The fluorescent lights on the roof flickered on and off, and the wires were exposed and sparks flew out from time to time.

Rough chains of flesh and blood penetrated the roof and the ground. The entire underground laboratory was destroyed and torn to pieces.

The King of Destruction who rushed into the attack range was pierced through his body and limbs by nine black and red chains. The body like a hill was suspended in mid-air, and even half of its head was rotten.


Chen Chong was no longer in the mood to appreciate this horrifying scene. After using the finishing move, his health dropped rapidly to 24%.


A deafening howl came from diagonally above the room. Looking up, he saw that the King of Destruction, pierced by chains of flesh and blood, was not dead yet.

【Picture Book】

[Race: N-H12 King of Destruction]

[Status: alienation, degradation]

[Level: 4]

[Life: 1576 (31%)]

【Strength: 36】

[Defense: 21]

[Physical strength: ∞]

[Speed: 14]

The fine flesh sprouts quickly repaired the king's body. Unexpectedly, Chen Chong's finishing move only took away 53% of the opponent's health.

Although this power is already very powerful, he will not be able to release it a second time in a short time.


Chen Chong had no reason to continue fighting with this guy. Let alone being unable to defeat him, even if he could kill him, he wouldn't be able to gain even half a dime of benefit.

Staggering along the way, he killed two ordinary zombies and used their flesh to barely restore 30% of his health.

When I came to the entrance of the passage, I saw that the partially opened door had been blocked by someone with a chair.

"Is it Zhao Qing?"

"Chief Chen, it's great that you are still alive. I have reached the main control. Come down quickly. The monster is about to break free!"

Zhao Qing's voice came from the speaker on the roof, and an automatic surveillance camera in the corner was facing him.

Zhao Qing, who was sitting in the main control room, saw the huge monster hanging on a chain of flesh and blood through the monitoring of the entire laboratory.

The monster is scary, but those black and red flesh and blood tissues are even more terrifying.

Observed from the entire surveillance system, the first floor above ground and the second floor below ground were penetrated. If the main control room was not located far away from the radioactive area, I am afraid that this room would also have been punctured.

"Oh my God! What a monster he is."

In the sky, three Osprey fighter jets dropped dozens of bombs on the convoy on the ground.

Some people who didn't have time to jump out of the car were caught in the flames and turned into ashes.

Zheng Ping, who had fallen on the roadside, was lying on the ground and waved to several panicked evolvers.

"This way!"

The special operations captain held his rifle and hid behind a big tree. He stared at the plane in the sky, gritting his teeth tightly.

In the sudden attack just now, two of his teams were directly scrapped. Those are all outstanding players.

"Company Commander Zheng, I request support from Commander Cao. If we don't defeat these guys, I won't be able to sleep well in the future."

Zheng Ping did not respond to the other party, but took out a military walkie-talkie from his hand:

"Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief, I am Zheng Ping. Please answer when you receive it."


The intercom was noisy, but no sound came out.

"What's going on? Is Chen Chong also in trouble?"

The three black fighter planes did not continue to circle, but headed towards the warehouse with a clear goal.

Liu Quan, who was hiding on the side of the road, shrank and raised his head: "Eh? Have these guys given up?"

"Give it up, they don't want to waste ammunition." Duan Feng on the side pointed at the tide of corpses ahead.

Without the suppression of firepower, the wave of zombies blocked under the overpass also came over.

The surviving soldiers began to fight back immediately, but without vehicles and heavy weapons, they were obviously unable to fight against these guys.

"Captain Wang, we have to evacuate." Zheng Ping threw out the grenade in his hand and looked at the special operations captain seriously.

"I know you want to avenge your brothers, but not now. I don't want the remaining team members to die as well."

Captain Wang nodded with an unwilling expression: "Each combat team, take turns covering. Let's evacuate here first."


At this moment, a member's neck was wrapped and strangled by a chain that suddenly stretched out.

The head fell to the ground and blood sprayed out. As screams followed one after another.

A roar of motorcycles came from the paths on both sides.

"Want to leave? Have you left?"

A burst of joking sounds sounded from behind the crowd, and Zheng Ping and his party immediately raised their guns and aimed at the three people riding on the motorcycle.

The leading man sneered, raised an index finger to everyone and shook it:

"I advise you not to do this."

Buzz buzz~

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty riders on motorcycles, holding rifles taken from the soldiers with one hand, surrounded Zheng Ping and his party in circles.

Some of them even made strange screams in excitement, and fired a few shots into the sky from time to time.

"Who are you? How dare you attack the military?" Zheng Ping stared at the tall man standing between a man and a woman and asked sharply.

"Huh? This isn't Zheng Ping, sir Zheng, long time no see!"

The leading man slowly took off his helmet as he spoke.

Looking at the man with half of his cheek burned, Zheng Ping still couldn't remember who this person was.

On the other hand, Liu Quan on the side yelled:

"Mad! It's you, you bastard. Liu Qiang, you are so fucking tired! When you entered the village before, you killed soldiers, grabbed a car and escaped, but now you actually dare to come?"

After hearing what the other party said, Zheng Ping also remembered it. He was the one who stole the car and ran away that night.

"Hmph, Liu Quan, Duan Feng. You two are actually here! It's God's will that allows me to still see you.

Speaking of which, everything I have now is thanks to you two. If you two hadn't squeezed me and Hou Feng out when we were in the science and technology park, would we have been reduced to robbing military vehicles?

Hou Feng was beaten to death by you, and half of my face was burned. Now it's time to settle old scores. "

"Boss, let me kill these guys. I have never killed a soldier in my life."

The woman riding the red motorcycle licked her lips and looked at Zheng Ping and his group with interest.

Liu Qiang raised his hand slightly and said, "Others can do it, but I have to do it myself for these two."


As soon as they heard that the boss was going to do it himself, all the motorcycle boys became enthusiastic.

Ever since that night, the boss blew the head off a licker that sneaked into their residence with one hand, and he has never been seen moving his hands again.

At this moment, they really want to see what kind of power the 'second-order evolver' mentioned by the boss has.

I had an exam today and came back late.

It depends on the situation today, at least two chapters.

Normal updates will resume tomorrow.

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