The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 256 0029. Black light tyrant!


The huge fist slammed down, and the main body of the hospital building shattered.

Large pieces of stone, adhered to the tile powder, rose up. Countless amounts of sand poured down like a tsunami.

Seeing such a powerful monster, the rescued doctors were frightened on the spot.

The male doctor who had snatched Eunice's cell phone earlier suddenly trembled in his legs, and a stream of unknown light yellow liquid flowed down his trouser legs.

"Eunice! Get in the car!"


The old man and little Ethan shouted loudly to the stupid Eunice, who suddenly turned around and ran towards the car when they heard the call.

However, several male doctors who reacted also ran over and squeezed Eunice behind them, trying to steal the car directly.

The first male doctor who ran to the passenger door was about to open the door in excitement. Unexpectedly, a black gun barrel stretched out from the car and hit his head directly.

"Sorry! The owner of this car is Eunice's father, please get out of the way."

The male doctor was shocked at first, but immediately changed his face when he saw Jon's police uniform.

"Mr. Police Officer, I am the best surgical professor at the city hospital. As long as you agree to let me get in the car, if anything happens in the future, the police will come to me."

I thought my name could impress the police officer, but the other party didn't change at all and still pointed the gun at him.


A dull crashing sound resounded throughout the street, and Chen Chong, covered in dust, rolled out from under the large pieces of rubble.

After the tyrant in front of him was fused with the black light virus, both his recovery ability and combat effectiveness were more than doubled.

Not even the original Sleeping Tyrant could compare with it.


The tyrant's giant fist struck again. Chen Chong bent his legs and jumped into the air. The black blood in his right hand quickly condensed. A slender tendril instantly grabbed a broken part of the building and swung out.

Just when Chen Chong's body was misaligned with the tyrant, a sudden change occurred!

The tyrant's smooth shoulder actually had two large openings, and two thick flesh and blood chains quickly locked towards Chen Chong's waist.

Chen Chong took a closer look and immediately retracted his tendrils, using his gliding ability to distance himself from the opponent.

However, the tyrant's chain seemed to have a second glance. Chen Chong had just changed his position when the chain had already intercepted him in the direction of his landing point.

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Chen Chong simply gave up evading, and condensed a huge blade arm on his right arm, slashing down the two chains.


The chain collided with the blade, causing sparks to appear. The chain looked soft on the surface, but when it came into contact, it was discovered that it was harder than metal.

Chen Chong's slash successfully evaded the tyrant's chain control, and his body flew into the air. He deftly avoided the tyrant's grasping arm, then drew his knife in the opposite direction and slashed at the tyrant's metal armor.


The metal connecting buckle of the outer armor was cut off with a knife, and the outer armor, which weighed a ton, fell off and hit the ground.


The angry tyrant let out a beast-like roar at Chen Chong, and the black strands on his pitch-black body convulsed outward.

The shoulders, arms, and entire upper body boiled like a pot of boiling soup.

Black flesh and blood pustules rose and fell. As the right arm continued to grow thicker, the original black skin was suddenly torn open from the inside, revealing the dark red virus tissue inside.

Suddenly, the tyrant's unique right claw also began to grow.

Wrapped in black virus bloodshot, the monster's arms were exactly the same as Chen Chong in claw form. Even the luster of the claws was the same jet black.

"Huh? This guy actually mastered the claw form!"


A huge sharp claw, nearly two meters tall, struck suddenly.

Chen Chong did not dare to confront him forcefully and immediately turned around to avoid it. He had no doubt about the power of this sharp claw, which could cut him into pieces in an instant.

One blow was dodged, and the second hit again.

Chen Chong did not retreat but advanced. He bent forward and came to the front of the tyrant.

The moment the claw form is turned on, the ground stab ability is activated.

The fine spikes were like needle felt, covering the ground in an instant.

The tyrant didn't react for a moment, and his two big feet were penetrated directly by the ground thorns and fixed on the ground.

The pain in his feet slowed down the tyrant's offensive momentum.

Chen Chong smiled coldly, the blood in his arms condensed again, and he swung a pair of rock hammers high.

"It's my turn!"

In front of the screen, the Red Queen's eyes suddenly flashed with a faint light.

"Alert! Alert! The target's power fluctuates sharply! It has reached 90 points!"


Regardless of his previous image, Alexander opened his mouth so wide that he was about to drop a goose egg.

Wesker on the side took off his sunglasses and stared at the screen with his scarlet eyes.

On the screen, Chen Chong's body was wrapped in dark red energy mist.

A pair of double hammers hit the tyrant's head with all their might.

This time, the tyrant clearly felt the great danger. It roared, regardless of the pain on its feet, it bent its knees and waved its giant claws to block it in front of it.

Bing! ! !

The hammer claws collided, and a miniature white sun enveloped their arms. There was only a crisp sound of breaking, and the white sun suddenly exploded in all directions.


When the white light dissipated, Alexander and Wesker stared at the screen with twitching faces.

The tyrant's clawed arms were smashed off by his heels. The left shoulder and half of his head were smashed into bloody foam.

The ultimate tyrant, who had high hopes since its creation, was smashed to death by the opponent in the first actual battle.

This was not only a blow to Umbrella, but also a humiliation to Alexander.

At this moment, the Red Queen's reminder suddenly sounded:

"The ultimate tyrant's life status is normal, and Z virus cells are multiplying in large numbers."

Alexander looked at the screen suddenly. Sure enough, as the Red Queen said, even with such serious damage, the Tyrant's life status was not affected at all, and its power fluctuations were still increasing.

"Very good! This is the power of the Z virus! Fight! Kill! Only one of you can stay!"



At this time, the image on the screen suddenly appeared with white snowflakes, and then restored again after three seconds.

Alexander turned to look at the Red Queen in confusion: "What happened just now? Why did the signal suddenly fluctuate?"

This time the Red Queen seemed to be asleep, and actually closed her eyes and did not answer his words.

Just when Alexander was surprised, the whole scene suddenly changed, and a man with brown hair and golden eyes appeared on the screen.

"Hello! Mr. Alexander!"

"It's you!" Alexander glared at the man in front of him fiercely.

"If I guess correctly, you are the data human who can invade any network signal, Mira Goddess!"

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