was reminded by Lin Tian.

Suddenly, everyone looked at their feet.

The purple moon was high in the sky, and the black fog that had previously shrouded the dense forest dissipated.

The sky is crystal clear, allowing the moonlight to fall naturally.

The shadows of all were dragged on the ground for a long time.

Wen Ya looked at the shadow of the first injured thief girl before, and her pupils suddenly contracted!



The thief girl’s movement at the moment is hunched, ready to fight at any time.

The right hand also only touched the dagger on the waist, and did not pull it out!

However, her shadow turned out to be in a completely standing posture.

The dagger at the waist was also drawn out by it.

How can the actions of shadows and people be inconsistent!

It was as if the shadow had detached from the essence and become a living creature!

Wen Ya couldn’t see the expression of the thief girl’s shadow, but she saw the shadow’s movements.

The shadow held the dagger in both hands and raised it high.

The next moment, it suddenly pierced towards its own chest!

“Be careful!!”

Wen Ya just opened her mouth to remind you!

She realized that her own shadow was also wrong!

Her shadow waved her magic staff, as if she was casting a spell, and the target of the spell was the Heavenly Punishment Knight girl not far away.


First, the thief girl spat out blood!

On her chest, where she was previously targeted by her own shadow, a terrifying blood hole suddenly appeared!

And the leather armor she was wearing was not even damaged!

On the other side, the Heavenly Punishment Knight girl is the same as Uncle Jiang before.

There was a scream, and there were traces of scalding burns on his body.

I see!

At this moment, everyone understood!

The attackers are their own shadows!

The most outrageous and tricky thing is that the shadows of the gunman’s three sisters shoot at the shadows of others.

Then the others were directly shot and injured and bleed!

It doesn’t matter if you’re a heavily armored warrior or a priest in cloth!

“Shadow attacks are real damage! Ignore the armor and defenses, you will be directly injured! Wen Ya quickly summed up this rule.

However, know this.

And even if you are prepared to deal with it.

Also pointless!

Because shadows don’t just attack other people’s shadows.

They will also attack their own body!

How to prevent this?

How can this be targeted?

Everyone panicked.

As a healer, Ling Xueer was also busy.

Her staff kept waving and the light lit up.

Apply healing to teammates.

However, it can only be said that it is a drop in the bucket!

Because she found that this monster who can control their own shadow is absolutely sane.

After seeing that she was the only treatment in the team, the shadows of others began to gather fire to attack him alone!

Ling Xue’er also began to get hurt.

And others also tried to shoot with daggers or at their own shadows!

But their attacks hit the air.

It can’t do any damage to the shadow monster at all!

Wen Ya, as the captain of the squad at the moment, was also a little confused about what to do!

They can’t reach the outside world!

and unable to catch the real body of the enemy.

I can only watch myself and others killing each other!

A king-level copy, how can the hidden boss be so terrifying!

Things started to get out of hand.

As a matter of fact.

The people who were watching the battle in the conference room in Jiangning had already restored communication.

The video picture can be seen again.

It’s just that voice communication will take some time.

At the moment, they are all in a hurry.

The current situation has seriously exceeded everyone’s expectations, and the think tank has also been busy.

They are also thoroughly investigating what the true identity of this hidden boss may be.

Just when everyone was in a mess.

Lin Tian, standing in the light shield, was single-minded, and his hand was very steady.

His eyes did not take half a minute off the reagent in front of him.

But they are also paying attention to the situation of everyone.

“The enemy can control your shadow attack, so reduce the area of the shadow and see if this weakens it.”

“Pastor, make a few more balls of light around you.”

“Attention, what I’m talking about is that up and down, left and right, front and back, in all directions, to make balls of light.”

Wen Ya listened to Lin Tian’s command.

Opened his mouth.

Indeed, this is the most conventional line of thought.

She thought about it too.

But she vetoed it.

Because everyone knows the simplest truth.

Where there is light, there is shadow!

If you let Ling Xue’er make a ball of light, won’t it increase the area and number of shadows!

Is it because they don’t kill the group fast enough!

Think tanks outside the venue also shook their heads.

It means that Lin Tian’s idea is really not bad.

It could even kill everyone.

However, Lin Tian’s next words made Hong Zhong Da Lu ring in everyone’s ears, and he was instantly empowered!

“Mage, give everyone a levitation technique, don’t step on the ground.”


“Well, I don’t know if you know what an operating room is…”

“Simply put, in the last era of civilization, when Blue Star had not yet been gamified, it treated people and removed specific rooms of diseased tissue on their bodies.”

“The existence of shadows affected the surgeon’s vision at that time, so people at that time invented something called a shadowless lamp.”

“A light hits an object, and the light is obscured by the object, which creates a shadow, which is called umbra.”

“And if there are multiple angles, light from different positions shines light on the same object, and the light will even shine on the umbra of the object, then the umbra area of this object will be greatly reduced, and the color and depth will show a sense of layering.”

“Those that are lighter than umbra and appear gray are called penumbras.”

“If you adjust the position so that the lighting is light enough, and the direction and angle are comprehensive enough, it is possible that the area of the umbra will be weakened to the point of almost disappearing, and the remaining penumbra will almost look like a shadow.”

“All in all, Ling Xueer, make a ball of light!”

“Up and down, left and right, the more the better!”

“The more balls of light, the more shadows and rays overlap each other, the weaker it will be!”

Lin Tian’s explanation and countermeasures.

Everyone who listened was stunned!

For those who have seen ancient books, learned about the so-called operating rooms and shadowless lamps.

They can understand what Lin Tian means!

But for the new generation, who have accepted the ideas after gamification from childhood to adulthood, what Lin Tian said is no different from the book of heaven.

However, Wen Ya and Ling Xueer didn’t think much about it.

Even if they didn’t quite understand the deep meaning of Lin Tian’s words.

And they all did!

Wen Ya put a flotation technique on everyone, and everyone was floating in the air.

Then Ling Xue’er followed Lin Tian’s orders and used the Holy Light System’s lighting spell, the Holy Light Ball.

In an instant, dozens of balls of light emitting white holy light appeared everywhere around everyone.

Even the interval between them, and the void under their feet!

After the ball of light lit up, Wen Ya and the others were stunned.

It turned out to be true!

Their shadows have almost disappeared!

Even if it doesn’t disappear, it’s as if it didn’t!

The power of the black shadow’s attacks has all been limited!


It really works!

The leaders who were watching the battle all stood up with surprise.

They had always thought that Lin Tian’s talent lay in making all kinds of creations.

Now I find out.

This boy is not in trouble!

Single-mindedly, the movements in his hands were non-stop, and it was obvious that his process of blending potions had reached the final stage.

Soon, a mythical potion will be born!

However, even under such circumstances, he was able to analyze the situation with extremely keen observation.

Then use rational and calm thinking to find a way to solve it!

And his method is practical!

Where what think tank is needed!

Lin Tian’s mind is the strongest think tank in the entire copy team!

Lin Tian, we don’t know how many surprises you have!


This book is about to hit the shelves!

Let’s start with the point: this book will be on the shelves tomorrow at 12 noon (12 noon on May 31)!

20,000 words on the shelves exploded! The climax of the plot! Cool!

It’s been a week since the book was released.

Each chapter is full in word count, more than 2,000 words.

The daily update is about 12,000 words.

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