The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 117 Conversion (Part 1)

While Anna had fallen asleep, Selim was still writing wedding invitations in Topkapi Palace.

Dear Saladin:

Hello, you performed well in the Russo-Turkish War and later in the counterinsurgency in Constantiniya.

As Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the Great Selim Osmanoglu.

I hereby sincerely invite you to attend my wedding as an affirmation of your glory.

To celebrate this happy day, I will share this joy and happiness with you.

The wedding will be held on the first day of Ramadan, 1168 Islamic calendar, at the Belem Palace in Constantiniya.

Please use this invitation to enter. You will be treated like a VIP. By the way, prepare a dress for yourself. Officer, you have to keep up with the trend.

If you have no clue, come to Constantiniya earlier and someone will make arrangements for you.

Finally, good luck, and don’t forget to bring your fizz hat.


After writing the final signature, Selim stamped his monogram.

He rubbed his sore wrist, looked at the many invitations waiting to be filled, and fell into thought.

The reason why he chose to send an invitation to a soldier who had just been promoted to an officer was mainly because of Selim's concern and care for the soldiers.

As soldiers of the empire, they fought for the empire and never complained. They were simply the backbone of the empire.

I don't know how much better it is than the last guy named Yenicheri.

But this invitation is not entirely based on this emotion. As the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, political showmanship is necessary.

Appropriate showmanship will help ensure the loyalty of the army to the sultan.

Selim raised his head and looked out the window. The moon was at its peak at this time, and the cold moonlight softly hit Selim's face, slightly dispelling some fatigue.

The lights of Topkapi Palace and the ships in the Golden Horn flash in the darkness, matching the crescent moon to outline the trajectory of light.

The spiers and domes of the palace are dotted with candles, casting a warm and soft light around them.

The ancient stone walls and arches seemed to glow in the night.

The water surface of the Golden Horn Bay is quiet and peaceful, like black satin, flowing quietly, reflecting the shining stars and crescent moon in the night sky.

The fishing boats and navigation lights in the bay cast orange and golden light, illuminating the bay and the bridges connecting the two sides.

The hustle and bustle of the day has dissipated, replaced by silence and tranquility.

Selim yawned and continued his task.

As the Sultan, he not only has to write invitations to soldiers, but also to some big families.

Only by uniting all those who can be united can we have more allies and fewer enemies. This is an irrefutable truth.

Dear Suleiman:

Hello, your support for the New Order faction is worthy of my writing this invitation for you.

This is an affirmation of your loyalty, and I hope that in the days to come...

As time passed and the sun slowly rose, Selim threw down the pen in his hand and fell asleep on the bed.

In the Saint's Cathedral, Anna was already preparing to set off with the two girls.

"Your Highness, sister, so. so beautiful."

Isabella said, pointing to the Aya Sophia Mosque in the distance.

This is a completely different architectural style from Poland. It is a creation left here by an ancient and prosperous civilization.

The Aya Sophia Mosque stands on the skyline of Constantiniya. It is a magnificent building and the product of the intersection of history and culture.

Looking around, the mosque stands in a wide square.

The square is paved with neat stone slabs, and people are coming from all directions, creating a bustling scene.

The fountain in the center spurts out clear water, flowing gently in the bluestone-paved pool.

Lush trees are planted around the square, adding a touch of natural color to the entire environment.

The exterior of the mosque is spectacular and solemn. The tall spire is covered with metal tiles, exuding a golden glow.

The bronze crescent on the spire stands high and shines in the sun.

Surrounding the spire is a dome made of white marble, with intricate carvings and relief patterns showing intricate and exquisite details.

The walls of the mosque are constructed of marble and masonry, showing an elegant pattern of geometric shapes.

The walls are covered with ornate stained glass windows through which light pours into the interior, casting brilliant colors into the church's halls.

These stained glass windows form gorgeous patterns and patterns, creating a mysterious and sacred atmosphere under the sunlight.

Approaching the door of the mosque, the door is carved with exquisite patterns and geometric patterns, which looks solemn and gorgeous.

There are majestic stone pillars standing on both sides, and the gilded decoration shines softly in the sun.

Anna has never been here before, and the two girls next to her naturally did the same. They naturally stopped.

After a while, the three of them entered the mosque with their guards. They immediately felt the breadth and height of the space.

The towering dome supports the entire building, and the huge dome has exquisite murals and mosaics depicting religious stories and artistic patterns.

In the center of the dome, sunlight shines through the open-air dome, and the high-hanging golden chandelier illuminates the entire space, casting colorful light and shadow. Marble pillars support the majestic dome, exuding a heavy atmosphere.

An ulema saw the three of them and came respectfully.

"Miss Anna, please come with me. The Grand Mufti has been waiting for a long time."

"Thank you very much, scholar."

"You're welcome, Miss Anna, I am a servant of Allah, Your Majesty is the Caliph of Allah, and it is my duty to serve Your Majesty.

I wonder how well you understand the Quran and other scriptures?

Your witness will be the Grand Mufti who is a very knowledgeable Imam. "

Ulema asked respectfully.

"That's all. Thank you, scholar, for your concern." Anna replied gently.

Not long after, the group of people arrived outside the prayer room.

"Miss Anna, do you want these two too?"

asked the ulema

Anna nodded.

"Yes, please ask the scholar to arrange for an imam to witness it."

"Okay, please first ask Miss Anna and the other two to wash their bodies.

Before meeting our Lord, before becoming a Muslim, you should bathe or bathe, it is a kind of purification.

It symbolizes that you are cleansing the past and moving from darkness to light.

No one's sin is so great as to prohibit new purifications.

After saying this vow, your past sins will be forgiven and you will become a believer in our Lord. "

The Ulema said piously, and several female Muslims came over and took the three of them to the bathroom respectively.

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