The king of Anle said that he was a traitor.

Prince Anle's Mansion

"Sorry, have a good dream." Li Junsu looked at the unconscious Prince Anle, whispered in his heart, and then shattered his heart veins with a palm.

Judging from Prince Anle's reaction, he was framed and completely innocent. This is the impermanence of the world.

He is not guilty, but his identity is a sin.

As long as he is alive, this is a flag, a flag of an ambitious person. If you come under his flag, you will get a chance.

This is why the upright faction always emphasizes that it is upright, because disciples with good character will naturally be close to the flag of justice.

Prince Anle enjoyed the legacy left by his father, and naturally he had to bear the price behind it.

"What? What are you thinking about?" Yan Gui walked to Li Junsu, patted his shoulder and smiled.

"Nothing, your majesty is just a good trick." Li Junsu said.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Yan Gui asked curiously.

"Confer the title of Anle King to show mercy when the world is unstable." Li Junsu said.

"Isn't this leaving trouble for the future?" Yan Gui asked puzzledly.

"Chief Constable Yan, who told you to let Hei Lian go?" Li Junsu looked at Yan Gui in surprise.

"Up." Yan Gui pointed to the sky and said.

Li Junsu supported his forehead. He thought Yan Gui was a wise and brave talent, but he didn't expect him to be a reckless man.

But that's right. If I had his strength, I wouldn't bother to think.

"Go on, don't keep me in suspense." Yan Gui asked casually while sitting on the railing.

"The world is unstable, so we use the Prince of Anle to give the remnants of the previous dynasty an illusion that the flag is still there, so they will settle down and then plan for a great victory." Li Junsu said, smiling.

"By the time they have planned for a great victory, the dynasty will have settled down, so what else can they plan for?" Li Junsu said, shaking his head as he looked at the sleeping Prince of Anle.

"That's why I say your majesty has good tactics." Li Junsu said.

After all, he was a genius who controlled the intensity of a plot to conquer the world at the north gate of the imperial palace.

Compared with the grandeur of other emperors, the tactics used by this emperor did not seem very glorious, but Li Junsu admired them very much.

Fast, ruthless, accurate, and the impact on the world was very small.

Before the people of the world could react, the position had already changed, which was very important for stability, otherwise there might be another chaos.

"I see, no wonder the adults asked me to let Hei Lian go." Yan Gui said, touching his chin.

"Chief Detective Yan, what is the current situation of the White Lotus Sect?" Li Junsu asked curiously.

"Two of the three leaders of the White Lotus Sect died, and the Mother of No Life ran away. Now the Lord is still keeping an eye on her, so the Saintess and Red Lotus are uniting to resist the Black Lotus, which is good for the Six Gates." Yan Gui said.

He didn't expect this because in his opinion, what's the point of these chickens fighting each other?

With one sword, all three will die.

"So the Lord wants the Black Lotus to succeed and continue the internal struggle?" Yan Gui, whose brain began to turn, looked at Li Junsu and asked.

"Yes, but not right. If the Black Lotus succeeds, the Saintess and Red Lotus will have no place to live. There must be something wrong with the elixir." Li Junsu said.

"Why are you so talkative, you must be good at doing bad things." Yan Gui laughed at the orderly Li Junsu.

"I don't have enough strength, so I can only use my brain." Li Junsu said helplessly.

"That may not be the case. The Lord also uses his brain. You have a future." Yan Gui said.

"But the White Lotus Sect is really shabby." Li Junsu said, with his hand on the railing, looking at the constables who were cleaning up the scene in an orderly manner below.

"Now, those old guys of the White Lotus Sect dare not show up." Yan Gui also stretched his waist and said.

"Is our chief constable very strong?" Li Junsu asked curiously.

"Do you know the Nine Realms of Absolute Life?" Yan Gui looked at Li Junsu and smiled.

"Yes, the nine dangerous places where you will die after entering are... Taoyuan, Luosha Sea, Wrongful Death City, No Return Village, and Death Building. These are the ones that exist now, and the remaining four cannot be investigated." Li Junsu said.

"These places are all restricted areas for living beings under the influence of the resentment of the living beings who died tragically in the chaotic world. Three of our four guards are in charge. The remaining one... is staring at the White Lotus Sect." Yan Gui looked at the moon and said.

"So that's it." Li Junsu nodded when he heard it.

No wonder the imperial court was in decline, with the Golden Horde outside and the aftermath of the chaos inside. The forces of the underworld were also very arrogant. It was a bit incredible that Daqian could still develop in an orderly manner under such circumstances.

"This White Lotus Sect is really useful. It not only helped us get rid of King Anle, but also

After they go, they will fight each other. "After Yan Gui's brain started to work, many situations became clear at a glance.

"It is indeed convenient." Li Junsu nodded and said.

"This White Lotus Sect deserves its bad reputation. It's okay that the Anle Palace was sold, and the head of their own hall can also be sold." Yan Gui said with a smile.

"It's no wonder that all bad things in the world are put on the head of the White Lotus Sect." Yan Gui flipped down the railing and landed on the ground and said leisurely.

"Come on, I'll treat you to a midnight snack." Yan Gui waved his hand and said.


Secret room

"Is the formation affected?" Hei Lian frowned as he looked at the fine red lines on the pill.

"No, we have to find an alchemist first." Hei Lian put the pill into the porcelain bottle and said.



"Did she get the pill?" The saint looked at Hong Lian and asked.

"Yes, saint, what should we do? "Honglian asked nervously.

"It's okay, I added some ingredients to the pill, so it won't kill her." The Saint smiled with a smile.

"The Saint is wise!" Honglian said in surprise.

"Look at your bear-like appearance, rub my shoulders for me." The Saint rolled her eyes and said unhappily.

"Yes..." Honglian rubbed her hands and replied.

"Will there be any problems?" Honglian muttered in her heart.

She always felt something was strange.

But everything was developing normally.


Six Doors.

"Wait for the report from Yan Gui, and then send it to His Majesty together." Tie Ao looked at the sky in the distance and said.


Jiangnan, Six Doors, Hall.

"By the way, didn't the Jiangnan underworld forces take action?" Li Junsu asked suddenly while picking up the dishes.

Except for the White Lotus Sect, the rest seem to be very quiet.

"If they are not quiet, there is a way to make them quiet afterwards. "Yan Gui just smiled and shook his wine glass and said.

In the territory of the Xiezhi Sect, the Jianghu forces were very quiet.

They understood that this was a stable dynasty, and it was time to find a big cut, and a hard one.

No one would be the first to stand out.

They would touch you and provoke you for small things, and for big things... please come in, sir.

Everyone was waiting for the first one to seek death, and after pretending to be a grandson for a while, the dynasty would shrink back.

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