Lin Hanyu's eyes lit up.

It would be nice if she could have a few more granddaughters in the future.

After breakfast, Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye rode their bicycles to work as usual.

In the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Zhang Liyan sat up straight when she saw Lin Hanyu enter the office.

Aunt said that the daughter of the Bai family was like her mother, and her manners were also very beautiful.

It can be seen that their family must pay attention to these things, and it would not be pleasing if she hunched over.

Lin Hanyu walked straight to her desk. She was now sitting behind Zhang Liyan, and Li Huiying was sitting behind her.

Wan Ling was still sitting in the small compartment by the window on the other side, and Wang Baosheng sat on one side with her.

There was still room for another desk in Wan Ling's office, and it was unknown who would be assigned to work next.

There was not much work to do today, and Lin Hanyu had finished it in two hours.

At this moment, in the Bai family courtyard in the quadrangle.

Sanbao was in the living room, concentrating on making incense.

Dong, Dong, Dong…

She heard someone knocking on the door, and first put all the things she made for making incense back to the bedroom on the second floor.

She went downstairs to open the door, and her mother said that making incense should not be known to outsiders.

Outside the moon gate, Li Fanglei smiled and held Sanbao's hand, and walked into the yard with her.

As she walked, she waved the small basket in her hand in front of Sanbao.

"Sister Qingshu, I brought the newly made lotus cake to eat with you."

Sanbao smiled and nodded, took her hand and sat down in the pergola, and raised his hand to help her pour sour plum soup.

"Leilei, did you have fun playing in my brother's school yesterday?"

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Li Fanglei nodded slowly.

"If there weren't female classmates looking at Brother Qingxiang from time to time, I would have more fun."

Sanbao picked up the cup on the bamboo round table, took a sip of sour plum soup and smiled at Li Fanglei.

"Let's go to Beihai Park together in the afternoon?"


Li Fanglei's eyes lit up, "But I have to go home and ask Fang Jun if he wants to go."

"My brothers are all on vacation at home, and I don't have to worry about Fang Xu. I feel more at ease because he is older."

"If Fang Jun wants to go, I have to take him with me. My parents are both at work today."

Sanbao nodded. Fang Jun was 11 years old and obedient. He and Leilei used to take him out to play.

In Beihai Park, Sanbao and Li Fanglei walked hand in hand. Li Fanglei walked in the middle and held Fang Jun's hand on the other side.

The three of them strolled around the park. It was working time and there were not many people in the park.

"Qingshu...Bai Qingshu..."

While walking, Sanbao heard someone calling her name behind her.

Looking back, she saw Wang Xiuli, Liu Haixia, Liu Huiyan and Li Wenjie standing not far behind them, looking at her.

She was not close to her roommates.

Among the four, she, Liu Haixia and Liu Huiyan would occasionally go to the cafeteria to eat together at school.

The remaining two had always kept their distance. When school started, they saw that she was young and always wanted to take advantage of her.

Wang Xiuli and Liu Haixia were from Han City, Liu Huiyan and Li Wenjie were from Jin City.

They spent the first half of their major making up for the previous courses during this summer vacation. The vacation was not long and it seemed that they did not go home.

Wang Xiuli saw Sanbao stop to look at them, and she walked to Sanbao in two steps.

"Bai Qingshu, do you live near here?"


Wang Xiuli's eyes were dim when she heard Sanbao's words.

At this time, Liu Haixia, Liu Huiyan and Li Wenjie also followed.

"Qingshu, we have been in Beijing for such a long time and have not visited here properly."

Liu Haixia looked at Sanbao with a smile on her face.

"Today, we just met you when we visited the first place."

"Why don't you take us for a walk? We are really groping our way now."

Hearing this, Sanbao glanced at Li Fanglei and her brother with his peripheral vision.

She saw Fang Jun's eager look and couldn't help but want to laugh.

This kid has been thinking about how to get her sister to buy him food since he went out.

Sanbao tilted his head slightly and saw Li Fanglei nodded slightly, then smiled and agreed with Liu Haixia.

As a private garden of the former royal family, Beihai Park has long become a place of entertainment for the masses in their spare time with the changes of the times.

During this period, most people walking on the road in spring and autumn wore work clothes, Zhongshan suits or military uniforms.

Since our relationship with Big Brother started to be bad, everyone didn't like to wear Lenin suits as much as before.

It is summer now, and men mostly wear vests, shirts, blue shorts or trousers.

Women usually wear floral shirts and trousers, rarely skirts.

Today, Sanbao is wearingA white shirt with small blue flowers and a pair of black trousers.

Her mother made two sets of this outfit, one for her and one for her mother.

Wang Xiuli looked at Sanbao, who was walking in front of her with a graceful figure, and her eyes flashed.

She hated walking with Bai Qingshu the most.

Whenever Bai Qingshu was around, everyone's eyes would be on her.

It was already noon when they came out of Beihai Park.

"Sister, I'm hungry."

Li Fanglei looked at her little brother's pitiful appearance and couldn't help but raise her hand to rub his little head.

Liu Huiyan smiled and walked forward when she heard this, "It's lunch time, Qingshu will take us to find some special dishes from Laojing City?"

Sanbao looked at Liu Huiyan and nodded with a smile.

Dad said, otherwise don't agree, and if you agree, you have to make people feel comfortable when they think of you.

It's the stupidest thing to do when you don't do anything less and make everyone unhappy.

After the public-private partnership, everything is publicly owned.

The government controls the price balance, and many restaurants that ordinary people could not afford to eat in the past.

Now, if ordinary people with formal jobs want to eat there.

Basically, they have the conditions to try it occasionally.

Taifenglou is one of the famous "eight buildings" in Kyoto.

At this moment, Sanbao and his friends are sitting inside waiting for the waiter to call them to the window to serve their own dishes.

Now the formal workers in state-owned restaurants have a regular system, and they usually have good benefits.

They are all very arrogant.

The dishes written on the small blackboard in the store today are small yellow croaker with fermented wine, three kinds of fried food, stir-fried cabbage and noodles.

Sanbao and his three friends bought three bowls of noodles first, and then bought three kinds of fried food, stir-fried cabbage and small yellow croaker with fermented wine.

At this time, the daily food supply of state-owned restaurants is also determined in advance.

If the food supply of the restaurant is just used up when the person who comes to eat is his turn, the waiter will not sell it to him.

Liu Haixia and the other four bought one more bowl of noodles than Sanbao and the others.

When the dishes were served, no one said much and just lowered their heads to eat.

Li Fanglei looked at Fang Jun who was eating happily, with a smile in her eyes.

Sanbao and Li Fanglei looked at each other tacitly, if they were not afraid of taking advantage of the four of them.

Normally, if the three of them were eating, two dishes would be enough.

Sanbao smiled and swallowed the small yellow croaker in her mouth. She had a good relationship with Liu Haixia and Liu Huiyan.

It is always easier to talk to classmates than to strangers.

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