The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 313 Chapter 313. New Game

In the evening, after Han Qingwen washed his hair, he took a towel to dry his hair, walked to the living room, and found that Li Xue was sitting on the sofa with his legs curled up, indifferent to the variety shows on TV, and only focused on watching the tablet on his lap.

Li Xue with short hair was wearing a short-sleeved pajamas with a bear pattern, which made Han Qingwen's heart beat faster for a moment.

"What are you looking at?"

Han Qingwen kept a little distance and sat on the sofa next to Li Xue. When they were at home, the distance between the two of them was closer. It was because Han Qingwen was nervous and knew that he could not do bad things, but now, At Li Xue's cousin's house, there were only two young people, and no one else disturbed them. Han Qingwen didn't guarantee that he would not be able to control himself, so he behaved more politely.

"This is the information that Sister Xu Rong gave me. I will write this starting tomorrow."

Li Xue didn't care about Han Qingwen's existence, and handed over the tablet in his hand.

Han Qingwen glanced at it and found that it was a paragraph of text. After a closer look, he found that it was something similar to the description of an item.

【Hockwood Shield】

[Escapist of the Undead Team - Hawkwood's Shield]

【The original watchers of the undead team】

[Because of using a unique sword technique, I don't know how to hold a shield. 】

【This shield is probably a symbol of discouragement. 】

Hawkwood and Han Qingwen know that this is the character in "Bloodborne: Curse", and is also affectionately called "Brother Disappointed" by the players. This shield is a piece of equipment in the game. Han Qingwen has never noticed that this equipment is still There is such a text description.

Looking down, he found that there were two more item descriptions of the Hawkwood Shield. The style was similar to the first one but there were differences, reflecting different aspects of this item.

"This is the equipment introduction for "Blood Source: Curse"?"

He read a few more, such as the description of weapons and props such as the wolf knight's great sword and the element bottle, and returned the tablet to Li Xue.


Li Xue nodded, glanced at the tablet, and then looked at Han Qingwen.

"These are all instructions in the game. To be honest, if it wasn't for the assigned tasks, I would have read the instructions of many things carefully. Now that I think about it, these instructions seem to contain many stories."

She was a little emotional.

After the first two days of study, Li Xue has basically mastered the work of copywriting, and started to actually do some work.

Different from most game companies, Hatsune Games has a very high status of copywriting. Like Holofer, it is basically a part-time copywriting for the chief designer. In fact, no matter "Bloodborne: Curse" or "Hatsune Miku: The Idol Master" ", the effort spent on the text is very deep, as long as you dig hard, you will definitely be able to find some clues about the game background and the game story from the copy.

This is also the tone of the game that Xu Rui has set.

Although "Bloodborne: Cursed" has a main plot and a branch plot, it is difficult to complete a large number of characters only relying on the main plot. The description of various items and skills is the place to truly show the story of the characters.

In addition to the attribute descriptions related to the game, all skills, equipment, and props have an additional text description. Some of these descriptions are specious introductions, some are fragments of a certain legend, and some are even just a sentence. Ballads, at first glance, are mysterious and inexplicable, but as long as you use your imagination, you can learn a story that is so evocative and tearful from these few words.

"Then you're going to write item descriptions like this starting tomorrow?"

Han Qingwen was a little confused. Although these item descriptions were full of meaning, 90% of the players would not notice these copywriting at all. There seemed to be no difference between serious writing and casual writing.

"Well, Sister Xu Rong asked me to try it. In fact, there are more than one copywriting. There are two to three alternatives for the copywriting description of each item, and the important ones even have to be deliberated on the way of punctuation."

Li Xue glanced at Hawkwood Shield, the first one was the copywriting used in the game, while the other two were useless cases.

"Is it so complicated?"

Han Qingwen asked puzzledly.

"Well, at first I also thought it was a bit too wordy, but then Sister Xu Rong told me that although most players may not notice these places, as long as they are seen by players, they can't slack off and write Game copywriting is actually like doing subtraction. What is really presented to the players is actually the tip of the iceberg. Even if you have all kinds of whimsical ideas and all kinds of soul-stirring stories, you can only condense the most essential parts in a short in one sentence."

Li Xue's explanation made Han Qingwen seem to grasp something, but he couldn't really grasp it.

"However, what Sister Xu Rong asked me to write tomorrow doesn't seem to be the copywriting for the three games I'm currently operating."

She frowned slightly.

"Bloodborne: Curse" is now in a period of steady growth. Since it has been in operation for many years, some activities have begun to be reproduced. In addition to repeated activities such as ancient battlefields, there are not many opportunities to write new copywriting.

The Last of Us does not require ongoing operations, and there are no copywriting requirements for in-game updates.

"Hatsune Miku: The Idol Master" has a small number of copywriting, and the lyrics are not something the copywriting team can take care of.

From this point of view, Li Xue should be exposed to new games tomorrow?

Han Qingwen thought of a lot. Some people on the game forum have been rumoring that Hatsune Games is brewing a new console game. This is different from "The Last Survivor" which has a linear narrative with movie-level graphics. For games with a higher degree of freedom, there are different opinions about the new game, and all kinds of news, both true and false, emerge one after another, and Han Qingwen occasionally pays attention to it.

"Is it really a new game?"

Han Qingwen unconsciously moved a little closer and asked.

"I don't know, I can only see the information tomorrow."

Li Xue felt that it was unreasonable for an intern to write the item copywriting for the rumored new work of Hatsune Games.

She and Han Qingwen casually discussed the day's work again.

Compared with Li Xue who has already started, Han Qingwen is obviously more suitable for the status of "intern". So far, he has only used the digital board to copy the original painting. It is impossible to put it into the production process just by doing exercises.

By comparing his original paintings with those of Wu Hongyan and others, and with the guidance of the two, Han Qingwen can immediately discover his own shortcomings and make rapid progress.

Originally, Han Qingwen should have only one mentor, but Lin Shuyi and Wu Hongyan have a very good relationship. The two seem to have just moved in together to rent together at the beginning of this year, so invisibly, Han Qingwen has two mentors.

Early the next morning, when Li Xue came to the office, Xu Rong mysteriously took her to a conference room.

On the projection screen in the meeting room was a game name that Li Xue had never seen before.

"Breath of the Wild".

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