The Cursed Ship

Chapter 490: 1 It Must Be My Eyesight

At 5 o'clock in the morning of the next day, the fog shrouded the Port of English. The Wilson couple and the chef team disembarked at the fishing port pier. The convoy to greet them had been waiting for half the night.

"Zheng Yang, how long do you plan to stay this time? We plan to go back to Huaxia's home for a few days to adjust!" Shen Li asked.

Zheng Yang thought for a while and said, "Let's make an initial decision for seven days, keep in touch!"

"Okay... By the way, let Nana sisters live on your boat for a few days. The situation at our house is quite special, and it is difficult to explain their identities when taking them back!"

"no problem!"

After sending Sister Nana to the Golden Dragon, Shen Li drove her Tianfeng to leave the fleet without saying a word.

She will enter the Mediterranean Sea from the Strait of Gibraltar, then take the Suez Canal, pass through the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean, and cross the Strait of Malacca to return to the South China Sea.

Ingili Branch of the Secret Service,

"The pier is foggy, is there something evil approaching? Tell everyone to gather at the pier!"

When Mishuzi, who replaced Luo Funi as the head of the sub-bureau, heard the news, he did not dare to neglect and responded positively.

It took only half an hour for Yingjili's official transcendents to gather at the pier, including Rich and other old acquaintances. They approached the beach to sense, and after a while, each of them looked puzzled.

The sky began to brighten, and it had been foggy for nearly an hour, but they couldn't sense any evil aura.

At this moment, the fog slowly dissipated, revealing the figures of two huge ships outside the fishing port wharf. A few transcendents almost stared away, let alone such a big sailboat, they never even thought about it.

Especially the Golden Dragon, with a hull more than 300 meters long and 80 meters wide, plus a mast and sails more than 30 meters high, it looks like a huge monster at first glance in the mist and morning light.

The fog hadn't completely dissipated, and the ship's side like a city wall and the resplendent palace buildings were faintly exposed, and the extraordinary people were even more stunned. Looking at the turrets on the ship again, they gasped.

Where did this super ship come from? It is so blatantly equipped with so many weapons, is it really good?

They walked slowly onto the fishing port pier and looked at the two big boats tens of meters away. The hull is always lingering with fog, looming, ethereal like an illusion.

This is obviously some kind of extraordinary method, and Mishutz and others can still accept it, but the size and shape of the hull are really a bit of an impact on them, so big that they dare not act rashly.

Luo Funi and Seyulali walked up to the fort slowly, looking at their former companions, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"Mishutz, Sareva, Rich, long time no see!" Luo Funi said to the Transcendent on the pier. In addition to these three acquaintances, there are five unfamiliar faces, who are superhumans dispatched from other branches after the reorganization of the Special Affairs Bureau.

"Lovni, Seyulali? It's you!" Sareva was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"It must be my eyes!" Rich rubbed his eyes, then looked at the two old colleagues and the majestic imperial city behind them.

Mishutz was also inexplicably shocked. He knew more inside information than his subordinates. There were rumors that the current patriarch of the Bourbon family and some members of the church had entered Bei'andi, and they were on the boat of Luo Funi, Zheng Yang and others. .

Seeing these two people now, the shock in Mishutz's heart is indescribable.

He considered his tone and said, "You... have returned from Bei'an?"

Luo Funi nodded and said: "Come back temporarily, and leave after picking up the person. Go back, there is no evil!"

Mishutz was silent for a while, and then said: "So, let's close the team first!"

He waved to the team members, turned and left first. Sareva and Rich were still dazed until this moment, and turned their heads frequently when they left.

Just a few hundred meters away from the pier, Mishutz immediately reported the matter to the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau.

The return of ships able to enter and leave North Andy is no small matter.

The decision-making committee at the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau is chaired by Celuya, a level-six transcendent. When he heard the news, he immediately convened several decision-making committee members to discuss.

"We should seize that boat first, and bring them back to the headquarters to interrogate all the details!" An old man said seriously.

"It's not good to directly create and intensify conflicts. I remember that they are still members of the free sequence of the Special Affairs Bureau. I can ask them to cooperate and provide some information." Another member said.

Others nodded their heads in agreement. Since they have the ability to enter and leave Bei'an, it is not easy to deal with it, and they should adopt gentle measures. Moreover, it was not difficult for them to find out that Pei Shida's disappearance happened after he went to hunt down Zheng Yang.

The old man said just now: "It's not anymore!"

Everyone looked at him with unfriendly eyes.

The person said: "In the last reorganization, all members who have been absent for a long time and cannot be contacted have been cleared out. This is the rule that everyone made together!"

"..." Several committee members felt a little bit pained. They didn't consider Zheng Yang's special situation at all. Who would have thought that they would come back?

Seluya tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said: "Contact them first, maybe we can lower our profile and visit this mysterious Mr. Zheng Yang. I suspect that he is originally from Bei'andi .”


In Port English, Weiya and Linda walked out of the cheap apartment dragging two large suitcases.

I heard that this vacation will take a long time. They brought almost everything they could not move, including the mobile shop to a few friends who also came out of the orphanage, and then the house return.

They are not willing to pay the rent for several months or even years in vain if they don't live for a long time.

At the door of the apartment, a young man who cut off his left earring stopped the two of them, his face full of shock:

"Are you really going on vacation? Wei Ya, you shouldn't trust anyone. Maybe someone wants to trick you into getting on the boat. After you get on the boat, you will find that everything will be different."

Wei Ya pushed the young man away: "Go away, Keen, Arima won't lie to me, you bastard will, don't think I don't know what you're up to."

"Alima, that female doctor?" Keane rolled his eyes and said beside him: "Weiya, listen to me, my uncle told me that Alima's clinic closed down and she filed for bankruptcy, so it must be I’m lying to you. You want to go on vacation, I’ll take you to the Royal Cruises, I’ve already asked my uncle to help book the tickets, I’ll have news soon!”

"Shut up, how could the clinic go bankrupt? It's even more impossible for Alima to go bankrupt!" Wei Ya became angry, her beautiful face flushed.

Keane stared straight, swallowed subconsciously, and said: "I'm really already booking a ticket, Royal Cruises, what other ship can be more luxurious than it? Believe me, you go to Alima The ship will definitely regret it, it must be a broken ship, and there is no ship that can compare with the Royal Cruises."

He tried to reach out to snatch Wei Ya's suitcase, and Linda next to him raised her fist and warned: "Believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Keane shrank his neck instinctively, scolded the crazy woman in his heart, and dared not do anything again. He has been beaten by Linda several times, and he knows that this man is not to be messed with.

But he still followed, trying to persuade Wei Ya. The two girls ignored him at all, and dragged their big suitcases to the pier.

The journey is a bit long, and their suitcases are heavy. When they came to the pier area out of breath, it was already more than forty minutes later.

Keane was still chattering, when he suddenly noticed that the two girls were motionless, staring blankly at the pier.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, his eyes straightened immediately, and murmured: "Damn..."

damn ship

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