The Cursed Ship

Chapter 720: Related to the Goddess of Fate

, Ship of the Damned

Zheng Yang was "escorted" to the barracks by the scouts. They walked through the small formations formed by each team, and each formation had the breath of an apostle junior. Those people stared at Zheng Yang with menacing eyes.

In the center of the barracks, there is a domed building about 80 meters high. When Zheng Yang saw the canvas roof, he judged that it was transformed from a fifth-level spirit ship, which is the so-called transformation house. On this continent, they are mostly used as portable buildings, just like the Bull Demon Kings transformed them into forts, adapting to local conditions.

"Please report to the Legion Commander, we have caught a suspicious person!" The scout captain said to the guard at the door.

These guards are all Transcendent level nine, and there are fifteen mid-level apostles and two high-level apostles in the building. The lineup is luxurious.

A young man with a slightly feminine appearance stepped out of the dome, who was one of the two high-ranking apostles. He stared at Zheng Yang for a moment, and said, "Have you checked the nature of his power? Have you ever had an interrogation?"

"The nature of the power has not been checked yet. My lord, he said that he came from Sifang City, about 600 kilometers away to the east, and was exploring natural resources nearby. But I remember that the city he mentioned was not on the map, so I brought it here as soon as I caught it!"

Zheng Yang was tired of hearing it, so he kept calling, he came here voluntarily, okay...

The head of the legion showed dissatisfaction, and said: "Since we know that he is lying, just kill him directly, what's the matter?"

Zheng Yang was speechless, saying that a person is born from the heart, this man with hairy hair does not look like a good person, he really has a vicious heart, and kills innocent people at every turn. He was about to crush this bullshit regiment commander to death when another senior apostle's voice came from the room, saying:

"First verify the nature of his power, and then send someone to the east to verify whether there is a Sifang City!"

As the source of the sound approached, a tall man with many wrinkles on his forehead came out. He was wearing the specific attire of the Odin religion, holding a thick and long staff that was the same height as him. The staff was made of unknown material, and the whole body was blue.

"Lord Cardinal, even if the nature of his power does not contain demon energy, it does not mean that he is not a spy of the demon clan. Some people will become lackeys of the demon clan because their close relatives are kidnapped." Said the head of the Yinrou army.

Zheng Yang felt that it was necessary to get rid of this diaper, not to vent his anger on himself, purely to reduce the number of innocent people killed by his hands in the future. It is not a pity to die for such a guy who wants to kill indiscriminately. But this cardinal of the Odin religion changed Zheng Yang's view of the Odin religion. It can only be said that the forest is big, and there are good birds and bad birds.

The cardinal is responsible for coordinating the operations of the legions in various cities in the legion, and has the supreme right to make a decision. He calmly glanced at the head of the legion, turned to Zheng Yang and said, "What's your name? Mobilize your strength to prove that you are not Demon!"

"David!" Zheng Yang mobilized the chaotic energy to evolve an eighth-level thunder and lightning psionic energy, which turned into a bright arc at his fingertips.

The cardinal nodded: "Okay, Bania, you go to the east for six hundred kilometers to check and verify Sifang City."

A middle-level apostle in the room responded, and directly cast the law of escape to leave. At the speed of a mid-level apostle, it takes only a few seconds to go back and forth for 600 kilometers. So in Zheng Yang's perception, the mid-level apostle soon appeared near Sifang City.

He mobilized the perspective of the strange eye, and saw a young man in armor appearing in the air.

"There really is a square city. Hey... this small city is not simple!" Bania was instantly attracted by the four towers. He looked at it for a moment, and then appeared in the square in front of the mansion, intending to inquire further information.

"My lord, I am Blair, assistant to the acting lord of Sifang City,

May I ask why you came to Sifang City? Mrs. Blair was teleported by Zheng Yang to the inside of the gate of the Santo's Mansion, and she went out to look at Bania and asked.

Bania looked up at the four towering spiers, feeling a sense of incomprehensibility. According to his knowledge, it seems that there is no such towering and magnificent building in the entire Pala continent. It's not that it can't be built. With the power mastered by extraordinary humans, no matter how exaggerated a building can be built, it's just that there is no such demand, so no one designs and builds it.

He instinctively smacked his lips and said, "I am Cardinal Antonio's head of guard - Bania. We met a young man named David more than 600 kilometers to the west, so we came to check the situation."

"It turned out to be Mr. Bania! David was sent by us to explore natural resources. I hope I didn't cause trouble to you."

Barnia thought to himself, we are not in trouble, it is your David who is in trouble! He couldn't help but looked up at the four towers again. This was a subconscious reaction that anyone would have. The aura was there.

"Since David is indeed from Sifang City, there is no problem!" Barnia nodded, and before Blair could respond, he flew into the air, took out the communication ball and sent a real-time video communication request to Antonio.

A few seconds later, the image of Antonio appeared on the communication ball, and his background was the transformation dome.

"Lord Cardinal, the situation has been verified. He was indeed sent by Sifang City to investigate natural resources. However, my subordinates have found something surprising in Sifang City. Please see..." Banya held the communication ball in the air with a force field , panoramic intake.

On the other side of the barracks, the panorama of Sifang City appeared on Antonio's communication ball, including the picture of Bania hanging in the air.

"Oh...?" The cardinal asked with surprise on his face, carefully looked at the four towers on the image, nodded and said, "I saw it, come back!"

Then he looked at Zheng Yang and asked, "What is the reason for your Sifang City to build such four towers?"

Zheng Yang pulled the tiger's skin and said, "Sifang City is related to the goddess of fate. The owner of the city is named Xuansa, who is appointed by the goddess of fate. The four towers belong to the other four goddesses, and they are the sisters of the goddess of fate! "

Antonio's expression became serious. Like Johnson, he also thought that the Goddess of Fate mentioned by Zheng Yang meant Norns. That is the absolute neutral God of Chaos, who follows the ancient law of life to control the fate of the gods, and no one dares to offend her.

"Goddess of Destiny built such a square city and supported a city lord named Xuansa. Did she intend to intervene in the competition for Xuansa's great world? Or did she have other meanings?" Antonio pondered.


"He used my name to bluff again!" Noens, in the girl form of the Goddess of Destiny Realm, said with a twitch.

Shen Li hugged the teacher affectionately and said with a smile: "He is using the name of my future, it's just that others don't understand."

"No, he is misleading on purpose. As long as others think he is talking about me, he will use my name!" Knowns was not so easy to fool, and said with deep eyes: "He said that Sifang City has something to do with me, teacher. , are you going to give me a part of the ownership?"

"Yes, teacher, if you become his woman, you will naturally be able to share the shares... Ah, I know I'm wrong..."

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