The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 33 0032. The elite black light fighters appear!

The man under the gas mask opened his mouth in horror! He wanted to scream, but the blood pouring from his throat made it difficult for him to speak clearly.

The owner of the sharp claw was none other than Chen Chong. Before leaving the camp, the man in white coat was secretly killed and devoured by him.

He has always wanted to figure out what the conspiracy of these people is, but unfortunately his current disguise ability has not evolved into a memory reading function.

Chen Chong dragged the murdered man to a weed nest on the roadside, and then walked into the container as if nothing had happened.

The people inside had no idea what was happening outside. They took out spider-shaped instruments from the metal box and placed them on the chests of the unconscious survivors.

It is indeed a protective umbrella!

Chen Chong looked at these guys coldly, as if all the mysteries were about to be solved.

Most likely, these people captured by Umbrella were brought back to the base for experiments. Just where is this base? The most important thing is whether Cao Rongbin knew about the incident, or what role he played in the entire incident.

"Hey! Billy, what are you doing? The boss is still waiting for us."

The man in white coat standing aside patted Chen Chong on the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Chen Chong couldn't understand what the other party was saying, so he nodded randomly and walked inside.

At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers sounded from outside.

I saw these white coats speeding up the movements of their hands, and then walking towards the outside of the container.

"Billy! Hurry!"

Although my foreign language is not good, I still understand this sentence.

Chen Chong was about to follow everyone out immediately. Unexpectedly, the foreigner in front of him suddenly grabbed Chen Chong's shoulder and pointed at the chests of the survivors behind him:

"Why don't you put spider contraptions on them?"

"Made doesn't know foreign languages, it's really bad!"


The umbrella employee didn't know why his colleague suddenly spoke Daxia Wen, and he didn't wait for him to react. Chen Chong grabbed the opponent's neck and broke it cleanly.

Just as he was about to walk out, he saw the container door being pulled open suddenly.

"Hey! Mr. Chen Chong, it's not a good idea to kill your own colleagues."

A cool night wind rolled up the woman's shoulder-length blond hair. Tina folded her hands on her chest, with an evil smile always hanging on her beautiful face. She slowly stretched out her arm and grabbed the gas mask on Chen Chong's face and pulled it off.

"What? It's Billy?"

Tina looked at this familiar face in surprise, then shook her head and said: "No! You are not Billy, who are you?"

In an instant, the corner of 'Billy's' mouth was slightly raised and a rough claw struck towards her face.

Tina screamed and her whole body rolled backwards in an instant.

While forcing Tina back, Chen Chong closed the container door with his backhand, and then quickly opened the back door of the container with his claws.

As soon as Chen Chong stepped out of the back door of the container, bullets penetrated the iron sheet and shot in.

Under the horrified eyes of all the umbrella personnel. Billy, transformed by Chen Chong, climbed vertically over the high wall behind the container with two ferocious claws.

"What is that?"

An umbrella employee trembled and kept retreating. Tina, who was also shocked, kicked the coward away and said to the white coat next to her: "Tell those Daxia soldiers that an infected person has escaped. I Go after it!”

The white coat pointed at the survivors in the container: "What about these people?"

"Kill them all."

Whoosh~ whoosh~

Two figures, one white and one black, flew towards the distant mountains and forests under the cover of night.

It has to be said that Tina's strength is indeed much stronger than Gil's. With Chen Chong's speed of 7.2, she was actually caught up little by little.

"Stop! You can't escape."

Tina behind her shouted loudly. Seeing the surrounding woods getting denser and denser, 'Billy' who was running in front actually stopped.

"Well, that's right. Answer my question, who are you? Who do you work for?"

Tina walked towards "Billy" slowly, but the other party did not answer her. Instead, she threw a black ball into the woods on the left.

"What are you doing? Do you want to hide any evidence? Haha, it's useless. After I catch you, everything will be under my control."

At this time, 'Billy', who had his back turned to her, finally slowly turned around:

"Beauty, are you so confident about that bug in your body?"

Under Tina's puzzled gaze, Billy's appearance began to gradually change. A stream of black and red blood slowly squirmed. In an instant, Chen Chong's face and clothes changed back.

"you you!"

Tina took two steps back in disbelief. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that there was such a monster in the world.

"What on earth are you?"

"What? I am a human being, an upright Daxia person!"

Tina gradually stabilized her mentality. She was confident that nothing would be a problem in the face of absolute power: "Since you don't tell me, I can only take you back!"


A slight sound of air flow sounded in the forest. Chen Chong tensed up and stared at Tina who was rushing towards him.

The distance between the two of them was a full twenty meters, but in just one breath, the other's leather boots had already hit their faces.

The danger of suffocation rushed towards him, Chen Chong roared and raised his claws, and dark red energy mist appeared around the edges of his body.


When the claws met, Tina's trajectory suddenly changed in mid-air. Chen Chong's claw missed and he was kicked hard in the chest.

The huge force caused Chen Chong to kneel on one knee. Seeing the opponent's second kick to the head, Chen Chong hurriedly raised his left paw to block it in front of his head, and his right paw fiercely grabbed the opponent's calf.

The two attacks hit each other at the same time. Chen Chong flew upside down and hit the small tree behind, and Tina's left leg was also cut with a long gash by the sharp claws.

"Hmph! It seems that the assessment of you is indeed wrong. No wonder Gil is not your opponent. But you are not very lucky to meet me."

Tina glanced at the hole in her leg nonchalantly, and then continued walking towards Chen Chong.

Chen Chong, who was leaning in front of the big tree, looked at the other party with a playful expression:

"Miss Tina, haven't you heard a sentence?"

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

“Villains die from talking too much.”


A strong sense of crisis came from Tina's side. She turned around suddenly and saw a clawed monster with a ferocious face and unusually thick upper arms rushing towards her.


Following Tina's miserable scream, half of the woman's body was cut off by the fighter's claws.

The bright red blood soaked the area, and the fighter picked up half of Tina's body and stuffed it into his mouth to devour it.

"Hahaha, well done fighter!"

Chen Chong dusted himself off and walked step by step to stand beside the fighter.

Tina, who was left with only half her body, was not dead, and her blue eyes widened. The most terrifying thing in her eyes at this moment is not this unknown monster, but Chen Chong who can command the monster.

"Ho ho ho, what the hell are you doing? Uh~"

A stream of dirty blood spurted out from Tina's mouth, and her originally beautiful cheek split open in an instant. A claw with sharp teeth like a crab broke open her head and grew out of her neck.

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