The Cursed Ship

Chapter 637: Divine Crystal Exposure

"Maybe one day, it will really be broken through by the power of demons!"

Everyone lay down neatly on the side of the ship and looked at the altar below, Saiulali said with some concern.

"Unless something unexpected happens, it's unlikely to be broken through!" Lilian's voice came from above.

She actually teleported directly from the open sea to her own ship. She just flew over a few kilometers away and landed on the transparent deck of Tiangong-1. Zheng Yang almost blurted out: What are you doing here?

"I came here to prune the spiritual grapes, and I can go back to your boat when it's over!" Lilian took the initiative to explain.

The girls didn't take it seriously, thinking that she clearly wanted to come to get close to their husbands.

Isn't it easy for her to come and prune the grapes? It is not as difficult as she said at the beginning. First send a sixth-level pseudo-spiritual ship over, then go there to finish trimming, and then drive the pseudo-spiritual ship back... So, everything is an excuse.

"Lilian, is it true that your psychic grapes can't be propagated by cuttings? I want to try, maybe I can take cuttings after communicating with Eva, and with the breath of the forest, it is theoretically possible to succeed!" Ai Lima looked at her and said.

"Okay, I'll take you there in a while!"

Lilian was connected to the lower deck, looked down at the altar with everyone, and continued:

"It has been quiet for more than half a year, and it has become active again in the past three months. However, judging from the frequency and the psionic energy consumption on our ship, the sealing circle is still very strong, at least it will not be broken through due to insufficient energy."

"Will the altar be covered with various alchemy components like a teleportation array? How many alchemy components must there be for such a large altar!" Luo Funi's eyes were burning, and she seemed to be about to lose control of her hands, as if she wanted to dismantle the alchemy. Open the altar for research.

Lilian's face changed: "Don't mess around, do you want to be punished by being banned by the gods like us?"

Zheng Yang said without much thought: "From the broken pillar at that time, there are no alchemy components inside, so there should be no alchemy components under the altar. It is likely to be a magic circle built purely in the form of spells, and the altar is only its carrier. "

"It makes sense..." Lilian suddenly turned around and stared at him: "How do you know the situation when we shattered the pillar?"

Bad things are about to be exposed...

Zheng Yang looked calm, but he still tried to argue, and said, "Lucy can control some evil creatures, you saw it last time when you opened up wasteland in Nanye!"

Lucy gave him a suspicious look.

I faintly feel that I have been dumped by this guy, and it must have been more than once.

"Those knife beetles... I understand, you still control the crystal beetles, but you stole the god crystal! Ahhh..."

Lilian went crazy, threw Zheng Yang to the ground and beat him hard: "It's so annoying, take away our god crystal face to face, otherwise even if we will still be blocked in cultivation, at least the spirit ship will not be detained it's here."

The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, her eyes turned red, and she pursed her lips and glared at Zheng Yang angrily.

Zheng Yang looked at the wives in embarrassment, hoping that they would come to rescue them.

However, the daughters-in-law turned their heads away and pretended not to see it. Such an embarrassing thing, how do you let us solve it?

Zheng Yang was speechless.

Damn, someone rides your husband, hey, hey, they are indifferent, so should I change places?

He folded his hands as a bachelor and asked, "Lilian, if you were in my place at that time, would you grab it?"

"Nonsense, of course!" Lilian sniffled, stood up and said, "Where is Shenjing, can you let me understand."

The cultivation base is banned, but it cannot be broken through, and it does not affect the law of perception.

The last time the laws collided, she had been comprehended for several days in a row, and she had benefited a lot. If she continues to accumulate enough insights and unblocks her in the future, her cultivation will skyrocket and she will become an apostle.

"There is only one piece of fire attribute and one piece of wind attribute!" Zheng Yang got up, patted his buttocks and said.

"My extraordinary ability is the large cutting technique, and the wind element is of great reference value!" Lilian calmed down and did not inquire about the whereabouts of the other four divine crystals.

Zheng Yang said courteously: "The fire element also has a reference value. The flame cutter is so powerful... If it is taken out here, will it cause anything? For example, the detection of a certain god."

Lilian thought about it seriously, and said, "Let's take it out after leaving here!"

The two returned to the side of the ship and continued to look at the vision on the altar below. Zheng Yang put his arms around Luo Funi, and secretly punished her for "doing nothing". Luo Funi gave him a blank look: Don't get cheap and act like a good boy...

"The changes in those mantras contain part of the chaotic inversion process. The perception environment here is actually no less than the last law collision. Lilian, your perception here may be more effective than using the god crystal!" Zheng Yang looked at it for a while, and suddenly said in amazement.

Everyone's spirits were shaken, and they were about to try to communicate with the world of laws.

"Wait, let me see if it's safe!" Zheng Yang stopped them, then closed his eyes and tried to communicate with the world of laws.

It turned out that he was thinking too much. The operation of this magic circle could not make the surrounding law world active. He could barely enter the law world by virtue of the advantage of the chaotic world. It is estimated that it would be difficult for others to sense the existence of the law world.

That is to say, there is chaotic evolution in his mind and source of power all the time, so he can see some clues by watching the operation of the magic circle with the naked eye. Others can only see various visions and complex mantra changes, but they can't grasp the rules at all, so they can't talk about comprehension.

The evolution ability of the chaotic world is simulated by continuously capturing the changes in the incantations in front of him, allowing Zheng Yang to see a little bit of the law. With his mind, he approached the magic circle cautiously, sensing its running aura. The chaotic world in Chaos Thorn Dragon's body is also fluctuating with the fluctuation of the aura of the magic circle, and all kinds of evolution seem to be simulating the operation of the sealing magic circle.

"It's too dangerous to have the power of demons!" Zheng Yang felt it for a while, then withdrew from the world of laws, and said to everyone:

"The law world has not become active due to the operation of the magic circle. Can you try to sense the existence of the law world? If you can sense it, don't rush to approach the magic circle, and feel it by sensing its energy fluctuations from afar. Law changes nearby."

Everyone tried as they said, and shook their heads after a long while. Even Lilian said that she couldn't sense the world of laws.

"I've been here for a while, please be careful!" After Zheng Yang finished speaking, the bow of Tiangong No. 1 was facing the altar, and he ran to the fort to escape into the world of laws again.

Everyone got tired of watching it for a while, and started to go about their own business.

Alima and Eva followed Lilian to her spirit ship to study the feasibility of psionic grape cuttings propagation; Luo Funi and Seyulari also went back to continue their new research. These two really became scientific researchers. madman.

Shen Li counted her fingers and found that there was still a treasure chest on the island, so Lucy flew to find the treasure...

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