“Hiccup ——!”

Wang Zhizhong felt that his heart attack was about to happen!

There was a hiccup on the spot, the center of gravity was unstable, and he was about to sit on the ground with his ass.

But he didn’t forget Lin Tian’s explanation!

Can’t touch the switch!

Can’t touch the knob!

If you break your bones, you can’t break this treasure in your hand now!

So, Wang Zhizhong fell on his back and raised his hands high, for fear of breaking the super artifact that Lin Tian had created that could protect his Jiangning peace for all generations!


Wang Zhizhong felt that his tail bone was about to break when he fell like this, but he just snorted, and his hands were still holding the DS-1 particle shield generator steadily.

Xu Tianlong on the side saw Wang Zhizhong react so much.

My eyes were hot instantly.

He showed Lin Tian a flattering smile and rubbed his hands, “Lin… Lin Tian, can you let me also see its properties? ”

Lin Tian tilted his head and asked, “Look, isn’t it made for you to see?” ”

Xu Tianlong hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, stretched out a hand, and touched the particle shield generator that was held by Wang Zhizhong as a treasure.

When he sees the attributes clearly.

The next moment.

“Hiccup ——!”

Lin Tian heard another sound that almost turned his back.

The next moment, Xu Tianlong, a level 60 extraordinary professional, also sat on the ground with his ass.

Wang Zhizhong showed a gloating expression.


Self-proclaimed knowledge, right?

The properties of this thing, you see you are also numb!

All brothers, sit!

Xu Tianlong wiped his eyes, and then carefully looked at the value of the shield value column again.

“10…… 1 billion ?!! ”

In the blink of an eye, Xu Tianlong saw that the original [995 million/1 billion] number jumped and changed back to [1 billion/1 billion]!

It’s normal for shields to be dissatisfied.

Because there are countless fierce beasts outside the shield that are fearlessly attacking the shield!

But even if more than 300,000 beast tides were attacking the shield at the same time, it was only the same as the recovery speed of this shield!


At this time, Xu Tianlong remembered.

The shield generated by the ordinary particle shield generator has a fart self-healing attribute!

But mythical, there is!

And that’s an exaggerated 5 million points per second!

This means that as long as no one has been dealing more than 5 million damage to this shield in seconds.

Then this shield will always be worth a lot!

It’s terrifying!

This is simply the ultimate wall of sighs, the absolute realm!

What is even more desperate is its endurance!

1 year!

For a whole year!

Full power on, 1 year of battery life!

And even if it really takes 1 year and the energy is exhausted, it only takes 50 days to restore the full grid.

No recharge, no replacement energy unit.

Finally, there is the flexibility of the envelope range.

The range from 1 cm to 100 km can be adjusted at will!

Xu Tianlong didn’t know what to do.

A thousand words, in the end it just became one sentence –

“Lin Tian, if…”

“I mean if, if one day this thing you produce energy.”

“With this artifact, I can keep the glory of Huaxia and stand tall!”

Lin Tian stood up and placed the particle shield generator in the arms of the two on a flat ground, and then fixed it with two iron frames.

said lightly: “We’ll talk about it later, now we have more important things to do, and the beast tide will not disappear by itself.” ”

After being reminded by Lin Tian, Xu Tianlong and Wang Zhizhong were stunned.

yes, there’s no time to marvel here.

The beast tide is still an urgent problem to be solved.

Even if thousands of ferocious beasts crash into this wall of sighs every minute, the efficiency is too slow.

When they hit and die one by one, they will be the year of the donkey.

The question now is, how are they going to solve so many beast tides!

Wang Zhizhong thought for a moment, and then said: “Wait for the reinforcements, there are still forty or fifty minutes, the first batch of reinforcements should arrive, Lin Tian, don’t you know who can pass the shield.” ”

“Just let the soldiers of our tiger battalion defending the city and the reinforcements who came to help cooperate inside and outside, and attack back and forth, and the beast tide can be solved.”

Wang Zhizhong’s idea is very good.

It is also a tactic that most commanders can think of.

However, Lin Tian shook his head: “I have already created the strongest shield that can protect everyone one hundred percent, why should I risk them being injured or even killed in battle?” ”

“I want to solve this beast tide crisis without injury!”

Lin Tian’s words were amazing!

Xu Tianlong opened his mouth, he never expected that Lin Tian’s real purpose turned out to be this!

Oh, yes!

No one wants bloodshed and sacrifice.

But there must be bloodshed and sacrifice in war.

This is the iron law.

Wouldn’t Lin Tian’s thinking be too naïve?

Xu Tianlong opened his mouth and persuaded: “Student Lin Tian, your starting point is good, no one wants to see our people or reinforcements injured or even killed in battle. ”

“But they are soldiers, and they are ready to die for their country.”

“Lin Tian, you have done well enough, you have saved millions of citizens in the entire Jiangning and saved countless families!”

“And those warriors will also be able to take shelter and recuperate in your shield, and the casualties of this battle will definitely be minimized.”

“What’s more, dying in battle is also the place where they pursue their lives and reflect their value…”

Lin Tian’s eyes became cold.

“Why die if you can live?”

“I never think that heroic sacrifice is the embodiment of a warrior’s value, if he survives, he will kill more enemies and contribute more to victory!”

“Life is the most precious thing, even if you feel that it is great to give your life for some noble goal, there are even a group of people who think so like you.”

“What about your family? What about your lover? What about children? ”

“Are you worthy of them?”

“So, unless it’s cornered, I really can only recommend Xuanyuan with blood, otherwise I don’t want to see anyone die!”

“I have a plan.”

In the end, Xu Tianlong was a little embarrassed.

His thinking is the thinking of ordinary people, and he believes that sacrifice and dedication are magnificent and worthy of praise.

But Lin Tian analyzed this matter from a higher perspective and pattern.

That’s right, who didn’t have people who cared about them, just died, leaving these people with only endless pain.

If you can not die, if you can not be injured, you must pursue no injury!

“It takes me half a day to build a particle shield generator.”

“But to make a mythical grenade, I only need 1 minute.”

“So, please help me find materials!”

Lin Tian said so.

Xu Tianlong’s mouth opened wide!

Groove! Groove! Groove!!

Why didn’t he think about it!

They still have a big killing weapon in their hands!

And this time directly detonated the mythical-level grenade, in the case of the particle shield generator continuing to work, Jiang Ning will still not be hurt in the slightest!

This is simply the strongest spear and the strongest shield!

It’s just that this time the contradictions are not opposites, they have both!

Absolute! Lin Tian is a genius-level idea!


Last night’s chapter may take a long time to brush up because of a problem with the Feilo system.

The big guy who didn’t see it remembered to watch it!

Finally, kneel and beg you guys, don’t lose data, and also squeak in the book review area!

Talk about opinions, scold the author!

Otherwise, I really feel panicked!

Of course, it would be better if there were flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes or something!


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