The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 83 Let’s talk about the male protagonist’s combat prowess and the issue of the book.

Some book friends may not be able to intuitively feel the specific strength of the male protagonist after seeing the numerical values ​​of the four-dimensional attributes.

So let’s talk about kelp here.

[Host: Chen Chong]

[Health value: 100]

【Strength: 30】

[Defense: 20]

[Stamina: 19.7]

【Speed: 20.5】

1. Let’s talk about the HP column first: Some book friends suggested using percentages instead of specific values. Here I want to say that the specific numerical value is used to reflect the flatness of a unit. But combat damage must be described as a percentage.

For example, although some monsters are level 2, their blood volume is as high as several thousand. This can fully reflect that this monster is a tank.

If it were all converted into percentages, it would have to be described with a lot of side descriptions. In this way, it would be simpler and clearer than directly adding numbers.

2. Power system: The previous setting was that the human limit ability is "1". If based on the superficial value, the current male protagonist is equal to thirty times the human limit.

Ignore the weight lifting aspect, just talk about the power of one punch. The generally recognized maximum strength I found here is 457.5 kilograms per punch (as for how many pounds, brothers, you can calculate it yourself, we will make a comparison later. I won’t talk about special details for now.)

457.5x30=13725 kilograms plus a mess of form blessings, such as the blade's blade damage +25%

Let's ≈ 18,000 kilograms, which is 18 tons,

3. Defense: In fact, this data is a bit difficult to refer to. After all, it is difficult to estimate the limit of human defense. If it hits the fatal part, it may cool down immediately. If it is hit on the limbs, then the limit may be reached when the limbs break.

So I based it on a rough example reference.

There was a strong African man who blocked a 5mm bullet with his chest. This is true!

I remember doing calculations once, and Schwarzenegger seemed to be able to do it.

Taking this as the limit of twenty times, I did some calculations and found that within the effective range, it can almost withstand 12.7mm shots. (Remember that it can be withstood, not blocked. Bullets can still be shot into the body, but the damage caused will not be too great. It is within the tolerable range.)

4. Physical strength: Some book friends are considering deleting this data, because physical strength varies from person to person and from situation to situation. There are two different concepts between a wolf chasing you and no wolf chasing you. However, physical strength data will play a key role in the later stages of the male protagonist's battle. For example, we can run if we can't win. This run requires physical strength to compare.

In other words, the speed is not as good as others, but as long as the difference is not much, we can chase one.

5. Speed: Perhaps this data is the one that everyone thinks is the most unreliable. Let’s take Bolt’s 100-meter sprint as the standard.

Let's calculate 100 meters in 10 seconds as 9.58, which is equal to 10 meters in 1 second.

The hero's speed is 20.5 times that of humans, which is 205 meters.

Some readers may want to say, since he can basically teleport so quickly, why didn't he just dodge when UBCS focused on him?

But we have to consider this question. If you ask Bolt to run 9.58 seconds, he can run 100 meters, but if you ask him to run 1 second, can he reach 10 meters?

This is obviously impossible.

It takes a certain amount of time to increase the speed to reach the highest speed. It is impossible to run two hundred meters just by raising your legs.

Ps. Finally, let me tell you about the problems of the two recent updates.

I asked the editor yesterday and he said it would be available on New Year’s Day. Because successive exams have used up all the remaining manuscripts.

I am thinking about saving more manuscripts before putting them on the shelves, and I promise you that they will be thousands of times after they are put on the shelves. It must be fulfilled.

But to be honest, the results of this book are the best that Kelp has ever written (although it was also thrown out of the market before, at least it had a collection of 6,000 to 7,000 before it was put on the shelves.)

I'm going to talk to my brothers now and I've collected 900 so far. The follow-up reading may only be about a dozen.

It’s not that I’m here to cry for poverty. In fact, I can also write fast food articles. I have written a fast food article before, and the income is not bad.

Previously, this book was originally planned to be an unlimited stream, but then I thought about Kelp’s original intention of writing this book to create a world where the black light virus and biohazard merge.

After watching 6 movies, I stopped watching them, so I wanted to expand on what happened in the Daxia Empire in that world.

After all, I have read a lot of books that follow the plot. It saves trouble to write like this, and you don’t even have to think about the subsequent plot.

Just pretend to be in front of the protagonist of the movie.

But I think if I write like that, I might as well go back and watch the movie.

Some brothers may say that you deserve to be thrown into the street. Nowadays, everything is catering to readers, so you can’t write whatever you want.

This is a truth, but I’m just a person like that, and I just accept it when I’m on the street.

I just hope that readers who like this style as much as Kelp will continue together.

Even if we generate electricity for love, we will still be able to travel every day.

In addition, for the trolls, I have nothing to say here. If you like it, you can watch it. If you don’t like it, just watch what you like. There are many similar books about Qidian, so there is no need to argue with me, an author who generates energy for love.

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