The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 25 0024. Someone from Gutao Base

"Infectious body genes?"

Chen Chong has never used the skill of disguise. Since it has never swallowed a human being, the camouflage skills that were previously at Level 1 are of no use at all.

Now that it has been upgraded to level 3, the infected gene has been unlocked.

Unable to suppress his excitement, Chen Chong immediately wanted to turn into a hellhound.

[This type of infected body cannot be disguised. Please choose a human infected body. 】

Chen Chong opened the gene preservation fragment according to the system's guidance. There were two level 0 zombies, a small licker,

These three are all infected humans mutated and similar in size.

Chen Chong immediately chose the licker as the mutation target.

[Disguise activated! Licker gene fragment selected]

In an instant, countless black and red blood threads surged out from every inch of Chen Chong's skin, as the blood threads continued to split and fill up.

Chen Chong's body is changing rapidly.

The army green top was replaced by patches of scarlet skin, and his limbs slowly bent, lying on the ground like animal limbs.

As the exposed brain slowly emerges, a standard licker is born.

"Mud horse? Where are my eyes?"

Feeling the blood-red heat world, Chen Chong became a little depressed. When changing, forget that lickers don't have eyes.

However, the powerful black light virus has completely transformed its physical characteristics into a licker.

At this moment, Chen Chong was able to adapt to this sense. He tried to climb up the big tree next to him. Unexpectedly, his limbs were not directly attached to the tree, but used the energy of his own flesh and blood.

"As expected, it still doesn't work?"

Even if the shape changes into a licker, one still cannot gain the unique abilities of a licker.

Chen Chong experimented a lot, and finally redisguised himself as a level 0 zombie. After all, it was too uncomfortable to walk on all fours on the ground.

Along the river bank, Chen Chong trotted towards the road. Occasionally, I encounter a few zombies in the woods. They all look at this faster similar species with confusion and make no subsequent moves.

When they came to the highway, Chen Chong deliberately approached the bridge. Most of these zombie dog groups have scattered and left in all directions.

Only a portion of them remained on the bridge, rummaging through the cars looking for edible flesh and blood.

Chen Chong's disguised zombie slowly walked onto the bridge. The two zombie dogs raised their heads and looked at it, then turned around and continued to sniff their rotting noses and left.

Done! This system is so powerful that even a zombie dog with a keen sense of smell cannot distinguish it.

Just like that, Chen Chong swaggered across the bridge from the gap between the vehicles. When he encountered a group of dogs, he didn't forget to use his leadership skills and recruited three level one and two level 0 zombie dogs as followers.

Then he hurried along the Yuliang Main Line toward the exit of Wanjiang City that he had agreed with Huang Zhengjiang.

[Wuchao Underground Base]

Thevenin was sitting in the lounge, sipping strong coffee.

At this time, a video data request message popped up on the computer.

A blond woman wearing tight-fitting black anti-bite clothing appears in the video:

"Sir, the clearing plan failed. 679 people escaped from Wanjiang City."

"Failed? Agent Tina, are you kidding me?"

The woman nodded slightly and apologized: "According to the latest information sent by the insider, it was the suspected target named Chen Chong who lured away the hellhound group. And under his guidance, the military has discovered the existence of the insider."

"Chen Chong?" Thevenin grabbed the metal spoon and gently stirred the coffee, and slowly raised the corner of his mouth, "Another bad ant. Inform the insider to lurk for the time being. Nothing major has happened, so there is no need to report.

Looks like I need to meet an old friend. "

The early morning sun still rises slowly, without human industrial pollution emissions. The sky in Wanjiang City seems to be bluer than before.

At the exit of Wanjiang City, a long motorcade stopped at the side of the road. After the zombie dog attack at night, the number of survivors became even thinner.

Soldiers and civilians drove their cars to bring food and water from nearby stores from time to time.

Everyone stayed in their cars, eating their hard-earned breakfast.

"Battal Commander, we have been resting for three hours now. When will we set off?"

Huang Zhengjiang stood on the roof of the car and looked towards the city: "There is still one person who has not arrived, please wait for another half hour."

Zheng Ping nodded and stopped talking. He knew who the battalion commander was talking about. I also hope that the other party can return safely.

But the pack of dogs last night was too huge, even if Chen Chong was fast and strong. How can Keren's physical strength compare to that of a zombie dog?

"Alas!" Zheng Ping punched the military vehicle as if to vent his anger. He turned around and saw a slim girl standing on the side of the road, looking straight at the end of the road.

"Miss Su, why don't you go have breakfast? It's very dangerous outside, so please get in the car!"

Su Wei reluctantly smiled at Zheng Ping, shook her head and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I want to stand here for a while."

Stand for a while? This girl has been standing here since she arrived at the entrance to the city in the morning. Three hours is enough even for practicing Zhuang Kung Fu.

Seeing the anxiety in Su Wei's eyes, Zheng Ping suddenly remembered something. Chen Chong seems to have saved this girl's life, I heard it happened more than once.

It's no wonder that the other party is so worried, probably because he is attracted to him.

"Chen Chong, Chen Chong, if you are not dead, please show up quickly, otherwise there will be another watchman stone at the entrance of Wanjiang City."

Buzz~ da da da da

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a propeller spinning came from a distance.

The civilians and soldiers who were having breakfast looked at the sky with vigilance.

A helicopter painted with military green ink was flying towards them.

Huang Zhengjiang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the blue five-star emblem on the plane.

"Don't be nervous, he's one of ours!"

The helicopter approached slowly and hovered at a height of about 7 meters above the ground.

The air flow rolled up by the huge propeller blades caused the soldiers and civilians below to narrow their eyes.

Huang Zhengjiang and Zheng Ping walked towards the helicopter one after another. They saw a man and a woman, two foreigners wearing tight-fitting black anti-bite suits standing at the door of the cabin.

The blonde woman jumped out of the plane without any ropes. Then he straightened his proud waist and looked at Huang Zhengjiang in front of him with a smile.

"Captain Huang, where are the T-virus inhibitors?" the blond woman said in standard Daxia script.

"Who are you? There are no foreigners in Gutao Base, let alone in the army."

Huang Zhengjiang's eyes were like daggers, looking directly at the opponent.

Zheng Ping, who was behind him, understood the sound and raised his left hand. The soldiers surrounding him instantly aimed their guns at the two foreigners.

Facing several hunting dogs at gunpoint, the woman's expression remained unchanged, she took out a military satellite phone from her arms and handed it over.

"Old Huang, don't be nervous, just give them the inhibitor."

The voice on the phone was none other than group leader Cao Rongbin.

"Captain, are you sure these two people are reliable?"

"Oh! Don't worry, we'll discuss the details in person when you come back."

The woman put away the phone and was about to snatch the pharmaceutical incubator from the soldier's hand.

"Mad, you dare to rob us before our battalion commander agrees!"

A soldier turned the butt of his gun and hit the woman's hand. In an instant, the woman's slender arm changed in the air. The next second, the soldier fell to the ground and screamed, covering his drooping left arm.

"I'm sorry, it seems a bit harsh. I'll pay attention next time." The woman spread her hands with an apologetic expression.

Zheng Ping, who was standing aside, couldn't bear it any longer, raised his fists and punched the opponent.

Seeing that Zheng Ping's fist was about to touch the woman, suddenly a figure stepped in front of Zheng Ping and firmly grasped the blonde woman's fist.

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