The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 67 0009. Burn the corpse tide

In Chen Chong's mind, there are three types of evolvers infected by the T virus.

The first one: by inhaling trace amounts of T-virus in the air, causing slight mutations with its own cells, becoming the lowest level of evolution.

This type of evolver is the most numerous. But their power requires constant fighting on their own to accelerate the integration of the T virus with themselves.

The second type: Like Wesker in the Resident Evil movie, he injected himself with the T virus in order to survive, but the T virus was too powerful and required external force to suppress the virus in the body.

This caused him to drift between monsters and humans, becoming half human and half corpse. Such power is often very powerful, and the host also has the same tenacious vitality as zombies.

The third type: Cyborg Alice, she is a human perfectly integrated with the T virus. And the most terrifying thing is that her power does not need to be awakened, but geometrically doubled and strengthened as time goes by.

No one knows where her limit is, just like the evolutionary ability of the black light virus, there is no end.

If Chen Chong is allowed to devour and evolve, I'm afraid the only person in the world who can compete with him is Alice.

I have to say that the cooperation of helicopters and aunt towels is simply efficient and environmentally friendly.

In just an hour and a half, most of the zombies in the town were attracted to the east gate of the town.

Seeing the wave of zombies in Wuyang Wuyang, the officers standing on the hillside felt reassured.

"How did he do it? He actually didn't even find a single special infection."

The second battalion commander said excitedly, his hands holding the telescope trembling slightly.

"Damn it! I, Du Biao, will obey Chen Chong from now on! If it can be done this time, whatever he says will be allowed in the future."

The third battalion commander was swearing, but the smile on his face was stretched.

"Brothers, this opportunity is hard-won. Whether we can kill all the zombies depends on this battle! The machine gunners must control each shooting point and not let the zombies rush up the hillside!"


Orders were issued one after another from the mouths of commanders at all levels, and the survivors hiding behind the hillside looked at the zombies at the foot of the mountain in horror.

"Uncle Six, why don't we go back?"

The man with glasses shrank and pulled the old man beside him.

"Hey~ Look, I scared you. There are so many troops here, can those guys climb up?"

"No, if there are so many zombies, wouldn't it be over if they crawl up?"

The old man impatiently shook off the other person's hand: "If you want to go, you can go. I want to see what the use of the branches I picked up these days is."

To put it bluntly, everyone who came here today came here with this idea in mind.

The military swears that it can eliminate zombies, but it is hard to believe that it can be true with just some branches and sticks.

The helicopter slowly flew out over the east gate, and the waves of corpses following it continued to pour out.

Chen Chong directed the pilot to levitate the helicopter below the hillside and wait for more zombies to gather.

Liu Quan even threw the remaining pack of auntie towels off the plane:

"Go on! The feast your Grandpa Liu gave you! Hahaha, look at that guy actually eating it."

Liu Quan and others laughed so hard that the happy atmosphere made the pilots relax a lot.

Watching the zombie wave leave the east gate of the town, the ball stuck in the ditch was finally ignited.


With a command, hundreds of burning fireballs rolled down the hillside.

Looking around, the black zombies under the hillside were like dense ant colonies covering the ground.


As fireballs rolled into the tide of corpses, the zombies' withered limbs were quickly ignited.

The zombies that were first ignited roared in confusion. They were like a swarm of headless flies, scattering around.

Some rushed into the zombie tide behind and set other zombies on fire. Some were wandering up the hillside.

The soldiers guarding the mountainside stared closely at the climbing zombies.

Zheng Ping and his party were holding binoculars to observe the situation in the corpse tide.

"This doesn't work! Some fireballs rolled down the slope before they ignited. Tell the special operations team to ignite the fireballs first this time, and then roll them downhill after they are completely ignited."


The first wave of fire did not achieve the expected effect. Several hundred fireballs only ignited less than 10,000 zombies.

Soon, the second wave of fireballs was ready. The special operations captain ordered the team members to light it first. The dead wood added with gasoline burned very quickly, and in less than two minutes, the entire fireball began to break and deform.


Hundreds of fireballs carrying fierce flames smashed down the zombies who had climbed halfway up the slope again.

A large sea of ​​fire spread in the tide of corpses. Even at a height of more than ten meters in the air, Chen Chong and others could feel the heat below.

"Brother Chong! Can we leave? The smell down there is so strong. Ugh~"

The rotting flesh and blood emitted a strong smell of charcoal as it was roasted by the flames. Liu Quan and others covered their noses and kept fanning themselves.

Although the two pilots felt uncomfortable, their faces were happy at this moment.

The effect of the fireball was so remarkable that they couldn't believe that some branches and sticks were better than guns.

Unconsciously, Chen Chong became taller in their hearts. He had brains, strength, and most importantly, it was easy to complete tasks even if he followed him.

It would be great if the base could have such a leader.

"It worked! We succeeded! Haha!"

On the hillside, Zheng Ping and a group of senior military officials cheered excitedly.

They originally thought that there was going to be a fierce battle today, but now they didn't fire a single shot, and just a few hundred fireballs burned most of the zombies below to death.

The zombies pouring out from behind are constantly being ignited. It seems that even if the remaining fireballs are not released, this wave of zombies is almost over.

"Oh my god, Uncle Six really burned the zombies to death!"

"Yeah, it makes you angry! Burn! Burn these beasts to death!"

The uncle and nephew were crying and shouting excitedly.

Cries, shouts, curses at zombies

These suppressed emotions in the hearts of survivors burst out in an instant.

For such a long time, people have been living in fear of zombies.

They are powerful and numerous. I break out in cold sweat every time I think about it, and I can't even think of fighting against zombies.

Now this fire has not only extinguished the zombie tide, but also diluted people's fear of zombies.

It turns out that zombies can be dealt with without guns and bullets. They are also afraid of fire, and they are not intelligent yet.

The impatient people no longer want to wait any longer. There are supplies for a whole town!

Thinking of the fine wine, cigarettes, and delicious food they had not seen for months before their eyes, the soldiers seemed to be on stimulants, pushing fireballs into the tide of corpses.

The raging fire burned for four hours before gradually losing momentum. Seeing the blackened bones on the ground, the people on the hillside were boiling!

"Brothers, follow me to clean up the entire town. Inform everyone in the camp that there will be enough food for everyone tonight!!"

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