The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 85 0025. Survivors in the small town

Compared to the people of Daxia, the way of communication among the people of the Federation is more direct. Perhaps due to professional reasons, Valen Ting is not willing to stay in a team that is unclear about the situation, because it will make her feel very insecure.

Chen Chong's mystery made her always wary, and Lin Anqi, a carefree-looking girl, became her breakthrough point.

"How did we meet~Hmmmm"

Lin Anqi tilted her head and recalled the scene when the two collided in the corridor for the first time.

More than two months later, now that I think about it, the situation at that time was quite similar to a movie I had filmed before.

The male and female protagonists met unexpectedly, and at first they didn't like each other and had a quarrel.

Then due to chance again and again, the quarrel finally turned into love.

After thinking about it, Lin Anqi couldn't help but insert herself into the script she had made up in her head.

Warren Ting on the side was speechless. Didn't you just ask a question? What do you mean by your blushing face and silly smile?

"Lin, are you okay?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, I have an occupational disease." Lin Anqi bit her lower lip in embarrassment and glanced at Chen Chong as if she was guilty.

"Master and I met in a survivor base. We both lived on the same floor. I was performing at a banquet that day, and then I saw Master punching a man named Gil away. "

Hearing the word 'Jill', Warren Ting's expression obviously changed. Her full name is Jill Warren Ting.

Hearing that his family was being tortured made him feel uncomfortable.

However, after listening to Lin Anqi's story, she was obviously a little disappointed. There is no information about Chen Chong's identity at all. "Forget it, leave this team when we get to Linzhou City. If Alice is really in Daxia, I believe we will be able to find her."

Valen Ting said secretly in her heart.

Soon the car stopped in front of a gas station. Warren Ting turned on the safety of his rifle alertly and was the first to get out of the car and observe the surrounding environment.

Chen Chong glanced at the other person without saying anything. In fact, he had already observed this gas station with his heat sensing ability.

They don't know what happened here. From the time they entered the town until now, they haven't seen even a zombie along the way.

Chen Chong never believed that his luck could be so good. Having a person with strong vigilance ability to help with the investigation saves him the trouble.

Without Chen Chong's instructions, Zhao Qing quickly came to the fuel tank and checked the fuel inside.

Fortunately, they were lucky and finally found gasoline in the last tank.

Perhaps because she was used to being bossed around by Chen Chong, Lin Anqi, who was sitting in the car, saw everyone else busy and felt embarrassed to sit there.

He picked up an automatic rifle he picked up from an Umbrella soldier and staggered out of the car, almost frightening Chen Chong to death.

"Lin Dazhuang! Put down the gun! Can't you see there's cheering going on here?"

The rifles used by Umbrella soldiers all use weapons with large ammunition loads and complete auxiliary equipment. When fully loaded with magazines, it weighs more than ten kilograms.

Seeing Valen Ting holding a gun with one hand, this girl also wanted to hold it with one hand. But as soon as you get started with the gun, you can feel the difference between people.


I finally agreed and grabbed the gun, but was scolded by Chen Chong. Lin Anqi pursed her lips and sat back with a dark face.

Zhao Qing quickly filled up the gas tank, then found a plastic oil barrel and filled it up.

"With this fuel, even if we take a detour, it will be enough for us to go to Linzhou City."

Chen Chong patted the other party's shoulder with satisfaction and expressed his appreciation: "Yes, you are very thoughtful."

Zhao Qing was flattered and said: "Mr. Chen, I am overly flattering. I am a businessman, and businessmen will inevitably guard against some risks."

"Well, very good. When there is a chance in the future, I will definitely let you use your talents."

"Thank you, sir, for your cultivation! Zhao will definitely live up to the great trust of your officer!"

Zhao Qing expressed his loyalty with tears of gratitude. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the Chen Chong in front of him was different from before.

When he was with Chen Chong in the past, the other party never praised him, let alone promised him to use his talents.

What are your strengths? Isn’t it just business? You have to do business these days. Could it be?

Zhao Qing suddenly realized something. They were going to Linzhou City. It is said that there are millions of survivors there, and the order before the end of the world is still preserved.

But I heard from the soldiers in Gutao Town that all industries there are controlled by the army. The entire place is completely under military control.

Zhao Qing became excited when he thought of this! It's not that the Raptors can't pass the river. With Chief Chen's strength, he won't do badly even if he goes to Linzhou City. It seems that this time my bet is right.

Although no zombies were seen, Chen Chong still asked Zhao Qing to look for a place to spend the night on the edge of the town.

The purpose of doing this is first to make it convenient when walking. Secondly, it is not easy to be blocked by the zombie tide.

Warren Ting and Chen Chong have the same idea on this point.

The car turned a T-intersection, and suddenly a sudden burst of gunfire rang out at the end of the street. If you listen carefully you can hear the faint roar of zombies.

"Chief Chen, do you want to change routes?"

Chen Chong shook his head: "Keep driving forward, driving slower."

Zhao Qing bit the bullet and stepped on the clutch a little. The further he drove, the louder the zombies roared.

Gradually, zombies began to appear on both sides of the road. It was not until the Hummer climbed a gentle slope that the source of the sound was seen.

A five-story concrete building stood at the end of the street, and several men in police uniforms could vaguely be seen shooting at the zombies below.

The tide of corpses surrounding it was not too much. This was not too much, for Chen Chong.

I'm used to seeing zombies that range from hundreds of thousands to millions, but when I come back to see these groups of zombies that number less than a hundred thousand, I really can't stand it.

But the other three people in the car didn't think so. Some scattered zombies chasing down the gentle slope had already surrounded the car.

Even Warren Ting, who kept saying that he wanted to help eliminate the mutated infections, frowned nervously.

"Hey! What on earth are you doing?"

Chen Chong took off the scope on his automatic rifle and carefully observed the building opposite.

"There are 24 people in 5101520, 7 policemen and 11 plainclothes men. Well, so many people are worthy of my rescue."


Listening to Chen Chong's words, Zhao Qing and Lin Anqi exclaimed at the same time.

Although Valen Ting didn't understand, he could see something from the expressions of others.

"Lin, what is he going to do?"

Lin Anqisheng said helplessly: "He wants to save the people above."

"What? Are you crazy? We can't do this!"

Valen Ting stared at Chen Chong and shouted angrily. Not to mention there were so many infected bodies, there were even wall-climbing monsters she had seen in the church.

She asked herself that even Alice couldn't get through here, this man was simply looking for death.

"If I say it's okay, it's definitely okay. Please, Miss Warren Ting, please protect them both!"

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