The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2415 The battle spirit of the nine generations of sword masters is missing!

There are many blood shadows in the sword energy, and these blood shadows are very violent, as if there are countless human figures and sword energy integrated into one.

This is not the point, the point is that these blood shadows will change into various weird forms after being affected by the sword energy.

"This." Chase Lu was a little surprised when he saw this, and even found it incredible.

I saw that these blood shadows became more powerful under the influence of the sword energy flying technique, and finally condensed one by one blood soul shadows.

These blood soul shadows stood in front of Lu Chen one by one, "surrendering" Lu Chen like some dead men.

"I have seen the sword master!"

These blood soul shadows said in unison.

Lu Chen was suspicious, "Sword Master?"

"Your powerful power allows us to communicate with you, allowing you to hear our voices, and we can also hear yours," said one person.

Lu Chen was curious, "Then who are you?"

These people reported themselves one by one.

"My second-generation sword master!"

"My third generation sword master!"

Then read them one by one.

From the second generation to the ninety-seventh generation, but there are a few generations missing in the middle, such as the first generation, the eighth generation, the eighteenth generation, the twenty-eighth generation...

Every time I brought eight, I "disappeared".

This made Lu Chen curious, "Are you all the original owners of this sword?"


Everyone got up, but Lu Chen was a little confused, "The first generation, eight, eighteen, and others with eight are gone?"

These people became serious one by one, until someone said, "These people were all wiped out during the last war."

Lu Chen asked strangely, "All destroyed?"

These people slowly explained, and from everyone's explanation, Lu Chen knew that other forces would want to snatch the sword, and then destroy the fighting spirit in the sword.

And this sword was lost once. At that time, in order to keep the sword, the first generation, leading those eight generations, used a forbidden technique to keep the sword, but they also disappeared.

Lu Chen didn't understand, "Then why is it eight again? And this first generation, what is it showing?"

Everyone didn't know, they only knew that the first generation performed it, but they didn't understand why it was eight, and Lu Chen looked at the ninety-seventh generation and wondered, "I, am I ninety-eight?"

Everyone nodded.

Lu Chen frowned, "How come I happen to be ninety-eight?"

Everyone didn't understand, but Lu Chen could only ask, "How long has this sword been here?"

"It's been a million years." Ninety-seven generations said in shame.

Lu Chen was suspicious, "Then why have you stayed here for so long?"

"The sword chooses, and we can follow, so it is the battle soul sword that chooses you, and we follow you." Ninety-seven generations said.

Lu Chen looked at the sword curiously, "Why did it choose me?"

Everyone didn't understand either, they only knew that when the sword chose a new master, it chose it by itself, but they couldn't decide who to choose.

However, Lu Chen knew from the discussions of these people that once the owner of the sword died, the soul of the sword owner would be sucked into the sword and become the sword's fighting spirit.

And the new owner can use the sword's fighting spirit to enhance his own sword damage, but only powerful people can communicate with these fighting spirits.

So these blood soul shadows are very excited, because they have been sleeping for a million years, and finally met their new masters, and they called Lu Chen the new sword master one by one.

After studying it, Lu Chen asked, "Does it mean that I am the sword master, and I am the most powerful among the thirty-six books?"

"Almost." All the fighting spirits responded.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I see."

Then Chase Lu chatted with these guys about their past.


Three days later, Lin Jin looked for Lu Chen everywhere, until he saw Lu Chen's shadow in this restricted area, and shouted from a distance, "Come back soon."

With a thought, Lu Chen put away his sword and walked towards Lin Jin.

Lin Jin was terrified, "I can't go to that place."

"Oh why?"

"This is a restricted area!"

"Restricted area?" Lu Chen murmured, and Lin Jin sighed, "Anyway, you will have a chance to know in the future."

Lu Chen asked in a low voice, "How is it, how is the connection with the commander?"

"The commander already knows, let me take you to see him."

"Where is he?"

"The resting place of the God's Domain battlefield." After Lin Jin finished speaking, he took Lu Chen and left here.


Half a day later, Chase Lu came to a huge palace, and there were a few large characters engraved on the palace, "God's Domain Battlefield".

"Is this the God's Domain battlefield?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

Linkin explained, "This is the entrance."

"The entrance to the Battle of the Gods?" Lu Chen fell into deep thought, because he found that there were people guarding everywhere, and when entering inside, he needed a special pass for each department.

Lin Jin took out his vice-commander's token and entered the hall smoothly.

After arriving at the main hall, there is a long tunnel.

When Lu Chen came inside with Lin Jin, he gradually felt the smell of blood, and the smell became stronger and stronger, as if it was covered with blood.

This made Lu Chen dignified.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that Lu Chen saw part of the "appearance" of the God's Domain battlefield.

I saw that the sky here is "blood red", and the clouds in the sky are dark red, which seems weird.

But fortunately, the plants around are still normal, and some other rocks on the ground are also normal.

Not only that, but in front of Chase Lu, there were seventy-three fortresses.

A huge fortress is in the center, while the other seventy-two are gathered around it.

Lu Chen was suspicious, "This is?"

"The central one is the headquarters, and the other seventy-two are people from each department. For example, our thirty-six department is in the fortress of the thirty-six department. They usually rest and practice there." Lin Jin one by one explain.

After Lu Chen made a sound, he followed Lin Jin's pace and went to the thirty-six fortresses.

There is only an enchantment outside the fortress, and the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside.

But Lin Jin easily came to a big door and knocked on it.

"Boom boom boom!"

The door opened, and the guard who opened the door saw that it was Lin Jin, and immediately said respectfully, "Vice Commander."

"En." Lin Jinen said, and led Chen Lu inside.

It's just that in this hall, there are some people everywhere, and these people are busy with their own affairs, such as inquiring about information, some preparing for the expedition, some just returning to rest, or some going out alone.

But when the busy crowd saw Lin Jin appearing with a fairy king, all the people present looked over curiously.

Some were even curious, "Vice Commander, who is he?"

"Fresh camp."

"Our freshman camp, when will there be a fairy king?" Some people didn't understand.

Lin Jin briefly explained about the Ghost Heart mission, and some people began to complain after hearing this, "The Tianyu League really treats our 36th department as a garbage department, and everyone is stuffed into it!"

"No, I really thought that we would accept everyone!" Someone said even more depressed. (end of this chapter)

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