As soon as Chen Chong's words came out, everyone present looked over in unison.

The reason for many of the current difficulties is the inability to deal with the zombies in the town. If the root cause of this problem is solved, the supplies left in Gutao Town will be enough for everyone to survive safely for a year.

"I said, Mr. Chen, are you sure you are not joking? I would like to remind you that there are more than 100,000 zombies in the town below the mountain, and there are many special infections mixed in there. What method do you want to use to solve this problem? What’s the problem?”

Qi Zhiteng was a new official who was promoted only after he came to the mountain. He had never met Chen Chong before.

Seeing the slightly youthful face of the other party, he subconsciously thought that the other party was simply young and energetic and just boasting.

Most of the managers present also thought so, and it was really because Chen Chong was too young. In the previous society, he was just a college student who was not deeply involved in the world.

Even a thousand soldiers can't handle something, how dare a young boy be so confident.

Just when everyone was laughing at Chen Chong's boast, Liu Quan, who was sitting at the end, couldn't listen anymore. As the leader of the Evolver Team, although his position is not high-end, he is still qualified to participate in the base conference.

"Damn! I told my brother that if there is a way, there is a way! You guys are just gibbering. If you have the ability, go down the mountain to find food by yourself!"

"Okay, okay, everyone, be quiet!" Zheng Ping deliberately knocked on the table with a dark face. In fact, he couldn't be happier at the moment.

Chen Chong's words were like a reassurance in his mouth. He might still doubt others if they said this, but if it was what Chen Chong said, it was absolutely correct.

"Everyone might as well listen to Mr. Chen Chong's method first, and then discuss whether it is feasible or not."

Qi Zhiteng glared at Liu Quan dissatisfiedly, and then looked at Chen Chong as if he were laughing.

All the military officers also looked over, with more or less the same meaning on their faces.

Chen Chong: "How much ammunition do we still have for the long-range artillery in hand?"

The third battalion commander sneered: "Artillery? How can you pull such a big thing up the mountain? If I had that thing, I would have eliminated the zombies in the town."

The second battalion commander coughed and signaled the other party to pay attention to their attitude. But the third battalion commander didn't blame others. He didn't even look down on Zheng Ping, let alone a stupid young man.

Judging from the expressions of these military officials, Chen Chong clearly saw something fishy.

Zheng Ping, a leader who was promoted out of the ordinary, could not convince the public at all.

In fact, it is easy to understand. There is a battalion commander, deputy battalion commander, and battalion and company instructors below. In terms of qualifications and official position, it was not Zheng Ping's turn.

That is to say, the entire camp is now in a slump, facing a lot of difficulties and difficulties, and no one wants to take over this mess. Otherwise, Zheng Ping would have been squeezed out by others.

After figuring this out, Chen Chong didn't show any anger. He smiled and said to everyone:

"Since we don't have weapons and ammunition, we will make them ourselves."

The third battalion commander sneered: "What to build? Use the loess on the mountain to make cannonballs?"

Chen Chong's expression changed, he pointed at the other person's nose and said coldly:

"You'd better not interrupt when I'm talking."

The third battalion commander immediately stood up and was about to take out his gun, but was pinned down on the table by the special operations captain next to him.

"Let me go! Labor and management are going to kill him."

"Du Biao, have you forgotten the tragedy in the bungalow area?" the special operations captain whispered in the opponent's ear.

The third battalion commander was stunned when he heard these words, bungalow area!

Near the bungalow where Huang Zhengjiang was previously imprisoned, a group of them were rushing to the military camp when they saw a scene that subverted all three views.

Strips of black flesh and blood tissue pierced dozens of biochemical weapons, and even helicopters in the sky were skewered on them. With the big pit as the center, no creature in a radius of more than 20 meters survived.

At that time, all the soldiers under his command were dumbfounded. Only Du Biao and the special operations captain saw Chen Chong's back disappearing into the distance.

Although he was not sure whether it was the other party's fault, it was incredible to be able to survive in such dense black chains.

The third battalion commander secretly glanced at Chen Chong with lingering fear. Seeing that the other party ignored him, he obediently sat back in his seat.

With one sentence to convince the senior military officials, even leader Zheng Ping looked at Chen Chong with obvious awe.

For a moment, the base managers were confused. What is the identity of this young man who just appeared today?

Qi Zhiteng, who had previously dismissed Chen Chong, quickly retracted his contempt. He straightened his back and looked serious.

Chen Chong did not pay too much attention to the expressions of these people, but because of Huang Zhengjiang's instructions, he wanted to help these people overcome the difficulties as soon as possible, and then set off for Linzhou City.

"Okay, to make a long story short. My plan is to lure the zombies in the town down the mountain. Then take advantage of the terrain of Qianling Mountain to play a fire attack!"

"Fire attack? That will require a lot of incendiary bombs!" the second battalion commander reminded.

Chen Chong shook his head: "No need for incendiary bombs. In ancient times, there was a military strategist named Zhuge Liang who had already given us a demonstration. Now that autumn and winter are approaching, the vegetation on the mountains have become dead branches and leaves.

I want to mobilize everyone to go to the mountains to collect branches and weeds. Then weave these flammable materials into spherical objects.

Just sprinkle a little oil on these things to help burn them, and then roll them down the hillside."

Hearing this, the second battalion commander clapped his hands excitedly:

"Oh! Why didn't I think of this! Zombies are slow. As long as you set a fire at the bottom of the mountain, they will be burned to ashes before they climb halfway up the mountain!"

"However, there are many special infected bodies in the zombie swarm, and there are quite a lot of them. They are not easy to deal with."

The special operations captain looked worried. They were afraid of fighting those special infected bodies. Just a few monsters require a large number of personnel to defend them.

If a group comes, why don’t we finish the game?

Chen Chong smiled confidently: "Don't worry about this, leave the special infectious agent to me. I will go to Gutao Town for a walk after the meeting."

Take a walk?

Nowadays, who doesn't know that Gutao Town is a zombie den? If you look at the entire Qianling Mountain Base, there is only one person like this who dares to talk about a matter of life and death.

After Chen Chong proposed that he could solve the zombie problem, the meeting completely turned into a pre-war mobilization meeting.

As long as the zombies in the town can be eliminated, all problems will be solved.

After more than an hour of agreeing on the plan, an unprecedented labor craze broke out throughout the camp.

With food as a reward, nearly 10,000 survivors in the camp stepped out of the base fence one after another, looking for bundles of dry firewood and leaves.

Zheng Ping, standing on the top of the mountain, looked at the lively scene of the camp with a smile on his face.

"How long has it been since I saw such a lively scene! Chen Chong, Chen Chong, you really did not disappoint me!"

I would like to apologize here, because there are fans whose IDs violate the rules and the thank you posts are GG. Even if I take it, I can still encounter this kind of thing.

I will take screenshots of everyone’s monthly votes and rewards, and then build a fan base after it is put on the shelves.

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