The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 20 0019. The insider hidden among the survivors

This corpse transformation happened suddenly, without any warning. Of the more than 4,000 survivors, only less than 2,000 were left after the soldiers evacuated.

More than 30 talent elites on the third floor were rescued, and even the seven umbrella employees headed by Zhao Qing came out alive.

Most of the survivors on the second floor were more than seventy evolvers headed by Liu Quan and Duan Feng. However, after the two of them saw Chen Chong destroying zombies with his bare hands, the two of them had a vague intention of joining Chen Chong in supporting him as the leader of the Evolvers.

As for the people who survived the most, it was the ordinary people on the ground floor. The ground floor had the largest number of people and was also the easiest group to escape. However, most of them do not have the ability to collect vehicles, and now they can only follow the convoy on foot.

Thousands of people followed the long motorcade, and among them, several groups were faintly formed. Most of the able-bodied men formed a team. They all have no families and are unwilling to walk in groups of women, old and young. After all, in this world, you still have to follow the strong to survive.

For those with families, several families, men, women, old and young, huddle together for warmth. Some of the men held their families in the middle, holding club weapons picked up from the roadside.

However, the rest are some loners, or old people who no one cares about. Before they had gone far, several old men fell to the ground and became motionless.

Days of hunger and fear are too much for even young people, let alone the elderly.

The soldiers standing on the military vehicle watched the scene silently. Perhaps they had seen this kind of situation too much, and their hearts were a little numb.

With two military armored vehicles clearing the way, this huge team headed along the Fourth Ring Road towards the starry night of Gutao Town, which was fifty kilometers away.

From time to time, sporadic zombies appeared. Before they could get close to the convoy, they were shot to death by the soldiers guarding them on both sides.

"Brother Chong, why did those zombies suddenly grow a flesh sac in their mouth just now? It scared me when I first saw it?"

Wang He said with lingering fear while driving the military vehicle.

Ever since Chen Chong told them how to kill Lickers at the flank base, Wang He and a group of soldiers regarded Chen Chong as an expert in virus research.

"We humans have evolvers, and those zombies are also evolving, and they evolve much faster than us humans."

Chen Chong said this, but he also had a question in his heart.

They haven't seen a zombie with mouthparts since they hit the road. It seems that these evolved zombies are only found in the survivor building.

I just heard Wang He say that tonight's corpse transformation seemed to be an appointment, and turmoil broke out on the three floors at almost the same time.

All signs point to the result of man-made corpse transformation, but who could this person be? Who can come into contact with this evolved T-virus?

A figure suddenly flashed in Chen Chong's mind, and that was Zhao Qing, the umbrella employee he met in the A1 area.

"By the way, which car are the seven people in the umbrella in?"

Wang He turned his head and thought for a while: "It seems to be in the business Buick at the back."

Chen Chong narrowed his eyes, and an ominous premonition suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

These guys are absolutely inseparable from this corpse transformation. Maybe it was a conspiracy when they approached the military.

If his guess is correct, these people are mixed with the survivors just to kill everyone!

"Wang He, stop the car!"


"I'm telling you to stop the car immediately."

Chen Chong's tone revealed a strong murderous intention, which scared Wang He and quickly stepped on the brakes.

"Brother Chong, you"

Before he could speak, Chen Chong had already opened the car door.


The driver of the Buick car stared blankly at Chen Chong, who was holding a gun in front of the car, and slowly stepped on the brakes.

He didn't know how he got into trouble with this evil star.

However, at this time, Huang Zhengjiang and Zheng Ping also received the news that Chen Chong had intercepted the car, and they both stopped and walked towards the scene of the incident.

"All Umbrella employees, stand in a line and get inspected!"

"Sir, it seems we haven't made any mistakes, right? And are you from the military? Why are you checking us?"

Zhao Qing's expression was calm. Even if he was pointed at a gun, he didn't panic at all. He still looked at the other person with a superior look.

"Why? Haha." Chen Chong laughed evilly and shot one of the employees in the head.

Survivors nearby screamed and hid aside, and several soldiers hurriedly gathered around.

Zhao Qing's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that the other party just shot him.

"You, you... killed him?"

"Mr. Zhao Qing, are you willing to cooperate now?"

"Chen Chong! What are you doing?"

At this time, Huang Zhengjiang's voice sounded from behind, and Zhao Qing ran over as if he had seen the savior.

"Captain Huang, you came at the right time. This man asked us to get out of the car for inspection without any reason, and he also shot and killed an employee."

Zheng Ping looked at the body lying on the ground and looked at Chen Chong in disbelief.

"What are you doing? They are the people named by the leader to protect!"

"Really? If this man wants to kill us all, are you prepared to protect him?"

Chen Chong stared directly into Zheng Ping's eyes.

"What's going on? Chen Chong, you have to give me an explanation for this matter." Huang Zhengjiang walked over expressionlessly, looking businesslike.

In fact, he had long wanted to shoot these people who were protecting him, but since the regiment leader didn't care about their supply warehouse, there was nothing he could do.

"I remember a soldier told me when I first came to the science and technology park. Since the army came there, large-scale waves of corpses have been moving in almost every day.

I think everyone knows that zombies are attracted to sounds. But their hearing is not very strong, and even the sound of a howitzer cannot attract zombies dozens of kilometers away.

But have you ever counted how many zombies you have killed in the past few days? How many zombies are there in the entire Wanjiang City? "

Hearing this, Huang Zhengjiang's eyes flashed coldly: "You mean? Someone is deliberately attracting zombies?"

"It's not just individuals, I suspect there is a huge force operating behind the scenes. They knew about the evacuation plan tomorrow through the people hidden inside us, and then corpses appeared mysteriously in the entire building overnight. Change!"

Chen Chong looked at Zhao Qing as he spoke, and his guess was not groundless.

When he met the first licker, he saw the label "Experimental Subject" and "H-3" from the illustrated book. This is obviously something man-made.

"No, I didn't do it, I didn't know!" Zhao Qing shook his head vigorously, with a slightly panicked expression on his face.

"If someone comes, let me search their bodies, even their underwear! If they are insiders, they will definitely have a communicator on them!"

Huang Zhengjiang waved his hand and the surrounding soldiers quickly controlled the six umbrella personnel.

Under the skinning-style search by soldiers, the green spiral reagent hidden in the dark layer of Zhao Qing's suitcase was placed on the ground.

T virus inhibitor! !

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