The Cursed Ship

Chapter 473: Mouse Nest

Luo Funi activated the power of the earth, softened the rock layer on the surface of the giant rock snake, and then flowed under the snake, exposing the khaki snake scales.

She walked from the snake's head to the snake's tail, and then controlled the rock and soil next to it to move under the giant snake, lifting the snake's body out of the ground. When they returned to the snake head, the entire giant rock snake was completely presented in front of everyone. That dragon-like body made everyone speechless.

Alima simply checked her spell ability, and there was a trace of evil aura emanating from the snake body, and she said disappointedly: "It has been polluted and mutated by the power of demons, and the meat cannot be eaten!"

Seyulali extracted a bit of toxin from the two long and thick fangs, then stared at the fangs and shouted: "Luo Funi, these two fangs are grade eight materials, can you refine them into a long knife for me?"

"Let me see!" Luo Funi walked over to check for a while, and then pulled out the two fangs.

Zheng Yang sent his long sword, and a 40-meter-long flaming blade spread out, and he chopped it down with all his strength. With his strength close to Zhong Hai's seventh-level extraordinary strength, this sword only cut a third of it, and failed to cut off the giant rock snake.

He cut three more swords in a row, all at the same position, and only then cut off a 30-meter-long section of the snake's head. Since it cannot be sent back as a whole, it has to be sent in sections.

Snake blood flowed horizontally, and a heavier smell filled the canyon. Everyone frowned and didn't want to stay here anymore.

A few minutes later, Zheng Yang cut the Giant Rock Snake into more than 20 sections, put it on the beach with a curse chain, teleported it back to the beach one after another, and then led everyone back through the clouds.

Zheng Lin's boat is still evolving, and it is estimated that it will take half an hour to complete. Zheng Yang continued to pull up trees and process them into ship planks, while waiting for the test results of Ailima and Luo Funi.

"It is very rich in trace amounts of psionic minerals and psionic metals, more than ten times that of the deep sea evil!"

Twenty minutes later, Luo Funi made a list and said in surprise.

Some of these spiritual energy components have been extracted before, and some have not been obtained yet. She and Alima worked together to extract the new rare psionic components into specimens, so that Zheng Yang could intercept them during decomposition...

After lunch, a miniature giant rock snake was added to the contract monster team on the island. It is only more than a hundred meters long, and from time to time it activates its extraordinary ability to soften the mountain, and drills into the mountainside for deep exploration.

Zheng Lin's ship has completed its evolution, but the remaining psionic energy reserve is no longer enough for hull transformation. None of their ships entered the warp, and they followed the Golden Dragon and moved south.


In the blink of an eye, the fleet stayed for ten days beside the main island of Muse, and arrived at the southern tip of the island. It was just before lunch...

"hold head high……"

The two golden dragons uttered long dragon chants, and the sound spread tens of kilometers away.

There was a faint echo of rumbling thunder in the sky, and the birds and animals on the island were all startled and trembling.

A deeply hidden old tree, countless hanging tree vines turned into tentacles, a hideous strange face appeared on the tree, and it gave out a strange roar;

There are caves extending in all directions on the mountain and in the wilderness, and countless mutated giant rodents with blood-red eyes rushed out of the cave one after another...

Zheng Yang nodded in satisfaction. Although he hadn't found any treasure chests or encountered any monsters in the past ten days, he had gained a lot.

He practiced the vortex created by the water seal every day, comprehended the spells of the water attribute, successfully broke through the water seal to the intermediate level, and then transformed the seal ability into innate ability with the help of the power of the law in the god crystal.

Luo Funi analyzed a ground thorn seal, which was also mastered by him. In addition, it is to analyze the natural ability of Dragon Yin, and today it was successfully transplanted to the magic circle of the spirit boat, and transformed into a functional auxiliary circle.

The two golden dragons are no longer pure decorations, they have become devices for launching dragon chant.

During these ten days, Zheng Yang also learned some news about Protestantism through Lao Shi's passing on.

After the major forces dispatched most of the spirit ships above level 5 into the South China Sea to search for the god crystal,

Protestantism was suddenly in full swing. However, the exposure of the true identity of the evil spirit cult was due to Father Hua De's sudden attack on the island of Yanekhi to disrupt the initiation ceremony.

In fact, the Church of Tandin identified Protestantism as a cult only because of sectarian disputes. There was no evidence at all and they did not realize that Protestantism was a cult of evil spirits. Even the legend of the Evil Spirit Sect spread after Zheng Yang killed a sea scale worm last time, and the three major families were warned...

Let's say that at this time, there are two fourth-level spirit ships and two third-level spirit ships next to the Golden Dragon.

Zheng Lin's boat was also transformed into a dragon boat, 70 meters long. In his words, the spirit boats of his family will be shaped like dragon boats or phoenix boats in the future.

He planned to drive normally, so Zheng Yang used more than 400 square meters of transparent spirit gold to help him complete the extraordinary alloying, and use steel as the keel to strengthen the hull structure. What's more, the diving, wind control, temperature control, fog control, and cleaning magic circles accumulated in Zheng Yang's hands happened to be one each, and they had also been integrated into the spirit boat magic circle for him.

After all, it was his father. If it weren't for the transformation scroll left by his parents, he wouldn't have achieved what he is today. No matter how much the return is, it is still within the share.

Long Yin not only alarmed the creatures on the island, but also everyone on the ship ran to the deck to see what happened.

"What are you trying to do again? I thought there was a powerful evil spirit!" Shen Li asked in surprise.

"Simulated dragon chant, doesn't it look like it?"

"Why do you think dragons are called that?"

"I heard it in my dream!"

"Cut... But, it does sound like a magical majesty!"

Shen Li Shi Shiran entered the restaurant with everyone, with unconcealable joy on her face.

"Pregnant? So happy!" Zheng Yang looked at her face, and couldn't help saying meanly.

Shen Li was furious, rushed over and punched him a few times with her powder fist, then couldn't help but giggled and said: "My ship spirit has just been upgraded, and it will evolve into a fifth-level spirit ship in a while!"

"Help me pull up big trees in the afternoon to process the ship boards, and give me some steel, I want to expand the hull!"

Her hull has already been 30% super-alloyed, but once the hull is expanded, it will not reach 30% fusion, and steel still needs to be used as the keel and fixed boards.

"Understood!" Zheng Yang replied. He is not too fussy about this little favor.

At this moment, the contract monster team encountered a five-meter-long giant rat, and the two sides immediately started a hand-to-hand battle.

The rats squeaked loudly, calling for friends, their eyes were bloodshot and launched a siege. But their strength was only level five, and they couldn't even take a single blow in front of the knife mantis, so they were split in half.

"For a nest like this, there are often treasure chests in the lair." Zheng Yang paid attention to the battle.

Only eighty-three knife beetles can crush and slaughter these giant rats. Their speed is too fast, not only bouncing and moving fast, but also cutting their swords fast, like a peerless swordsman leaving afterimages on the wilderness. Even some thick trees were chopped off under the shadow of the knife, which can be called a super lawn mower.

Hundreds of giant rats were quickly slaughtered, and more giant rats came from all directions, and the wilderness was full of rat shadows.

Six crystal beetles joined the battle. They used their unicorns to fly giant rats away, and then easily tore them apart with their six hooked legs.

The giant rock snake swims from a distance, with its head raised high. It relies on the thick rock formations on its body to resist the gnawing of giant rats, like a rooster pecking at food. Every time it bites down, it can bite a giant rat, and its two thick and long fangs stab the giant rat. Wear it right, then swallow it whole.

Snakes eat mice, it is only right and proper...

Zheng Yang let out a sigh. He found that after the Giant Rock Snake devoured these giant rats, its size was getting bigger, and its strength was slowly recovering to its full eighth level.

"Reshaping the contracted monsters in a smaller version is just because they don't have enough energy. But they can eat by themselves, use their body functions to digest food to obtain energy, and return to their full glory before they were alive."

"However, this recovery method is too wasteful. Every evil corpse is a spiritual material!"

damn ship

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