The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 454 The tribesmen in purgatory

Xie Linlang unconsciously hid her prayer beads a little deeper. Ever since Su Ding found her through the beads, she now hides the beads in her sleeves. It is probably because of this that the eagles did not find her.

In addition, these eagles also show from the side that the person behind the scenes of Zeguo has a close relationship with Wang Dian. Either he is Wang Dian, or Wang Dian is also a part of him.

For a time, many thoughts flashed through Xie Linlang's mind.

Chang Qiyin said that there was a woman like her in the state of Numa.

When she first came to the Swamp Kingdom, she also discovered a place underground where her people might have been imprisoned.

But so far, she hasn't seen a woman like her.

But there's no rush... the prayer ceremony will begin soon, and the saint will come out to throw holy water. Then, she can see her, and this time, she not only wants to see her, but also wants to completely pull her down!

It is difficult to destroy a behemoth, but if the behemoth is full of holes, as long as you pry the first piece, the rest will collapse easily like dominoes.


Five days later, at the moment dawn appeared, countless fireworks exploded in the sky above the King's City!

Although the authority of the royal palace has been greatly affected, the day when the goddess was born was so important that all the people abandoned their worries and spontaneously walked to the streets.

They all held a small silver vessel in their hands. According to tradition, on the day of the prayer ceremony, the goddess temples in all cities would hold a prayer ceremony, and then the servants of the gods would distribute holy water.

Legend has it that people who drink the holy water will be immune to all diseases in the new year, so everyone goes out with their utensils.

The temple was busy early in the morning, but it was others who were busy. The saint only had to appear at noon, preside over the ceremony, and sprinkle water to remove darkness.

At this time, she had already selected the dead men who would pretend to be the Seven Nights Society. They stood together, looking at the saint with fiery and pious eyes!

They believe that if they die for the saint, they can enter the sacred forest and return to the embrace of the forest goddess after death. Therefore, death is not a terrible thing to them, but a way to eternal life.

The saint in full attire reclined on the throne studded with gems and said to these dozen women who looked haggard but were in high spirits.

"After the holy water ceremony, you go ahead and kill as many people as possible. Remember, this is not killing. They all sacrificed their lives for the palace, and the goddess will remember their merits.

Afterwards, the priest will appear and grant you eternal life, but you must remember that from now on, you are not from the royal palace, but from the Qiye Club. The person you believe in is the defected sixteenth prince, Baishui Qiye. . "

The women kneeling on the ground heard this and quickly kowtowed devoutly.

"I am willing to die for Your Highness!"

The saint was very satisfied and waved her hand for them to go down and get ready.

These tamed snail girls are the people she feels most at ease with. They could have been tamed and sent here, but their brains have been solidified. Coupled with the medicine prepared by the Swamp King and deeper brainwashing, it can be said that besides Apart from being a little stupid, there is nothing wrong with him.

At this time, a shrill voice came faintly from the secret room of her dormitory. The saint frowned, stood up and came to a huge picture.

This painting depicts the saint ten years ago. At that time, she was only fifteen years old and young and immature. But now, she is twenty-five...

Seeing this, the servant of God on one side pressed the hidden mechanism, and then the painting moved to one side, revealing the secret passage.

The saint calmed down and walked deeper into the secret passage. Soon, she came to a secret room full of iron ropes and copper furnaces. Between the iron ropes, a woman wearing golden armor had her hands bound and knelt down. land.

There were bloodstains everywhere on the ground, and various unpleasant smells filled the secret room.

Seeing the saint coming, the tied woman moved and whispered in a vague voice.

"...I can't do it anymore...please...kill me, please..."

When the old man who was busy saw the saint coming in, he quickly saluted respectfully and said.

"Your Highness, I fed her the 349th kind of poison yesterday, but this seems to be the limit. From last night to now, every time she has an attack, she feels so painful that she wants to bite her tongue and kill herself. I'm afraid it will continue. If you do, she will be hurt to death."

The saint frowned and said with some disdain.

"There are only more than three hundred kinds of poisons, but Xie Linlang survived after taking more than a thousand kinds of poisons, and the golden armor also has analgesic effect, how could she die?

Go on, if she still bites her tongue, put the iron hoop on her mouth again. I want to see if a person can really be hurt to death! "

Hearing what she said, the weak-breathing woman who was trying to win over her suddenly let out a hiss!

"Wang Qingwan! I, I am your sister!"

She looked up and saw a pair of strangely red eyes under her messy hair. Immediately, tears of regret fell from those eyes.

"I shouldn't have recognized you back... If it weren't for me... Amu wouldn't have died... A'Du wouldn't have died, and none of them would have died..."

When the saint heard her calling her name and saying she was her sister, she couldn't help laughing mockingly!

"Sister? It's not you who raised me, loved me, and loved me. Why do you say she is my sister?

But I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found so many people from the Tianmai clan.

You people are born to be cursed. In this case, you might as well be used by me before you die.

It's a pity... You are also from the Tianmai clan, and you are far behind Xie Linlang! So far, you are the only one who has persisted the longest. Do you still have the nerve to seek death? I tell you, if you dare to commit suicide, I will cut off your brother's flesh piece by piece and feed it to the snakes!

So, you'd better be more confident! "

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without waiting for the other party to answer.

In fact, she herself was a little angry. Originally, she wanted to introduce Kuva so that she could help that person become number one in the world!

But she also failed to get through it. She didn't think it was because she was not as good as Xie Linlang. It was probably because children's bodies were more tolerant than adults' bodies, so she wanted to find people from the same tribe and capture those little girls to do it. try.

But unfortunately, none of those children survived, and they all committed suicide in various ways.

She had no choice but to do the next best thing and ask Swamp King to help her improve Kuva.

The Swamp King succeeded, and now she also has a Dantian, but because it is not the full version of Kuva, the internal energy she can hold is limited, and the internal energy plundered from others will disappear over time.

However, through studying the Tianmai clan and Kuva, the Swamp King successively came up with the snail girl and the medicine to widen the energy veins, which helped her a lot.

But she is a greedy person, and she does not want to be compared to Xie Linlang, so even though she has Dantian, she is still trying the full version of Kuva.

(Explode, my little universe!)

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