In the Jiangning underground bunker.

The elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled, women and children were arranged to take refuge in a safer and deeper area at the first time.

Strong adults also consciously stayed near the exit of the bunker.

Lin Tian’s father, Lin Zhenhua, was protected by several soldiers of the Tiger Battalion and occupied the best position.

Almost as soon as the beast tide began to evacuate, this group of soldiers found Lin Zhenhua and then took him to evacuate.

“I don’t need your protection, I’m going to find my son.”

Lin Zhenhua’s face was full of sadness.

“Mr. Lin, don’t worry, your son has been ordered by our commander to be specially protected, and he should have been transferred to a safe place to take refuge!”

“If you go out rashly, you may still worry him!”

Several soldier brothers standing beside Lin Zhenhua kindly persuaded, I don’t know how many times these words have been repeated, and their mouths have blistered.

But Lin Zhenhua didn’t see his son, so he always wanted to rush out to find it.

At the exit of the dungeon bunker, there are also rows of soldiers of the Tiger Battalion who are ready for battle.

If the defenses on the outskirts of the city fail, they are the last line of defense!

Outside Jiangning City.

Tens of thousands of elite soldiers are waiting for the battle.

Their gaze was firm and resolute, and the weapons in their hands were polished and polished, waiting for the beast tide to come, and fight to the death!

These elite soldiers are the first layer of defense.

The second layer of defense was composed of most of the main combat professionals above level 30 in Jiangning City, who were mobilized by Wang Zhizhong, the president, and temporarily recruited by Li Meng.

It became the backbone of the second wave against the beast tide.

Above the dome of the sky, strange black clouds gradually spread, black clouds overwhelmed the city, and the wind howled!

The atmosphere of Xiao Killing is extremely strong!

1 hour passed very quickly.

The moment when the rainstorm fell like a pouring rain.

Everyone was at the end of their sight and saw a black line.

It was a black line that was still changing and changing, and it could be seen with the eyes of a level 70 three-turn extraordinary professional like Li Meng.

It was a terrifying monster with hideous fangs and sharp teeth.

There was a thick black strange aura lingering on his body.

Lions, wolves, tigers and leopards, complete variety.

All eyes are red, extremely cruel!

Li Meng stood at the front of the queue, took a deep breath, sounded like a Hong Zhong, and roared: “All the soldiers of the Tiger Battalion! ”

“Prepare to face the beast tide!”

“Behind you are thousands of families!”

“They are your beloved relatives, brothers and sisters!”

“What we have to do is buy enough time for reinforcements!”

“The first wave of reinforcements is the Cloud Rider brothers of the Great Wall Army on the periphery, and they will arrive in about 1 hour!”

“This war is destined to have bloodshed and sacrifice!”

“Do you have the confidence to use your lives to defend the safety of the entire Jiangning people?!”


“Kill! Kill! Kill!! ”

The roar is heaven-shaking, and morale is high!

This scene was transmitted to the eyes of thousands of Dragon Kingdom viewers who were concerned about this Jiangning defense battle.

“Come on!!”

“You must hold it!!”

“I’m old, I can’t see this, it’s too tragic!”

“What kind of years are quiet, it’s just that someone is carrying the weight for us!”

“I have also personally experienced several beast tides, and my fathers and my uncles were also members of the Iron Wall Army, and they died heroically in a defensive battle more than ten years ago.”

“In a few months, I will also enter the barracks and inherit their glory and will.”

“Hats off to you, brother! Hats off to them! ”


In the official live broadcast room, it was instantly filled with massive barrages.

But the beast tide will not stop because of the audience’s prayers and blessings!

The black line at the end of the skyline, in the blink of an eye, has turned into a terrifying black tide.

The beast tide is approaching!

That dense monster makes people’s scalp tingle just by looking at it.

The wind is getting stronger, and the rainstorm is getting worse!

This moment is the darkest time since the establishment of Jiangning Base City!

Just when the beast tide was about to collide head-on with the Iron Wall Army defending the perimeter of Jiangning, there was a violent storm and darkness.

In the center of Jiangning, a colorful pillar of light as the thickness of a bucket.

Soar into the sky!

Like a giant god’s gun, piercing the sky!!

The next moment, the sky curtain and black clouds pierced by this divine light were scattered and pushed away in an instant!

The piercing sunlight shines through the pierced gap and shines again on the earth!

And then –

The wind stops!

The rainstorm stops!

When people look up at the sky again, they can see the bright sun and blue sky!

Everyone was stunned!

What the hell is going on!

Li violently wiped the corners of his eyes soaked by the rainstorm, and looked again at the countless fierce beasts in the black tide outside the city.

Under the sun.

The strange black fog wrapped around them began to melt rapidly like snow illuminated by the scorching sun!

The red light in their eyes is receding.

At the same time, the body size is also shrinking.

This means that their level is constantly falling!

It seems that the reason for this beast tide is still these strange black fogs!

It is these black fogs that make them ferocious and brutal, and also strengthen their rank and attributes.

Countless soldiers of the Iron Wall Army were extremely surprised.

The beast tide is being weakened as a whole!


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