The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 937: A Group of Old Guys

King Lanlin was very happy and said proudly, "Okay, very good!"

"Okay?" Lu Chen's voice sounded from the "Ice Sculpture", and those people were startled immediately, especially the Lanlin King who said to the others, "Quick, you must trap him for me!"

Everyone nodded, and then continued to "attack" in the direction of Lu Chen.

After a while, there was more and more ice in the area where Chase Lu was located, causing an "iceberg" to form in that area instantly.

Seeing his masterpiece, Lanlin King was very happy, and smiled at Lu Chen, "Boy, are you afraid?"

"Do you think you can still struggle?" King Lan Lin mocked Lu Chen after seeing how crazy he was.

"Then you look after it."

The next moment, fifteen clusters of flames came out from Lu Chen's body, and these flames melted the "iceberg" one by one.

This shocked King Lanlin, and even the people around him.

Then Huowu Zixiao and others were also free.

Only Huowu Zixiao said with a smile, "How about it, my little master is amazing, isn't he?"

"What's the matter?" Lan Linwang said desperately.

"Then you come, but I'm afraid that you will be taken care of by my little master before you stop me later." Huowu Zixiao frightened these people.

King Lanlin snorted, and shouted to everyone, "Please come to the fairy."

Please immortal upper body?

Huowu Zixiao didn't understand what it meant, but Blood Cloud King had an ominous premonition, "It is rumored that the four major families in the secret realm have the ability to invite immortals to enter their bodies."

"Immortal descended to earth? Stop dreaming." Huo Wu Zixiao didn't believe it.

Chase Lu looked curiously, but at this moment, those people fused the flags into their bodies one by one, and sat down one by one, and then a huge blue light appeared from a vortex in the air.

Not only that, those blue lights sprinkled on those people one by one, making them soar in momentum, and they even seemed to be able to sense different auras on them.

This frightened Huowu Zixiao.

"Little master, this, can't it really be a fairy?"

"The power of a fake fairy." Lu Chen smiled.

"The power of a fake fairy?" Huowu Zixiao didn't understand, and King Xueyun didn't understand either.

Lu Chen introduced, "It's very difficult for immortals to come from the fairyland, so they can only transfer their power to mortals through special channels, but when their power reaches mortals, most of them are only ten thousand. Less than one-tenth, or even weaker, so it is called the power of false immortals."

"One ten-thousandth, that's terrible." Huowu Zixiao didn't think one ten-thousandth would be very weak.

Not only Huowu Zixiao, but the Blood Cloud King also felt terrible.

Especially after these people were uppercased, their strength was at least dozens, or even hundreds of times, of their original strength, and some even condensed blue light sword energy, or cold energy, etc. at will.

But Chase Lu didn't take it seriously at all, and stared at those people, "Come on, get all your strength over here, let me see."

King Lan Lin laughed when he saw Lu Chen being so arrogant, "You are so crazy, then I will not be polite!"

After finishing speaking, King Lan Lin asked everyone to do it, and the target was Lu Chen.

I saw that these people hit Lu Chen with all their attacks, and Lu Chen also knew that these people's strength was extraordinary, so Lu Chen had already prepared for it, and directly turned into a thunder soul shadow, allowing those forces to pass through him at will.

In addition, Lu Chen also used the town magic fairy stone.

I saw that Lu Chen was running a kind of "immortal absorption technique" on this magic-suppressing immortal stone, and this "immortal-absorbing technique" could absorb any attack released by "false immortal power", so Lu Chen, this magic-suppressing immortal stone , Crazy sucked all those attacks.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded, and King Lan Lin was also stunned, "Impossible, this is all the power of a fairy."

"Immortal? Do you think it's possible?" Lu Chen never thought that these were the powers of an immortal.

But King Lanlin didn't think so, and thought they were possessed by the power of immortals, so he said to everyone, "Everyone, go on! You can definitely kill him!"

Everyone had to continue.

However, no matter how hard everyone tried, they couldn't do anything to Lu Chen.

Not only that, Lu Chen also absorbed a lot of power, and even smiled at them, "Go on, it's best to drain all the power."

Lan Linwang looked ugly, "Boy, let me see who can last the best!"

"Then you have to hurry up, this fairy's upper body time will not be very long." Lu Chen laughed strangely as if he had insight into everything.

When Lanlin King heard Lu Chen's words, he was shocked, "How does this guy know how long it is?"

"Aren't you coming?" Lu Chen asked after seeing that the other party was silent.

King Lanlin snorted back to his senses, and then said to everyone, "Everyone do your best for me, don't keep it for me!"

Everyone thought, no matter how much strength these people use, they will be quickly absorbed by Lu Chen when they reach Lu Chen's place.

Therefore, these people were so scared that they wanted to leave in the end, and King Lanlin knew that he could not take Lu Chen down, so he shouted to everyone, "Go ahead, I will go find someone."

But when King Lanlin slipped away, everyone followed suit, because no one wanted to stay here waiting to die.

So when he saw these people fleeing, Lu Chen looked at the sky helplessly.

I saw the so-called "immortal power" gradually dissipating, and Huowu Zixiao was curious, "Little master, has that power disappeared?"

"It was originally invited, and it is estimated that it cost a lot of things."

"What did it cost?" Huo Wu Zixiao was puzzled.

Lu Chen smiled, "You have to ask them yourself to know this question."

"Then little master, where are we going now?"

"Keep looking for that Lan Shang." Lu Chen smiled and moved on.

Huowu Zixiao and the others had no choice but to follow.


At this moment, King Lan Lin came to a big hall of the Lan family, and in this big hall, there were many ice sculptures, and inside those ice sculptures were different old men.

When Lanlin King came in, these people asked one by one.

"What's going on outside?"

"Why did I sense the heavenly power just now?"

"Could it be that our Lan family borrowed Xianli?"

"In the end what happened?"

King Lanlin confessed honestly, "Elders, in fact, I just asked everyone to borrow the power of a fairy."


"Deal with a guy in the Golden Core Realm." Lan Lin Wang looked ugly when he thought of Lu Chen.

"Golden Core Realm?"

"So weak?"

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, those old fellows began to blame one by one, but King Lan Lin didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say, "That kid is not simple, and even if he invited the power of a fairy, he couldn't deal with him."



"How can a mortal resist the power of a fairy?"

None of these people believed it, and Lan Linwang looked helpless, "Elders, what this junior said is true, and now that guy is probably coming to our side."

"Who is he? What are you doing here?" Someone asked in confusion.

"I don't know who he is, but he came here because of that Lan Shang." King Lanlin told Lu Chen why he came here.

(end of this chapter)

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