and Lin Ai looked at him with a guilty look.

Seeing that he didn't speak, she stood up and walked to the two sons, reaching out to pick up the youngest son.

Seeing his mother's actions, Jiang Mingyu quickly jumped off the bed and walked to his grandmother's side.

"I don't want to sleep alone tonight. I want to sleep with grandma."

In the early morning, Lin Sen and Li Erya, who had spent a night in the police station, were taken to the interrogation room to explain the process.

Now they are no longer as calm as before. Lin Sen sat there with his beard untidy and lowered his head.

Li Erya's triangular eyes were gray.

In the living room of the courtyard Jiang family, the whole family was sitting on the sofa at this moment.

Jiang Jiadong looked at his eldest son who had just received the admission notice of Harbin Military University, and his eyes flashed with heartache.

If his daughter-in-law's family had not done anything to hurt the younger son, now would be the time for them to celebrate for the eldest son.

Lin Ai looked up at the gloomy mother-in-law, and then looked at the younger son sitting in the arms of the eldest son.

"Mingyu, your uncle didn't mean to do this to you. Don't be angry with your uncle."

Jiang Jiadong saw that his younger son ignored Lin Ai, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, Aunt Jiang spoke first.

"This matter is entirely up to Li Ze and Zhang Mei. Our family has no objection."

Aunt Jiang saw her daughter-in-law sighing with relief, and a sneer flashed in her eyes.

She couldn't understand why her daughter-in-law thought that if her family didn't pursue the matter, the Li family would also be able to let it go.

Her brother and sister-in-law are still in the Public Security Bureau.

Lin Ai didn't look at the look in her mother-in-law's eyes. She got up and went out to Zhang Mei's house regardless of Jiang Jiadong's obstruction.

At this moment, Zhang Mei was sitting with Xu Zhaodi under the corridor of her home washing clothes.

Xu Zhaodi and Lin Ping'an's son Lin Peicheng was born at the end of 1955 and would be two years old in a few months. The two were talking about the interesting stories of their children.

"Zhaodi is here too," Lin Ai saw that Zhang Mei was not alone, and she greeted Xu Zhaodi awkwardly.

Xu Zhaodi saw Lin Ai like this, and looked at her with a smile in her eyes.

"My Peicheng is still sleeping. I have to go home to see him."

In the living room of the Li family, Lin Ai looked at the tea that Zhang Mei had poured for her on the coffee table.

Thinking in her heart,How can she talk to Zhang Mei? Last night, she had asked the police who were present at the time.

As long as the victim is willing to write a letter of apology, her brother and sister-in-law will be fine.

At this time, in the courtyard of the Bai family, Li Fangxu was sitting under the awning with his sister and brother and eating watermelon with the three treasures.

"We walked home after school last night and met Uncle Mingyu halfway."

"He showed us a beautiful handkerchief, and when I woke up later, I was at Uncle Mingyu's house..."

Outside the moon gate of the Bai family, Jiang Mingbo was about to raise his hand to knock on the door when he saw his mother coming back from the main courtyard in a daze.

He stepped forward lightly and went into the house with his mother.

Jiang Mingyu, who was originally playing well in the living room, frowned unhappily when he saw his mother coming in with his brother.

"Since returning home yesterday, mom hasn't asked him if he's in pain,"

"She's been busy with her uncle's affairs."

Aunt Jiang was originally sitting there playing with her grandson, but now she saw her grandson's face change, and she also frowned.

Jiang Mingbo looked at his mother sitting listlessly on the sofa, lowering his head so that no one could see the emotions in his eyes.

"What did Aunt Zhang Mei say?"

"She didn't agree to write a letter of apology." Lin Ai closed her eyes and leaned on the sofa.

Missed the flash of relief in Jiang Mingbo's eyes.

"Then will you go to the police station to see your uncle later?"

Lin Ai didn't say anything. Now she herself didn't know how to tell her brother about this.

In the police station, Lin Sen was living a miserable life, hoping that his sister would rescue him quickly.

Every day he asked the staff if anyone came to see him.

Xu Zhaodi stood at the door of her house, looking at the two children in the yard, with doubts in her eyes.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Looking for Lin Ai, we are her nephews."

At this time, Jiang Mingbo was sitting on the sofa in the living room of the Jiang family helping his younger brother with his homework, and Jiang Mingyu was curled up next to his brother.

"Knock, knock, knock," the two were talking seriously when they heard a knock on the door.

Jiang Mingbo glanced at his younger brother and asked him to go to his grandmother's bedroom first.

Then he got up to open the door.

When he opened the door, he saw his two cousins ​​standing outside.

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