The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 258 0031. The zombie tide is coming

The man standing behind Mira was Hank, the god of death who was escaping on the east coast. At this moment, he had taken off his USS uniform and was wearing a brand new black believer's robe.

"I've seen this man before. He shouldn't be a biological weapon."

Looking at Chen Chong who blew himself up on the screen, Hank's eyes flashed with a faint light.

"Oh? Do you know him?"

Mira, who was sitting on the leather chair, slowly turned around. She had an incredibly beautiful face.

That's right!

Mira's true appearance is not that of a man with brown hair.

This god who is called a data human is completely different from the man Alexander talked with.

Seeing such a beautiful face, even Hank, who had always been silent, rarely lowered his head.

He didn't dare to look into the other person's eyes, for fear that he would get lost in them accidentally.

"Yes! I saw his information before when I was at the underground base on the east coast.

According to the information sent by the woman Ada Wang, this human named Chen Chong is a human who possesses the original black virus vector.

According to the name of the Salvation Society, he can be regarded as the founder of the virus. "

"First Master?"

Mira slowly turned her eyes and looked up and down Hank's body, "The weird virus in your body is also related to him?"

Hank checked the spot and said with an uncertain tone:

"I contracted this virus in a small town, but according to the information Umbrella has, the source of the virus in that small town is closely related to Chen Chong, so I'm not sure about the current situation yet. "

Hearing this, Mira's face suddenly showed a kind smile:

"It seems that I made the right choice in recruiting you here. Thank you for your hard work. I will have the most authoritative virus expert in the Salvation Society check your physical condition in the next few days. You can rest assured."

"Thank you, Lord God."

The turbulent sea water rushed through every corner of the experimental area.

Jon, who didn't know what was going on, rushed towards the hospital building with his two men and the old man's family.

At this moment, only standing at a high place can give you a better chance of survival.

As soon as the front foot left the car, a wave flooded the road in front of the hospital.

The tyrant controlled by Mira has long since disappeared. Under the area flooded by the sea, Chen Chong, with half of his head rotten, was lying quietly on the spot.

In his left hand, a parasite the size of a silkworm chrysalis was impaled on the ferocious sharp claws and teeth.

Even in this case, the parasite is still not completely dead. The tiny limbs on the head were still squirming, trying hard to get free from the sharp claws.

The wash of the sea water made its body rise slightly upwards. Just when it was about to break away from the claw tip, the black sharp claw suddenly moved.

At this moment, seawater poured in, and all the monitoring equipment in this experimental area on the seabed was destroyed. As a result, no one knew about Chen Chong's situation.

In the control room, Wesker and Alexander are working together to deal with the Leech Queen.

The former Umbrella Big Three has now become a half-male, half-female monster. The first time she saw Wesker, she immediately launched the most ferocious attack.

Countless dense armies of leeches came overwhelming like a wave.

Wesker frowned and used subsonic speed to constantly change positions in the limited space.

On the side, Alexander had multiple dense data points appearing in his eyes. Those data points were densely packed around Marcus, and they began to calculate all the means to kill the opponent.

When leeches came one after another, he could always accurately find the gap between the attacks of the leech army and dodge them immediately.

Alexander's precise calculation ability almost turned him into an infallible machine.

Seeing the two of them dodging with ease, Queen Leech's face showed no signs of worry at all.

In less than a minute, there were fewer and fewer data points in Alexander's eyes. After several attempts to rush out of the room failed, he shouted loudly towards Wesker:

"Stop hiding, let's rush out together. When the sea water fills this place, we will be finished."

Obviously Wesker is also aware of this. The Leech Queen is simply invincible in the water. If she is blocked here, she will be killed sooner or later.

The two exchanged glances in the air, and in the next second two black afterimages rushed towards both sides of the Leech Queen at the same time.

At this time, Queen Leech, who had a somewhat split personality, let out a sharp cry, and countless leech troops instantly gave up attacking Alexander and instead surrounded Wesker.


Alexander, who found a gap, accurately threw a green fluorescent bomb to Wesker.

The next second, the green bomb exploded instantly, and an extremely dazzling light exploded throughout the room.

The steel building was also damaged by the power of the bomb, and the entire room collapsed into one piece in an instant.

Looking at the floodwaters pouring in behind him, Wesker, whose face was half blown apart, slowly put on his sunglasses and turned to look at Alexander beside him.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go to Daxia."

[Matsukawa City]

After it was officially captured by the military last time, it has become one of the few 'vacuum cities' in Nanjiang.

The so-called vacuum city means that there are no infectious agents, no materials, and no humans.

In order to observe the tide of corpses in the Central Plains at any time, the Linzhou military established dozens of detection stations here and stationed a battalion of troops in the south of the city.

"Hey? Do you think it's foggy over there?"

At the top of an office building, two soldiers were lying on the edge of the rooftop looking into the distance.

"Eh? It's true! How could it suddenly become foggy on a sunny day? It's weird!"

"Tch, there are a lot of weird things happening now. This fog is nothing compared to zombies."

While the two soldiers were discussing, the walkie-talkie on their waist suddenly rang.

"bi~Station No. 7, Station No. 7, did you find heavy fog there?"

The two soldiers looked at each other, and the latter immediately responded: "I saw it, I saw it. Do you have them over there too?"

"bi~Yes! Heavy fog has been detected at twelve surrounding detection stations. We are now considering whether to report it to our superiors."

The soldier slowly put down the walkie-talkie, the doubts on his face getting thicker and thicker:

"It's really weird. Heavy fog actually appears in the west. Could it be that these fogs that appeared out of thin air have surrounded this place?"

Just when the two soldiers were hesitating whether to report it, they saw two drones flying rapidly over their heads and firing two missiles into the thick fog.

Suddenly, chaotic shouting came from the intercom.

"Retreat! Everyone retreat. Ah!! Shoot! Shoot!"

"Run away! It's a zombie! The zombie army is coming!"

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